Geospatial Tools & Social Studies Workshop
Geospatial Tools & Social Studies Workshop
25 May 2016
Google Earth (overview page)
- What is it?
- Why might you use it?
- How to...
- Create markup
- Edit markup
- Organize & save
- Where to find other files?
GIS (geographic information systems)
- (Any prior experience?)
- How is this different from Google Earth?
- Illustrative example: Start by looking at this Google Earth file: http://www.cwoodcock.com/Civil_War_by_Campaign.kmz
- ...and now see this dataset again in a GIS: http://arcg.is/1CPHCyY
- Simple example of GIS in action
- Again, I have an illustrative example I like to use, starting from two web pages I happened across one day: http://www.yadvashem.org/IMAGE_TYPE/8381.jpg and http://www.yadvashem.org/IMAGE_TYPE/8380.jpg
- ...I then organized this data into one, unified spreadsheet: Jewish demographics circa Holocaust -sheet 2.csv
- ...and then merged this data into a GIS: Jewish populations circa Holocaust ver01a.m3vz
- Slightly more complex example, with more purposeful origin story
- Driving question I pose to students: "Would slavery have ended on its own?"
- Historical Census Browser from the University of Virginia
- And now several layers merged into a GIS: Af-Am_pop_1790-1870_ver02.m3vz
- And a super-complex example: Great Migration
- Stop and consider: Why might you want to use this software?
- Connection to existing curricular content?
- Teaching strategy with this content: Same or different?
- But how can you get your hands on this software? On this data?
- ArcGIS.com
- Get to know your provider: Esri, and specifically see their support for the ConnectED Initiative
- Going hands-on
- Log into your account
- Make a new map
- Select base layer
- Add data by browsing what they already have
- Add data by uploading a file or linking to a web-based file
- Questions? Desired follow-ups?
(More geospatial tools: GPS units, augmented reality...I even sneak in some uses of interactive whiteboards)
- Watch this space? https://confluence3.cc.lehigh.edu/display/~tch207/Geospatial+Social+Studies
- Take Lehigh class: summer session, can also run winter session
- Go to an Esri summer institute (http://edcommunity.esri.com/educational-roles/t3g-educators)
- Arrange workshop?
- Grant money from Esri: Can pay up to $250 for completing training
, multiple selections available,
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