Resources for directed learning about AI

The purpose of this guide: Provides links to readings, video, audio, and infographics to encourage directed learning about generative AI in the context of higher ed. The guide was published on July 26, 2023 and will accumulate based on feedback from faculty and other readers at Lehigh. If you'd like to see something added to this page you can edit the page yourself or make a comment.

*Please comment if you'd like to have your Lehigh syllabus statement on AI posted to this guide.

Sample syllabus statements

LU Syllabus Template, Lehigh's Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning, updated with a section on Generative AI for Fall 2023.

Boris Steipe et al., The Sentient Syllabus Project: Charting a Course for the Academy in an Era of Synthesized Thought, founded December 2022. The project's website, print materials, and Substack includes guides for understanding AI issues, sample text for a syllabus, and course activities involving AI.

"Classroom Policies for AI Generative Tools," a crowdsourced Google Doc organized by Lance Eaton, Director of Digital Pedagogy at College Unbound, Providence, RI.

Tracy Mendolia-Moore, Manager of 3D Educational Technology Innovations at the Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning, Western University of Health Sciences, "University Policies on Generative AI." A collection of university policies and websites. 

Proposed Harvard AI Code of Conduct, from Harvard and FU Berlin's metaLAB. A collaborative effort from Harvard College Students and Teaching Fellows in Creativity (Gen Ed 1067) (Spring 2023), David Atherton, Sarah Newman, and Kathleen Esfahany.


Ideas for class activities 

Case Study PDFs from The Princeton Dialogues on AI and Ethics. "A set of fictional case studies that are designed to prompt reflection and discussion about issues at the intersection of AI and Ethics."

"Exploring AI Pedagogy: A Community Collection of Teaching Reflections." An initiative of the MLA-CCCC Joint Task Force on AI and Writing.

A People’s Guide to AI, Mimi Onuoha and Diana Nucera (aka Mother Cyborg). A zine published by Allied Media Projects in October 2018. With worksheets and questions to get a classroom thinking and talking with one another.

AI Starter from the AI Pedagogy Project, Harvard and FU Berlin's metaLAB. Including a list of class assignment involving AI.

Resources from We and AI, featuring "Inclusive ways of helping people access relevant information about AI." Including a Race and AI Toolkit, an AI Quiz, and podcast episodes. 

Ethan R. Mollick and Lilach Mollick, "Assigning AI: Seven Approaches for Students, with Prompts," SSRN Electronic Journal (June 2023): 1-48.

Tim Laquintano, Carly Schnitzler, and Annette Vee, “Introduction to teaching with text generation technologies,” in Annette Vee, Tim Laquinto, and Carly Schnitzler, eds., TextGenEd: Teaching with Text Generation Technologies (The WAC Clearinghouse) (2023). Scroll all the way to bottom of the landing page for groupings of student activities for "AI Literacy," "Creative Explorations," "Ethical Considerations," "Professional Writing," "Rhetorical Engagements," and "Continuing Experiments."

Civics of Technology Curriculum. Including "Critical Questions about Technology," "Technology Education Intro Activities," "Unfolding a Smartphone," "Mapping the Media Education Terrain," "Technoethical Integration," and "Critical Digital Citizenship."

"101 Creative Ideas to Use AI in Education," edited by Chrissi Nerantzi, Sandra Abegglen, Marianna Karatsiori, and Antonio Martinez-Arboleda. An open access book.

Learn with AI toolkit, a project of the University of Maine's Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning and UMaine's New Media major.

Boris Steipe et al., The Sentient Syllabus Project: Charting a Course for the Academy in an Era of Synthesized Thought, founded December 2022. The project's website includes course activities involving AI.

Have students complete a learning course in Datacamp. Examples include "Introduction to ChatGPT," "Understanding Artificial Intelligence," "Large Language Models (LLMs) Concepts," and "Generative AI Concepts." You have access to courses in Datacamp as a Lehigh employee. From the Datacamp landing page, you DO NOT need to "Create Your Free Account," even if this is the first time that you've accessed the platform. Instead, go straight to "Sign in" at the top right and type in your full Lehigh email email address. The system will bounce you to Lehigh's SSO and you'll be ready to learn!

Use an infographic to prompt classroom conversation. Examples from the European Network for Academic Integrity, an EDUCAUSE Review on "Artificial Intelligence: Where Are We Now?", and the 2023 AI Index Report from Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence at Stanford University can be found in this Lehigh Confluence guide.


Dylan Doyle-Burke and Jessie J. Smith, Radical AI podcast, aired from March 2020–August 2023.

Coded Bias, a Shalini Kantayya film (2020), streaming on Netflix. "This documentary investigates the bias in algorithms after M.I.T. Media Lab researcher Joy Buolamwini uncovered flaws in facial recognition technology."


The language of AI and AI primers. Start here if you are beginning your learning!

