Step Ten: Conduct an Early-Course Assessment and Adjust

In the fourth/fifth week of fall semester, the university will distribute a centralized early-semester feedback survey to help instructors make informed mid-course corrections, if necessary. 

Instructors are encouraged to review this input and make adjustments to their online course materials, activities, or approaches.  

Here are some resources for those looking for help interpreting results or making mid-course corrections, 

From the Provost's Office 9/16/2020 Email: "This information is for you as the instructor, and since department chairs are responsible for oversight of courses, it will also be shared with your department chair. We want to stress that we know that we are taking an early snapshot, and this is for course development, not course evaluation. You can see the assessment tool here. [...] The Office of Institutional Research and Strategic Analytics, which will be conducting the assessment, will not share course-level information with the provost’s office, but share information that has been aggregated across courses. None of the information gathered will be used in performance reviews or in promotion, tenure, or reappointment cases. OIRSA will be using the same tool – EvaluationKit – to conduct this assessment as is used for end-of-term course evaluations, but the results will be kept separate and will not be added to Lyterati or mingled in any way with course evaluation data.

Instructors may wish to conduct their own surveys to get more specific feedback from students (sample questionssample Google form survey.).

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