Enable and Configure Remote Desktop Access in Windows 10

Accessing a computer's desktop from another computer can be very handy.  The steps below enable this built-in feature of windows from the machine you wish to access. You'll need to have administrative rights on the machine to alter this setting.

See 'Remote Access to your Office Computer' for the full procedure.

1. Click 'Start', and then click 'Settings' (the 'gear' icon), and in the resulting window, click 'System'

start settings system

2.  In the 'System' settings pane, click on the 'Remote Desktop' tab (you may need to expand the window or scroll to see it).  On the right-hand side of the window, make sure that the 'Enable Remote Desktop' slider is in the 'On' position by clicking on it.  

enable remote desktop option

3.  Click 'Confirm' if asked.

Confirm enable remote desktop

4.  By default, only users with administrative rights on the system can connect to it remotely.  If you need to add other users, click the 'Select Users that can remotely access this PC' link in the 'Remote Desktop' pane, and then click 'Add'.

5.  Enter the Lehigh username for the non-admin user you want to have access, and click 'OK'.  They should appear in the 'Remote Desktop Users' window.

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