AI Starter from the AI Pedagogy Project, Harvard and FU Berlin's metaLAB. "What is AI?" "The Basics of Generative AI: Large Language Models." "Incorporating AI Into Your Teaching." "Glossary"

Ethan Mollick and Lilach Mollick, "Practical AI for Instructors and Students, Parts 1-5," University of Pennsylvania, Wharton Interactive, published July and August, 2023.

Visual Storytelling Team and Madhumita Murgia, "Generative AI exists because of the transformer," Financial Times, published September 12, 2023.

Timothy B. Lee and Sean Trott, "Large language models, explained with a minimum of math and jargon," Understanding AI Substack, published July 27, 2023.

Glossary of AI-related terms developed by Future Tools.

Pati Ruiz and Judi Fusco, “Glossary of Artificial Intelligence Terms for Educators,” from the Center for Integrative Research in Computing and Learning Sciences, 2023.

Marko Sillanpaa, et al., "Glossary of Terms for Generative AI and Large Language Models," Gartner, published July 5, 2023.

Generative AI Overview from Lehigh's Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning, published August 23, 2023.

Brian Basgen, "A Generative AI Primer," EDUCAUSE, published August 15, 2023.

Will Thompson, “What We Know About LLMs (Primer),” published July 23, 2023.


A landscape of AI-powered tools and AI news aggregators

A filtered search developed by Future Tools for third-party, AI-powered apps, both free and premium.

There's An AI for That. A searchable AI-powered tools aggregator.

A news reel created by Future Tools that provides links to recent AI news.

"AI, algorithmic, and automation incidents and controversies," AIAAIC (AI, Algorithmic, and Automation Incidents and Controversies). Also the entire repository.

The New York Times spotlight series on AI.


Early data

Eugenie Park and Risa Gelles-Watnick, "Most Americans haven't used ChatGPT; few think it will have a major impact on their job," Pew Research Center, August 28, 2023.

Mubin Ul Haque, et al., "'I think this is the most disruptive technology': Exploring Sentiments of ChatGPT Early Adopters using Twitter Data," preprint, published December 12, 2022.

Nestor Maslej, et al., “The AI Index 2023 Annual Report,” AI Index Steering Committee, Institute for Human-Centered AI, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, April 2023.

See the "Top Ten Takeaways" and "Report Highlights" within the first 20 pages. Chapter 5 focuses on education.

"100 Year Study on AI," Stanford University, September 2021. 

"The One Hundred Year Study of Artificial Intelligence (AI100) is a longitudinal study to study and anticipate how the effects of artificial intelligence will ripple through every aspect of how people work, live and play. It is administered out of Stanford University and managed by a Standing Committee of AI experts from institutions around the world, chaired by Vincent Conitzer at Carnegie Mellon University."

Reza Hadi Mogavi, et al., "Exploring user perspectives on ChatGPT: Applications, perceptions, and implications for AI-integrated education," published June 2023. Preprint.

"Qualitative content analysis of four major social media platforms (Twitter, Reddit, YouTube, and LinkedIn) to explore the user experience (UX) and perspectives of early adopters toward ChatGPT-an AI Chatbot technology-in various education sectors."

Edward W. Felten, Manav Raj, and Robert Seamans, "How will Language Modelers like ChatGPT Affect Occupations and Industries?," SSRN Electronic Journal (March 2023): 1-36.

Hans Malmström, Christian Stöhr, and Wanyu Ou, "Chatbots and other AI for learning: A survey of use and views among university students in Sweden," Chalmers Studies in Communication and Learning in Higher Education 2023, no. 1: 1-19.

Avi Goldfarb, Bledi Taska, and Florenta Teodoridis, "Artificial Intelligence in Health Care? Evidence from Online Job Postings," AEA (American Economic Association) Papers and Proceedings 110 (May 2020): 400-404.


Student voices 

Cecilia Ka Yuk Chan and Wenjie Hu, "Students' voices on generative AI: perceptions, benefits, and challenges in higher education," International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education 20, no. 43 (2023): 1-18.

Student-generated webinars on AI, University of Kent, United Kingdom. Published April 27, 2023 and last updated July 31, 2023.

 "The Implications of Generative AI for Teaching and Learning at Lehigh," recording of a panel discussion featuring Lehigh students, faculty, and staff offered by The Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning on March 24, 2023.

Student poster presentations on AI from Dr. Greg Reihman's Philosophy and Technology course at Lehigh, Spring 2023.

Owen Kichizo Terry, "I'm a Student. You Have No Idea How Much We're Using ChatGPT," The Chronicle of Higher Education, May 12, 2023.

Marie Hornberger, Arne Bewersdorff, and Claudia Nerdel, "What do university students know about Artificial Intelligence? Development and validation of an AI literacy test," Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence 5 (2023): 1-12.

Marieke Guy, coverage of a student "AI Assessment Hackathon" in June 2023, organized by a team of academic staff from the Faculty of Medical Sciences and the Institute of Education (IOE), University College London, London.

Ali Darvishi, et. al, "Impact of AI assistance on student agency," Computers & Education 210 (March 2024): 1-18.
