Thomas C. Hammond
Associate Professor
Teaching, Learning, and Technology program
- Personal info
- most current cv available via faculty page
- Office = Iacocca Hall, room A-223
- Best way to contact me: Email me via hammond \at\ lehigh \dot\ edu
- Instructional resources
- Computational thinking and social studies
- Geospatial social studies
- Hub site for GIS integration with high schools and middle schools:
Spring 2025
- Teaching: TLT 431, Social Studies in Middle Level and High School Education...course page
- Publishing
- Hammond, T.C., Pan, Z., & Oltman, J.L. Integrating AI literacy within social studies: An argument, a framework, and a call to action. In C. Clark & C. Van Kessel (eds.), AI in Social Studies Education: Tools for Thoughtful Practice with Generative Artificial Intelligence (pp. 99-118). Teachers College Press.
- Presenting
- Workshop series for Bethlehem Area School District on AI & Social Studies
- Jan: Ethics (slides)
- Workshop series for Bethlehem Area School District on AI & Social Studies
- Service: Reviewing for IES panel
Fall 2024
- Teaching
- TLT 412, Social Studies in PreK through 4th Grade...course page
- TLT 496, Doctoral Research Project Seminar...course page t/k
- Presenting
- Social Studies & Artificial Intelligence, presentation to the Bethlehem Area School District social studies department. (slides)
Summer 2024
- Publishing
- Hammond, T.C., Brown, K.A., Alexander, C., Weinburgh, M., Popejoy, K., Bodzin, A., Morrison, J., Malone, D., Firestone, J., Lightner, L.K., & Leeson, D. (2024). “Off the bench”: Three case studies of Geographic Information System (GIS) integration in high school chemistry instruction. Innovations in Science Teacher Education, 9(3). Retrieved from
- Hammond, T.C., Alexander, C., Brown, K., Miller, W., & Weinburgh, M. (2024). That thing in your pocket: Cultivating a geo-sustainable mindset in high school chemistry students using GIS to study smartphone components. Journal of Strategic Innovation and Sustainability, 19(2), 82-88.
- Bodzin, A.M., Fu, Q., Araujo-Junior, R.M., Hammond, T, Anastasio, D., & Schwartz, C. (2024). Implementation of a desktop virtual reality field trip in public outreach settings. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 83, 55405–55426.
- Grant activity
- Prepared and submitted NSF ITEST-SEI proposal
Spring 2024
- Teaching
- TLT 431, Social Studies in Middle Level and High School Education...course page.
- TLT 480, Curriculum Theory & Design (online course; no public-facing materials)
- Presenting
- Hammond, T.C., Popejoy, K.L., Bodzin, A.M., Morrison, J.A., Brown, K.A., Weinburgh, M.H., Firestone, J.B., Alexander, R.C., Malone, D.J., Leeson, D.M. (2024, April). Advancing Teachers’ Geospatial TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) via an Integrated Professional and Curriculum Development Program: A Multiyear Study. Presented as a Poster at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Philadelphia, PA. (interactive electronic version, PDF version)
- Brown, K.A., Weinburgh, M., Alexander, C., Popejoy, K., Bodzin, A., Hammond, T.C., Morrison, J. Malone, D., Firestone, J., Lightner, L.K., & Leeson, D. (2024, January). Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in high school chemistry: Three case studies of socio-environmental science instruction. Presented as a Paper Set at the annual meeting of the Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE), New Orlean, LA.
- Hooding
- Kallie Z. Pearl. Dissertation title: Design & Application of an Instructional Intervention for Introductory Programming Aimed to Address the Gender Gap in Computing. (faculty page)
Fall 2023
- Teaching
- TLT 412, Social Studies in PreK through 4th Grade...course page
- TLT 440, Pre-professional Seminar
Summer 2023
(Working on NSF grant)
- Hammond, T.C., Manfra, M.M., Oltman, J.L., Coven, R.M., Salter, S., & Walp, D. (2023). Computational thinking belongs in social studies classrooms. Trends & Issues in Social Studies, 29(1), 46-60.
- Hardisky, M., & Hammond, T.C., & Stefanovich, E. (2023, June). Geospatial Inquiry: Students Building Their Own Geospatial Tools in ArcGIS Online. Poster at the annual conference of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), Philadelphia, PA.
- Hanson, I., Hurley, J., Costanza, J., & Hammond, T. (2023, June). Ecosystem Restoration: A Localized Culminating Project for Environmental Science. Presentation at the Esri Education Summit, San Diego, CA.
Spring 2023
- Teaching
- TLT 431, Social Studies in Middle Level and High School Education...course page.
