Use a Document Camera in an LTS Classroom

Use a Document Camera in an LTS Classroom

Document cameras essentially replace the functionality of an overhead projector, and add a number of additional capabilities. These instructions cover the most basic functions.  Click on the photos to enlarge them.

1.  Turn on the projection system using the available touchpad or push-button control, and select the document camera from the source options.

touchpad with doc cam selected

2.  Raise the camera head, using the available lifting mechanism, so that the camera head ends up directly above the work surface. Usually, the lamp will come on automatically, illuminating the work surface.

Document Camera Labelled

3.  If necessary, power up the camera and turn on the lamp to illuminate the work surface. Different models locate these buttons in various places.

document camera models labelled

4.  Place the item you wish to display on the work surface. Most units' work surfaces are reflective enough for transparencies. You should see the item displayed on the selected screen.

5.  On most units, camera controls are located on the camera head. Focus usually defaults to automatic. The picture should self-focus and remain in focus as you operate the zoom, but there may be a slight delay. The automatic focus can usually be switched off with the button on the front of the camera head. 'Freeze' holds the current image in memory. Press again to release to a new image.

6.  On some units, the camera head can be rotated to shoot outside of the working surface. Turn the light out of the way, pull the close up lens out from the front of the camera (it will not fall out), and rotate the camera head.

7.  When you are done with the camera please lower the camera by pulling down on the lifting mechanism. This will also turn off the light.

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