Retiring From Lehigh

Retiring from any job can be a complicated process, especially when it comes to your virtual and electronic property.  Luckily Lehigh has the tools and procedures that make this process as simple and painless as possible.  Whether you're concerned with saving your emails and files, how to keep your electronic devices, or how to transfer needed items to your coworkers, the information below can answer any questions you have (and maybe a few you didn't think about!).  More information is available on the main LTS page on the topic.

What Happens to My Lehigh Account?

As a retiree, you retain your Lehigh userid and many of the privileges that go along with it.  You retain your email account, H: Drive access, library services access, and VPN access. You lose access to any departmental I: Drive accounts, Argos, and Banner. You also keep your Lehigh ID card and access to buildings such as Taylor Gymnasium, though you may lose swipe access to areas that were related to your former work.

What Happens to My Email Account?

You retain full access to your email account.  If you wish to transition out of your lehigh email, you may request that your account be closed or you can set up a permanent out of office message that will tell anyone emailing your address that you moved to a new email.

What Happens to My Office365/OneDrive Account?

Retirees will retain access to the Office365 software, as well as their OneDrive account.

What Happens to My Course Site Courses?

After retiring, you will lose access to Course Site and with that admin privileges to any courses you have built. If you want to retain any content that you have added to your courses, please make sure you save that content to your Google Drive or H: Drive.

What Happens to My Wordpress Website?

After retiring, you will lose access to any websites you built through the Lehigh Wordpress framework.  If you wish to migrate the site for future access, you can export the sites by opening your Wordpress dashboard and clicking on Tools > Export > Download Export File.

What Happens to My Library Privileges?

After retiring, you may continue to use the full range of library services, including checking out materials, taking advantage of the ILL system, and accessing public work stations.

What Happens to My Electronic Devices?

Upon retiring, any Lehigh-issued hardware must be turned in to your computer consultant.

Faculty have the option to keep their computer if the University values it at $1000 or less.  If the hardware is valued at more than $1000, retiring faculty may choose to pay the difference to keep it as well.

What Should I Do With My Work Related Files?

Before you leave the University, going through your Google Drive and transferring ownership of files and documents to a colleague or manager will ensure the proper people have access after your departure.  Shared drives you manage should also be transferred to another person by making them the manager and removing yourself. Similarly, job related files from your H: Drive can be moved to a folder in your I: Drive, or downloaded and transferred to a colleague or manager.

What If I'm Still Worried About Losing My Files and Emails?

While having a Lehigh Retiree status allows you to retain much of the access and benefits you enjoyed as an employee, there are options for migrating or backing up your files and email if you wish to transition to a new method or would just feel more comfortable with a backup. Here are some steps you can take to backup or move your data:

  • You can Download or Transfer your Google Data including your Drive and Inbox using Google Takeout or Takeout Transfer
  • You can also transfer any calendars you have set up through your Lehigh Google account to a private Google account
  • You can utilize Mahara to create a portfolio of your work while at Lehigh
  • Download your content from Course Site
  • Copy your H: Drive content to your home PC or a USB drive
  • Export your Wordpress pages
  • Sync your OneDrive account to your home PC

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