Teacher Development Program, 2 Feb 2017
Feel free to download and peruse the powerpoint used during the presentation; I also provided a handout (front side; back side)
Links to items I mentioned or demo'd during the presentation
- For more on Information Processing Theory: http://www.instructionaldesign.org/theories/information-processing.html
- "Noise"
- Examples of more / less "noise": Google vs. Yahoo! (now) vs. Yahoo! (back in the day): Wayback Machine.
- Reducing noise: I used the C/R/A/P design concept, something I learned from the work of designer Robin Williams (http://www.amazon.com/The-Non-Designers-Design-Book-Edition/dp/0321534042)
- Increasing signal
- Providing visuals / being multimodal
- Holocaust dataset from Yad Vashem, in case you wanted to see it: Western Europe & North Africa; Eastern Europe.
- Jefferson's mail: http://viseyes.org/show/?base=jt , click on "Mail"
- Being interactive
- We demo'd PollEverywhere
- Another tool is Padlet. Something similar but with a little more visual interconnection is Popplet.com.
- Providing visuals / being multimodal
- Not too much at one time: A good, core reading on this is Miller's The magical number seven, plus or minus two (1957).