Access the New York Times Online

Access the New York Times Online

Lehigh students, faculty, and staff can enjoy full online access to the New York Times courtesy of the Lehigh Libraries. Full-text of this publication is available via www.nytimes.com and through the mobile app.

  • ON-CAMPUS: If your are on Lehigh's network, you can get full online access by navigating directly to www.nytimes.com.
  • OFF-CAMPUS (without Academic Pass): If you are off campus and have not activated your Academic Pass, you must first connect to Lehigh's VPN before navigating to www.nytimes.com for full online access. IMPORTANT: Select LIBRARY/INTERNATIONAL from the dropdown menu prior to connecting. More info...
  • FROM ANYWHERE ON ANY DEVICE: If you wish to access the New York Times from anywhere off-campus WITHOUT using the VPN, or via the NYT App, you must first complete a one-time registration to activate your Academic Pass. To activate your pass, follow the instructions below. You must connect to the VPN the first time you create your account; after that, you will not need the VPN to sign in to the NYT website or mobile app. The pass must be renewed every 4 years. 
  • Lehigh's subscription also includes access to Games. For Games setup, follow the instructions at the bottom of this page. 
  • For ANNUAL RENEWALS, please follow these steps:
    1. Navigate to accessnyt.com
    2. Search for / Select Lehigh University
    3. If on campus click here; if off-campus click Go and log in using your Lehigh credentials
    4. You will be redirected to the NYT welcome page. Click "Already have an account? Log in here"
    5. Log in with your existing NYT username / password


Create your Academic Pass 

1.  Connect to Lehigh's VPN. Go to NYTimes.com/GroupPass. Click "Create Account" on the welcome page.

2.  Create a NYTimes.com account using your Lehigh email address. You must use your Lehigh email address. It is recommended that you create a password different from your regular Lehigh account password as the two are not connected. 

3.  Select your role at Lehigh. If you are a student, you will also be required to enter your graduation year and an alternate email address. Next, click "Sign Up". 

4.  You will receive a message letting you know that your Group Pass has been activated. You can now access the nytimes.com using your Group Pass account credentials from any location outside Lehigh's network (including via eligible apps). Your pass is active for 4 years. After 4 years, you may renew it. 

NY Times Games 

Based on feedback from the Student Library Advisory Board, the Lehigh Libraries are excited to provide active students, faculty and staff access to the Games add-on for The New York Times. The Games add-on includes access to the Crossword (including an archive), SpellingBee, LetterBoxed, Tiles, Vertex, and Sudoku. These games can be accessed from www.nytimes.com or the NYT Games app

To activate your access, please visit this site:

Please do not share this link with anyone outside of Lehigh University. You may also use the QR code below. 

Note that you will need to log in to, or create, an account using your @lehigh.edu email address.

For instructions on accessing news content from The New York Times, please see this help documentation.

Please contact the LTS Help Desk with any questions. Contact options are available at lehigh.edu/help.


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