Install and Configure Remote Desktop Connection in macOS

Install and Configure Remote Desktop Connection in macOS

Remote Desktop Connection is Microsoft's client for accessing their built-in screen sharing.  The Mac version can be obtained at Lehigh in a couple of ways.  These instructions detail installing this program and configuring it to connect to a desired Windows PC desktop.

1.  For Lehigh-owned Macs that have been enrolled in Jamf, LTS's management framework for Macs, you can navigate  to the 'Applications' directory on your hard disk, and open 'Jamf Pro Self Service'

2.  In Jamf Pro Self Service, click on the 'Install' button under Microsoft Remote Desktop

3.  For personally-owned Macs, open the App Store, search for 'Microsoft Remote Desktop 10', and click the download button. 

4.  Once it's installed, the button in either Jamf Pro Self Service or the App Store will change to a button that says either 'Run' or 'Open'.  Clicking that should open the program.  You should also be able to find it in your 'Applications' folder, and double-click.  

After deciding on whether to give the program access to your microphone and camera, you'll see the main screen.

Click 'Add Desktop', or click the '+' button in the window's toolbar, and select 'Desktop'.

5.  in the 'Add a Desktop' window, enter the Windows PC's network name or IP address in the 'PC Name' box.  Optionally, enter a 'Friendly Name' that may differentiate this entry more clearly.

6.  Click on the 'Display' tab to check the window preferences for this connection.  Note that you can specify a screen resolution with the pull-down, have the session use your system's full screen, or fit the session into a window.  When satisfied, click 'Add'

7.  From the main Remote Desktop window, double-click on your entry to start the remote connection.  When asked, enter your Lehigh username and password, and click 'Continue'.

8.  Since most Lehigh desktops do not have their own certificates, you'll receive a warning that the  machine's identity hasn't been certified.  Click 'Continue'.

9.  On Windows desktops, only one user can access the screen at a time.  If another user is logged in when you attempt to connect, they'll see a message indicating you want to connect.  If you're an administrator on the machine, you'll be asked if you want to connect anyway, and if you do, the screen in front of them will switch to the login screen.  LTS recommends politeness.

10.  In remote sessions on Windows, you can either 'Sign Out' or 'Disconnect'.  

The 'Disconnect' command is available from the 'Power Button' menu, and 'Sign Out' is available from the 'Profile' menu.  

Disconnect leaves your session logged in, and any programs you leave running continue to run after you disconnect.  You can re-connect later if desired.  

'Sign Out' actually closes down all of your running programs and processes, and logs you off of the computer.

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