- TLT 480, Curriculum Theory & Design (online course; no public-facing materials)
- Presenting
- Malone, D., Popejoy, K., Weinburgh, M., Brown, K., Firestone, J., Bodzin, A., & Hammond, T. (2023, April). Using a Teacher Learning Progression of Instructional Skills to Examine Geospatial Curriculum Adoption. Presented as a Roundtable at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST). Chicago, IL.
- Hammond, T.C., Popejoy, K., Bodzin, A.M., & Leeson, D. (2023, April). Passing the Thresholds Teachers as Curricular Innovators with Geospatial Tools in High School Science & Social Studies. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). Chicago, IL. (slides)
- Alexander, C., & Hammond, T. (2023, March). Creating Hands-On Geospatial Data Collection Strategies with ArcGIS. Presented as a Roundtable at the annual conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE). New Orleans, LA.
- Publishing
- Popejoy, K., Hammond, T.C., Malone, D., Morrison, J., Firestone, J., Bodzin, A.M., Leeson, D., Brown, K., Alexander, C., Weinburgh, M. (2023). Integrating ArcGIS digital technologies for learning: Three case studies from university design partnerships with teachers. In S. Asim, J. Ellis, D. Slykhuis, and J. Trumble (eds.), Theoretical and practical teaching strategies for K-12 science education in the digital age (pp. 98-115). IGI.
- Accepted: Leeson, D., Bodzin, A., Hanson, I., Hammond, T.C., & Popejoy, K. (In press). Ecosystem Restoration: Using maps to address environmental issues on campus. The Science Teacher.
- Grant activity
- Bodzin, A., Hammond, T., Pan, Z., & Fu, J. (2023-2024). Immersive Learning with Headset Virtual Reality Game-Based Experiences. Faculty Research Grant, Lehigh University. Awarded: $5,949.
Fall 2022
- Teaching: TLT 412, Social Studies in PreK through 4th Grade...course page
- Presenting
- Publishing
- Leeson, D., Hammond, T.C., Popejoy, K., Bodzin, A., Hardisky, M., & Lew, S. (2022). Eagles and wind turbines: Using maps to protect animals and increase renewable energy use. The Geography Teacher, 19(4), pp. 178-182. DOI: 10.1080/19338341.2022.2117725 (publisher page)
Summer 2022
- (Working on NSF grant + VR development and implementation)
Spring 2022
- Teaching
- TLT 431, Social Studies in Middle Level and High School Education...course page.
- TLT 480, Curriculum Theory & Design (online course; no public-facing materials)
- Publishing
Bodzin, A., Araujo Junior, R., Schwartz, C., Anastasio, D., Hammond, T., & Birchak, B. (2022). Learning about environmental issues with a desktop virtual reality field trip. Innovations in Science Teacher Education, 7(1). Retrieved from
Manfra, M.M., Hammond, T.C., & Coven, R.M. (2022). Assessing computational thinking in the social studies. Theory & Research in Social Education, 50(2), pp. 255-296. DOI: 10.1080/00933104.2021.2003276
- Presenting
Popejoy, K., Hammond, T.C., Bodzin, A., & Leeson, D. (2022, April). Retreat to Online? Adapting to Online Professional Development and Curriculum Development to Promote Geospatial Inquiry. Presented as a Roundtable at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Diego, CA.
Alexander, C., Weinburgh, M., Brown, K., Hammond, T., Popejoy, K. & Leeson, D. (2022, April). Strategies for Building Hands-On Data Collection Activities for Students. Presented as a Brief Paper at the annual meeting of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), San Diego, CA.
Popejoy, K., Hammond, T., Bodzin, A., Morrison, J., & Weinburgh, M. (2022, March) Advancing Teachers’ Geospatial TPACK: Three Universities’ Professional Development Initiatives. Paper presented at the 2022 International Conference of the National Association of Research in Science Teaching (NARST), Vancouver, BC, Canada.
- Service: Reviewing for IES panel
Fall 2021
- Teaching
- TLT 412, Social Studies in PreK Through 4th Grade...course page.
- TLT 402, Critical Reading and Writing (doctoral seminar; no public-facing materials).
- Presenting
- Hammond, T., Popejoy, K., Hardisky, M., Stefanovich, E., & Leeson, D. (2021, November). Urban Tree Canopy and Social Justice: Interdisciplinary Geospatial Social Studies. Presented as a Session at the annual conference of the National Council for the Social Studies. (slides)
- Alexander, C., Hammond, T., Popejoy, K., Valverde, E., Weinburgh, M., Brown, K., & Leeson, D. (2021, November). Cultural Heritage Mapping in Two US Cities. Presented as a Session at the annual conference of the National Council for the Social Studies. (slides)
Summer 2021
- No teaching – conducting teacher professional development as part of NSF grant
- Presenting
- June: Esri Education Summit
Hammond, T., & Macduff, T.. (2021, June). Around the World in 11 Days: A Balloon, HAM Radio, and GIS in a STEM Classroom. Presentation at the Esri EduSummit (online). (slides)
Popejoy, K., Stefanovich, E., Carter, S., Hanson, I., Hammond, T., & Leeson, D. (2021, June). The ‘G’ Stands for Get-to-Know-You: Social Uses of ArcGIS in Online Teaching. Presentation at the Esri EduSummit (online) (slides)
- June: ISTE
Hammond, T., Carter, S., Hanson, I., & Leonard, V. (2021, June). Here, There and Everywhere: Local Geospatial Inquiry Learning During Online Education. Interactive lecture presented at the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) virtual conference.
