Social media and the classroom


What is social media?

  • Media = means of (mass) communication (medium of communication)
    • Text
    • Photo
    • Video
    • (Woodcut? Stained glass window? Handbill? Statue? Poster? Billboard?)
    • ...or any combo
  • Social media = ??

Why use it? Why not use it?

  • PRO
    • "Media is the backbone of social studies instruction" (e.g., maps, paintings, primary sources)
    • Social media = unique opportunity to take a wide-angle look at a community – for example, a collection of photographs about Islam, by Muslims.
  • CON
    • Social media is chock-full of undesirable qualities; students will be exposed to it
      • Erroneous information
      • Agendas: Spin / bias / marketing
      • Not Safe For K-12 (NSFk12)
    • Social media can enable undesirable behaviors; students may engage in them
      • Bullying
      • Cheating
      • (etc.)

Is social media appropriate for the classroom?

  • Yes?
  • No?
  • Yes, but...
  • No, with exceptions...


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