Built Environment Activity: Competencies

You will earn the following competencies for your Built Environment Activity:

  1. Step 2: Analyze the city, its people, and its community needs & resources

SS.3.2 Apply Geographic Tools

Level 10:  I can analyze maps, satellite images, photographs, and/or other representations to explain relationships between the locations of places and regions and more than one element of their characteristics (e.g., political, cultural, environmental and/or economic).

(Exemplary work may earn an 11)

SCI.2.1: Make meaning of data collected

Level 8: I can look at one or more data sets (e.g. involving linear and nonlinear relationships) and I can explain patterns and relationships between variables using details about the data (e.g. observed patterns or outliers).

I can use reasoning, contextual information or math skills to explain what the data means.

When applicable, I can compare multiple data sets and determine similarities and differences between and among the data.

(Exemplary work may earn a 9)

  1. Step 3: Identify two improvements to the city to better match its resources to its needs

SS.2.4 Take Action to Improve My Community

Level 8: Drawing on insights from my investigation, I can come up with a plan that engages other stakeholders in solving the problem or improving the situation.
My actions taken are positive, constructive, and demonstrate my civic knowledge.
I can reflect on what I learned through implementation as well as what I could have done differently, how my actions impacted the situation, and what next steps I or others could take.

(Exemplary work may earn a 9)

  1. Step 4: Make a map to show and explain your improvement

SS.3.1Display and explain spatial patterns

Level 10: I can use geospatial and related technologies to create maps to display and explain relationships between the locations of places and regions and more than one element of their characteristics (e.g., political, cultural, environmental and/or economic).

I can utilize accepted mapping conventions (e.g., legend, key, compass rose) as appropriate.

(Exemplary work may earn an 11 or 12)

SCI.3.1: Create a model to represent a system

Level 8: I can develop a simple model that illustrates a natural or designed system.  

I can select materials or tools that help me accurately represent the entire system that I am modeling.

My model represents different parts of the system and shows how they interact with one another.

(Exemplary work may earn a 9)

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