- August: School District of Philadelphia professional development session. (slides)
- Stefanovich, E., Hardisky, M., & Hammond, T. (2021, August). Studying the Urban Heat Island Effect at Lankenau Environmental Science Magnet High School. Presentation during the Philadelphia Climate Change Summer Institute, Online. (slides)
- June: Esri Education Summit
Spring 2021
- Teaching
- TLT 403, Introduction to Instructional Design - online course, so most of the material is behind a login in CourseSite.
- TLT 431, Social Studies in Middle Level and High School Education...course page.
- TLT 476, Assessment of Instructional Technology - online, no public materials
- Presenting
- iLRN
Bodzin, A., Araujo Junior, R., Schwartz, C., Anastasio, D., Hammond, T., & Birchak, B. (2021, May). The Lehigh Gap Story: A Design Partnership for Developing an Immersive Virtual Reality Field Trip. Oral presentation at the international conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN), Online. (abstract, video)
Manfra, M.M., Hammond, T.C., & Oltman, J.L. (2021, April). Leveraging Computational Thinking for Inquiry-Based Education in the Social Studies. Presented as a Paper at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Online.
- National Council for Geographic Education, invited webinars
- Hammond, T.C., Popejoy, K., Bodzin, A., & Leeson, D. (2021, February). Making Maps & Conducting Spatial Analysis With ArcGIS Online. Presented as a Webinar for the National Council for Geographic Education (NCGE), Online. (slides)
- Hammond, T.C., Popejoy, K., Bodzin, A., & Leeson, D. (2021, March). Student Data Collection With ArcGIS Online. Presented as a Webinar for the National Council for Geographic Education (NCGE), Online. (slides)
- Hammond, T.C. (2021, March). An Overview of Socio-Environmental Science Investigations: Exploring Alternative New Directions (SESI-ExpAND). Presented as a Breakout Session at the annual conference of the International Consortium for Research in Science & Mathematics Education (ICRSME), Online. (slides)
- Hammond, T.C., Popejoy, K., Bodzin, A., & Leeson, D. (2021, March). Adapting Models of Teacher Training and Curriculum Development for Online Geospatial Inquiry in High School Science and Social Studies Classrooms. Presented as a Full Paper at the annual conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Online.
- Swain School
- Hammond, T.C. (2021, March). Re-thinking History & History Education. Presented as part of the "Let's Talk" series sponsored by the Swain School, Allentown, PA. (slides)
- iLRN
- Publishing
- Findora, J., & Hammond, T.C. (2021). “These are normal people”: White high school students’ responses to interracial literary fiction. Journal of Language and Literacy Education, 17(1). Retrieved from
- Service: Reviewing for IES panel
Fall 2020
- Teaching
- TLT 412, Social Studies in PreK Through 4th Grade...course page.
- Presenting
Hammond, T.C., Popejoy, K., Bodzin. A., & Leeson, D. (2020, December). Building Local Geospatial Inquiries for Your Students Using ArcGIS Online. Presented at the annual conference of the National Council for Geographic Education (NCGE), Online. (slides)
Oltman, J., Hammond, T.C., & Manfra, M.M. (2020, December). The Whys of Where: Empowering Geography Instruction With Geo-Computational Thinking. Accepted as a Presentation at the annual conference of the National Council for Geographic Education (NCGE), Online. (slides)
Manfra, M.M., & Hammond, T.C. (2020, December). Computational Thinking and Inquiry-Based Education in the Social Studies. Accepted as a Paper at the annual meeting of the College and University Faculty of the National Council for the Social Studies (CUFA-NCSS), Online.
