Jira Service Management (LTS help request tracking)
LTS uses Jira Service Management to track your LTS help requests. The system provides you with an easy-to-use portal for creating, updating, and checking the status of your requests.
Home Screen (go.lehigh.edu/helpportal)
Note the key features of the main screen:
1. Request Types:
Select the request type that most closely matches your need.
2. Search the Knowledge Base:
Search here for stepwise instruction files on many Lehigh tasks and topics.
3. Your Requests:
See all of your previous requests, comment on their status, etc.
Related pages
For immediate help, contact the LTS Help Desk (Hours)
EWFM Library | Call: 610-758-4357 (8-HELP) | Text: 610-616-5910 | Chat | helpdesk@lehigh.edu
Submit a help request (login required)