Step Four: Post Course Materials

If students are relying on you for access to course documents, readings, etc., prepare now to get those materials into a digital format.

In an online environment, instructors have multiple ways of sharing course materials with students, but the simplest approach is to upload documents, create links to web resources in Course Site, or create a Perusall assignment.

First Steps: Review your syllabus and set a timeline for your readings, policies, due dates, assignments, etc.  Now may be a good time to revisit your Course Objectives to ensure that course readings, assignments, lecture plans, and assessment align with those objectives.

A caveat: It is tempting to add additional work when moving a class online in part because it is relative easy for the instructor for the instructor to do so--it is only a matter of adding assignments--and in part because it can be difficult to gauge student workload. Double check your reading assignments and coursework to make sure it is not becoming unreasonable and set a reminder to solicit student feedback on the workload. 

When you have finished, post your syllabus online, under the Announcements link at the top of your Course Site main page.

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