Hammond, T., Popejoy, K., Bodzin, A., & Leeson, D. (2020, November). Adapting Models of Teacher Training and Curriculum Development for Online Geospatial Inquiry in High School Science and Social Studies Classrooms. Presented as a Brief Paper for the Innovate Learning Summit, Online. (slides, paper)
Leeson, D., Malone, D., Brown, K., Hammond, T., & Popejoy, K. (November, 2020). Putting it on the Map: Building Authentic Local Geospatial Inquiries With ArcGIS Online. Presented as a Workshop at the Innovate Learning 2020 Summit, Online. (slides)
- Publishing
Bodzin, A., Araujo Junior, R., Hammond, T., & Anastasio, D. (2020). Investigating engagement and flow with a placed-based immersive virtual reality game. Journal of Science Education and Technology. DOI 10.1007/s10956-020-09870-4
Summer 2020
- Setting up NSF collaborative grant
- Presenting
- Bodzin, A., Araujo Junior, R., Hammond, T., & Anastasio, D. (2020, June). An Immersive Virtual Reality Game Designed to Promote Learning Engagement and Flow. Presented as a Paper at the virtual conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN), Online.
Spring 2020
- Teaching
- TLT 403, Introduction to Instructional Design - online course, so most of the material is behind a login in CourseSite.
- TLT 431, Social Studies in Middle Level and High School Education...course page.
- TLT 444 & SpEd/TLT 442 (intern teaching seminar)
- CINQ 388
- Presenting
- Hammond, T.C., Oltman, J., & Manfra, M.M. (2020, April). Thematic Use of GIS to Teach American History: An Excerpt From Enslavement, Emancipation, and the Continuing Struggle. Virtual presentation of a Full Paper at the at the conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), New Orleans, LA. (slides, abstract – paper available for conference registrants)
- Publishing
- Bodzin, A., Hammond, T., Fu, Q., & Farina, W. (2020). Development of instruments to assess students’ Spatial Learning Attitudes (SLA) and interest in Science, Technology and Geospatial Technology (STEM-GEO). International Journal of Educational Methodology, 6(1), 67-81. (PDF)
- Hammond, T.C., Oltman, J., & Manfra, M.M. (2020). Computational thinking and social studies teacher education: What, why, and how. In S. Keengwe (Ed.), Handbook of research on integrating computer science and computational thinking in K-12 education (pp. 1-16). Hershey, PA: IGI.
- Hooding
- Jessie Findora. Dissertation title: The Impact of Interracial Literary Fiction on Intergroup Empathy: A Mixed-Methods Study of White High School Students.
- Angel Oi Yee Cheng. Dissertation title: The UNESCO Chairs Program Partnerships in Hong Kong and in the U.S.A.: for UNESCO, for higher education institutions, or for students?
Fall 2019
- Teaching
- TLT 402, Critical Reading and Writing (doctoral seminar).
- Presenting
- Hammond, T.C., Bodzin, A.M., & Salter S. (2019, November). Geography and Civic Inquiry: Spatial Analysis of the Built Environment. Presented as a session at the annual conference of the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS), Austin, TX. (slides)
- Hammond, T.C., & Manfra, M.M. (2019, November). Computational Thinking and Inquiry-Based Education in the Social Studies. Research Into Practice session presented at the annual conference of the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS), Austin, TX. (slides)
- Hammond, T.C., Bodzin, A.M., & Salter, S. (2019, November). Tools for Geographic Inquiry: Data to Map to Story. Workshop presented at the annual conference of the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS), Austin, TX. (webpage, slides)
- Hammond, T.C., Salter, S., & Bodzin, A. (2019, November). From STEM Education to Civic Engagement: Localized Geographic Inquiry Taking Students Beyond the Classroom. Presented as a paper at the annual meeting of the College and University Faculty of the National Council for the Social Studies (CUFA-NCSS), Austin, TX. (slides)
- Hammond, T.C., Oltman, J.L., & Manfra, M.M. (2019, November). Geo-Computational Thinking in the Third Grade: Making Computational Thinking Truly “For Everyone, Everywhere”. Paper presented at 27th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems Workshop on Geo-Computational Thinking in Education (GeoEd 2019), Chicago, IL. (slides, paper. proceeding)
- Hammond, T.C., Davis, T.D., Bonilla, H., Little, K., & Salter, S. (October, 2019). Put to the Test: Act 35 and the Future of Civic Education in Pennsylvania. Presentation at the annual conference of the Pennsylvania Council for the Social Studies (PCSS), Harrisburg, PA. (slides)
- Publishing
- Hammond, T.C., & Oltman, J. (2019). Bridging STEM and the civic mission of social studies: Integrating spatial reasoning & computational thinking into decision-focused secondary social studies instruction. In D. Gibson & M. Ochoa (Eds.), Research highlights in technology and teacher education 2019 (pp. 127-132). Waynesville, NC: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.
Summer 2019
- Presenting
- Hammond, T.C., & Oltman, J. (2019, June). Better Together: Teaching Social Studies with Computational Thinking and Spatial Reasoning. Presented as a Poster at the annual meeting of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), Philadelphia, PA. (poster)
- Hammond, T., Bodzin, A., Salter, S., Hanson, I. Popejoy, K., Farina, W., & Junior, R. (2019, June). Using Mobile Technology and Web GIS for Community-based Socio-Environmental Investigations. Presented as a Poster at the local forum of the annual meeting of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), Philadelphia, PA.
