Preparing to Teach Online: Additional Lehigh Resources
Getting started with Course Site and most common tasks everyone should know about
Discussion-based Online Classes - Sample Weekly Workflow for Instructors and Students
Lecture-style Online Classes - Sample Weekly Workflow for Instructors and Students
Consider creating an “Introductions” Discussion Forum in which students can post a virtual introduction about themselves. Kick it off with a self introduction and ask specific questions for students to address in their response.
Remind students that they can set up their own Zoom sessions to hold study sessions, collaborate on homework or projects, etc.
Accessing to library resources: / (Library website has links to Library Catalog, databases, E-Journals, and other resources)
Students and Faculty will be using EZproxy to authenticate and access electronic resources off-campus
Library Instruction and Research Services: Librarians will be able to provide online assistance with research and instruction questions using online chat, zoom, or email.
G-Suite tools for collaboration
Google hangouts/chat (enable in Gear icon, settings)
Select articles on moving online in emergency situations
(Is this section still relevant?)
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