- Hammond, T.C., Popejoy, K., Salter, S., Hanson, I., Bodzin, A., Anastasio, D., Holland, B., Sahagian, D., Rutzmoser, S., Carrigan, J., & Farina, W. (2019, July). Promoting Geospatial Analysis in High School: Urban Heat Island Investigation. Presented as a Paper at the Esri Education Summit, San Diego, CA. (slides)
- Hammond, T.C., Farina, W., Bodzin, A., Holland, B., Lopez, E., Carrigan, J., Popejoy, K., Rutzmoser, S., & Salter, S. (2019, July). Geography and Civics in Action: Studying Zoning and Built Environment with WebGIS. Presented as a Paper at the Esri Education Summit, San Diego, CA. (slides)
- Salter, S., Bodzin, A., Hammond, T.C., Hanson, I., Farina, W., Junior, R., Fu, Q., Popejoy, K., Anastasio, D., Holland, B., Sahagian, D., & Rutzmoser, S. (2019, July). Promoting Geospatial Technologies with Socio-Environmental Science Investigations. Presented as a Paper at the Esri Education Summit, San Diego, CA. (slides)
- Publishing
- Hammond, T.C., Bodzin, A., Anastasio, D., Holland, B., Popejoy, K., & Sahagian, D. (2019). Shoulder-to-shoulder: Teacher professional development and curriculum design and development for geospatial technology integration with science and social studies teachers. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 19(2), 279-301. (link)
Spring 2019
- (No teaching)
- Presenting
- March - SITE conference, Las Vegas, NV
- Hammond, T.C., & Bodzin, A.M. (2019, March). So What Happens When the Funding Runs Out? Professional Development for Sustainable Geospatial Technology Integration Initiatives. Presented as a Full Paper at the conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Las Vegas, NV. (slides, abstract – paper available for conference registrants)
- Hammond, T.C., & Oltman, J.L. (2019, March). Bridging STEM and the Civic Mission of Social Studies: Integrating Spatial Reasoning & Computational Thinking Into Decision-Focused Secondary Social Studies Instruction. Presented as a Full Paper at the conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Las Vegas, NV. (slides, abstract – paper available for conference registrants)
- March - SITE conference, Las Vegas, NV
- Publishing
Hammond, T.C., Oltman, J., & Salter, S. (2019). Using computational thinking to explore the past, present, and future. Social Education, 83(2), 118-122.
- Carrigan, J., Bodzin, A., Hammond, T., Rutzmoser, S., & Farina, W. (2019, April/May). Investigating urban trees. The Science Teacher, 27-35.
- Hooding
- Julia L. Oltman. Dissertation title: The Game Effect: Embedding Augmented Reality Game-Based Learning Within an Early Elementary Social Studies Curriculum. (website)
Fall 2018
- Teaching: TLT 412: Social Studies in PreK Through 4th Grade...course page.
- Publishing
Kangas, S., Hammond, T.C., & Bodzin, A. (2018). Using geospatial technology to teach language and content to English learners. TESOL Journal. DOI: 10.1002/tesj.422
Summer 2018
- (No teaching)
- Grant: Immersive Virtual Reality (VR) Development of the Lehigh River Watershed. Working with undergraduate and graduate students, built virtual reality model of the Lehigh River Watershed and Lehigh Gap Nature Center to be used in local K-12 and higher education classrooms. (Co-PI with Anastasio, Bodzin, Vallera, and Rutzmoser, $14,550)
- Wrote and submitted proposal: Institute of Education Sciences. Hammond, T.C., & Bodzin, A.M. History Education Enhanced: Integrating Computational Thinking & Spatial Reasoning Into Decision-Focused Secondary Social Studies Instruction. (not funded). $1,153,143.
Spring 2018
- Teaching: TLT 476: Assessment of Instructional Technology
- Presenting
- Bodzin, A., Hammond, T.C., Popejoy, K., Farina, W., Anastasio, D., Holland, B., Carrigan, J., Rutzmoser, S., & Sahagian, D. (2018, March). A Curriculum-linked Professional Development Approach to Support Teachers' Adoption of Socio-Environmental Science Investigation. Invited paper receiving the National Technology Leadership Initiative Award at the conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Alexandria, VA. (slides, paper)
- Hammond, T.C., & Bodzin, A. (2018, March). Articulating a Novice-Expert Paradigm For GIS Use in Secondary Science and Social Studies Classrooms. Presented as a Full Paper at the conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Alexandria, VA. (slides, paper)
- Hammond, T.C., Oltman, J., & Alexander, R.C. (2018, March). Enhancing Early Elementary Civics Education Through Augmented Reality Games. Presented as a Brief Paper at the conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Alexandria, VA. (slides, paper)
Fall, 2017
- Teaching: TLT 412: Social Studies in PreK Through 4th Grade...course page.
- Publishing
Hammond, T.C., Bodzin, A., Anastasio, D., Holland, B., Popejoy, K., Sahagian, D., Rutzmoser, S., Carrigan, J., & Farina, W. (2018). “You know you can do this, right?”: Developing geospatial technological pedagogical content knowledge (GS-TPACK) and enhancing teachers’ cartographic behaviors with Socio-Environmental Science Investigations (SESI). Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 45(4), 305-318.
Summer, 2017
- (grant work and administrative work; no teaching or presenting)
- Publishing
Sawyer, B.E., Manz, P.H., Martin, K.A., Hammond, T.C., & Garrigan, S. (2017). Teachers and parents as partners: Developing a community of practice to support latino preschool dual language learners. In J.A. Sutterby (Ed.), Family Involvement in Early Education and Child Care (pp. 159-186). Bingley, UK: Emerald.
Spring, 2017
- Teaching: TLT 403: Instructional taught entirely online, so there are no publicly available pages. Sorry!
- Presenting
- Publishing
Cates, W.M., & Hammond, T.C. (2017). Position statement: For the foreseeable future, instructional technology devices and products will not eliminate the need for human teachers. In A.A. Carr-Chellman & G. Rowland (Eds.), Classic Dialogues: Exploring the Field of Educational Technology (pp. 158-165). New York: Routledge.
- Hooding
- Ali Shameem. Dissertation title: Influence of Culture on Teachers' Attitudes Towards Technology. (website)
Fall, 2016
- Teaching: TLT 412: Social Studies in PreK Through 4th Grade...course page.
- Presentation on Academic Integrity for Graduate Student Orientation: slides.
- Publishing
- Stanlick, S.E., & Hammond, T.C. (2016). Service-learning and undergraduates: Exploring connections between ambiguity tolerance, empathy, and motivation in an overseas service trip. International Journal of Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement, 4(1), 1-17.
Summer, 2016
- Teaching
- SpEd / TLT 404: Diversity, Families, and School Collaborations in K-12...course page.
- ES / TLT 368: Teaching and Learning With Geospatial Tools...course page.
- Presenting
- Oltman, J., & Hammond, T.C. (2016, June). Moravian History Mystery: Elementary Game-Based Learning About Colonial America. Presented as a Research Paper at the annual conference of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), Denver, CO.
Hammond, T.C., Jansen, D.K., & Oltman, J.N. (2016, June). Teaching Humanities With Interactive Conceptual Models In Scratch. Presented as a Poster at the annual conference of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), Denver, CO.
Spring, 2016
- Teaching
- ES/TLT 368 ** Winter Term ** Teaching and Learning with Geospatial Tools...course page.
- TLT 403: Instructional taught entirely online, so there are no publicly available pages. Sorry!
- TLT 431: Social Studies in Middle Level and High School Education...course page.
- Presenting
- CITL presentation: Teaching (& researching) geospatially Using Lehigh's ArcGIS Online account to teach about equity in education...slides, web map
- Hammond, T.C. (2016, March). A Geospatial Approach to Teachers' Diversity Education. Presented as a Best Practice at the conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Savannah, GA. ( slides, web map )
- Hammond, T.C., & Oltman, J. (2016, March). The Sleeping Giant Awakens? Two Cases in Geospatial Tools Re-Shaping Curricular Content in Elementary Social Studies. Presented as a Paper at the conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Savannah, GA. (slides)
Fall 2015
- Teaching
- SPED/TLT 404: Diversity, Families, and School Collaborations in K-12...course page.
- TLT 412: Social Studies in PreK Through 4th Grade...course page.
- Presenting
- TLT Summit, 24 October 2015
- Hammond, T.C., & Oltman, J.L. (2015, October). Community Needs, Community Resources: A 21st Century Approach to the Elementary Social Studies Classic. Presented at the Teaching, Learning, and Technology Summit, Bethlehem, PA. (slides, additional materials)
- Hammond, T.C., & Oltman, J.N. (2015, October). Games, Narratives, & Interactive Conceptual Models in Scratch. Presented at the Teaching, Learning, and Technology Summit, Bethlehem, PA. (slides, additional materials)
- TLT Summit, 24 October 2015
- Publishing
- Hammond, T. (2015). "You are here": Developing elementary students' geography skills by integrating geospatial information technologies. In L. Liu & D.C. Gibson (Eds.), Research Highlights in Technology and Teacher Education 2015, pp. 129-136. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education.
Summer 2015
- Teaching
- SPED/TLT 404: Diversity, Families, and School Collaborations in K-12...course page.
- ES / TLT 368: Teaching and Learning With Geospatial Tools...everything got run through CourseSite, so no public course pages. Sorry!
- Presenting
- Hammond, T.C., Oltman, J., & Mendez Martinez, D. (2015, June). Inside, Outside, Between: Recipes for Augmented Reality in Social Studies. Presented as a Poster at the conference of the International Society for Technology in Education, Philadelphia, PA. (ppt)
- Rosenblum, R., & Hammond, T.C. (2015, June). Conceptual Interactivity: A Content-Specific Model for Teacher Development on Interactive Whiteboards. Presented as a Research Paper at the conference of the International Society for Technology in Education, Philadelphia, PA. (ppt)
Spring 2015
- Teaching
- TLT 368: Teaching and Learning with Geospatial Tools...taught in hybrid format, so unfortunately no public page!
- TLT 403: Instructional Design...taught entirely online, so no public pages!
- Presenting
- SITE conference: March 2-6
- Hammond, T.C., & Baker, T.R. (March, 2015). K-12 Geospatial Tools and ArcGIS Online in the Age of the White House ConnectED Initiative. Presented as a Workshop at the conference of the Society of the Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Las Vegas, NV. (workshop page, including slides and handout)
- Hammond, T.C. (March, 2015). “You are Here”: Developing Elementary Students’ Geography Skills by Integrating Geospatial Information Technologies. Presented as a Full Paper at the conference of the Society of the Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Las Vegas, NV. (ppt)
- Oltman, J., & Hammond, T.C. (March, 2015). Exploring the Use of a Location-Based iPad Augmented Reality Game for Elementary History Education. Presented as a Brief Paper at the conference of the Society of the Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Las Vegas, NV.
- Rosenblum, R., & Hammond, T.C. (March, 2015). Middle Level Special Education Teachers' Adoption of Interactive Whiteboards in Social Studies Instruction. Presented as a Brief Paper at the conference of the Society of the Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Las Vegas, NV. (slides via Google Present)
- SITE conference: March 2-6
- Hooding
- Sarah E. Stanlick. Dissertation title: Quality and Directionality of Global Citizenship Identity Development in the Context of Online and Offline Reflections During an Introductory Global Citizenship Course. (faculty page)
Fall 2014
- Teaching
- TLT 412: Social Studies in PreK Through 4th Grade...course page.
- TLT 431: Social Studies in Middle Level and High School Education...course page.
- Publishing
- Hammond, T. (2014). Transforming the history curriculum with geospatial tools.Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 14(3), 266-287. Retrieved from
Summer 2014
- Teaching
- SPED/TLT 404: Diversity, Families, and School Collaborations in K-12...course page.
- ES/TLT 368: Teaching and Learning with Geospatial Tools...course page t/k.
- Publishing
- Hammond, T.C., Bodzin, A.M., & Stanlick, S.E. (2014). Redefining the longitude/latitude experience with a scaffolded geocache. Social Studies, 105, 237-244.
Spring 2014
- Teaching
- EDUC 496: Doctoral Research Seminar: Multi-Disciplinary Research Design in Learning...course page.
- Presenting
- March: SITE conference
- Hooding
- Xiaoli Zhao. Dissertation title: Towards a Systematic Understanding of Community in Online Learning.
Fall 2013
- (On academic leave)
Summer 2013
- Teaching
- ES / TLT 368: Teaching and Learning with Geospatial Tools...course page.
Spring 2013
- Teaching
- SPED / TLT 404: Diversity, Families, and School Collaborations in K-12...course page.
- TLT 431: Social Studies in Middle Level and High School Education...course page.
- Presenting
- March: SITE conference: Hammond, T.C., & Rosenblum, R.B. (2013). Teacher Adoption of Geospatial Tools in Special Needs Secondary History Classrooms: Case Studies. Presented as a Brief Paper at the conference of the Society of the Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), New Orleans, LA. (ppt)
Fall 2012
- Teaching
- SPED / TLT 404: Diversity, Families, and School Collaborations in K-12...course page.
- TLT 412: Social Studies in PreK Through 4th Grade...course page.
- Presenting
- 21-22 Aug, 2012: In-service at Nazareth Area School District on geospatial tools in social studies...pages.
- 24 Aug, 2012: First year student seminar: Seeing the World Differently.
- Oct: eLearn
- Nov: Social studies conference
- Friedman, A., Hammond, T., VanFossen, P., & List, J. (2012). Embracing the Inevitable? iPad Apps to Enhance Social Studies Curricula. Presented as a Lecture at the conference of the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS), Seattle, WA. (ppt)
- Hammond, T.C. (2012). Curriculum & Technology in Dialog Transforming the History Curriculum with Geospatial Tools. Presented within a Symposium at the conference of the College and University Faculty Association of the National Council for the Social Studies (CUFA/NCSS), Seattle, WA. (ppt)
- Publishing
- Ferster, B., Hammond, T.C., Alexander, R.C., & Lyman, H. (2012). Automated formative assessment as a tool to scaffold student documentary writing. Journal of Interactive Learning Research, 23(1), 81-99.
Summer 2012
- Teaching
- ES / TLT 368: Teaching & Learning with Geospatial Tools...course page.
- SPED / TLT 404: Diversity, Families, and School Collaborations in K-12...course page.
- Publishing
- Snyder, J.W., & Hammond, T.C. (2012). "So that's what the Whiskey Rebellion was!" Teaching early U.S. History with GIS. The History Teacher, 45(3), 447-455.
Spring 2012
- Teaching
- TLT 431: Social Studies in Middle Level and High School Education...course page.
- TLT 444: Intern Teaching Seminar...course page.
- Presenting
- March 5-9: SITE (Austin, TX)
- Shameem, A., & Hammond, T.C. (March, 2012). Technology in Context: The Case of Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Technology in the Maldives. Presented as a Paper at the conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Austin, TX. (ppt)
- Zalles, D., Langran, E., Alibrandi, M., Nagel, P., Hammond, T.C., & Baker, T. (March, 2012). Developing a Curricular Sequence for K-16 Geospatial Integration. Presented as a panel at the conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Austin, TX. (ppt)
- April 13-17: AERA (Vancouver, BC)
- March 5-9: SITE (Austin, TX)
- Publishing
- Alexander, C. & Hammond, T. C. (2012). Five-picture charades: A flexible model for technology training in digital media tools and teaching strategies. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 12(1), 55-70. (pdf)
- Hammond, T.C., Alexander, R.C., & Bodzin, A.M. (2012). Assessment in authentic environments: Designing instruments and reporting results from classroom-based TPACK research. In R.N. Ronau, C.R. Rakes, & M.L. Neiss (Eds.), Educational technology, teacher knowledge, and classroom impact: A research handbook on frameworks and approaches (pp. 32-57). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.
- Bell, L., Juersivich, N., Hammond, T.C., & Bell, R. (2012). The TPACK of dynamic representations. In R.N. Ronau, C.R. Rakes, & M.L. Neiss (Eds.), Educational technology, teacher knowledge, and classroom impact: A research handbook on frameworks and approaches (pp. 103-135). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.
Fall 2011
- Teaching
- TLT 412: Social Studies in Elementary Education...course page.
- TLT 444: Intern Teaching Seminar...course page.
- Presenting
- Nov 30 - Dec 1: College and University Faculty Association of the National Council of the Social Studies, Washington, DC.
Stanlick, S., & Hammond, T.C. (November, 2011). Service Learning and Undergraduates: Exploring Connections between Ambiguity Tolerance, Empathy, and Motivation in the Context of Service Trips. Presented in the Graduate Student Roundtables at the conference of the College and University Faculty Association of the National Council for the Social Studies (CUFA/NCSS), Washington, DC.
- Swan, K., Hofer, H., Fehn, B., Manfra, M., Hammond, T.C., & Schul, J. (November, 2011). The Implications of Current Research on Desktop Documentary Making in History Classrooms. Presented as a Symposium at the conference of the College and University Faculty Association of the National Council for the Social Studies (CUFA/NCSS), Washington, DC.
Sheffield, C., Dinkelman, T., Hammond, T.C., Grimes, P., Marri, A., Berson, M., Merryfield, M. (November, 2011). Holocaust Education: Instructional Implications and Opportunities. Presented as a Panel at the conference of the College and University Faculty Association of the National Council for the Social Studies (CUFA/NCSS), Washington, DC.
- Manfra, M., & Hammond, T.C. (November, 2011). Teacher Research in the Social Studies Classroom: In-service and Pre-service Outcomes. Presented as a Paper at the conference of the College and University Faculty Association of the National Council for the Social Studies (CUFA/NCSS), Washington, DC.
- Manfra, M.M., & Hammond, T.C. (2011, September). “Something That Matters” Action Research as Professional Development for Teachers. Presented at the Friday Institute, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.
- Hammond, T. (2011, August). SmartBoards and Document Cameras to Enhance Instruction. Presented at the IPDS Summer Institute, Broughal Middle School, Bethlehem, PA.
- Nov 30 - Dec 1: College and University Faculty Association of the National Council of the Social Studies, Washington, DC.
Summer 2011
- Teaching
- TLT / ES 394: Teaching and Learning with Geospatial Tools...course page.
- Presenting
- Hammond, T.C., & Snyder, J.W. (2011, June). Now I See It! Teaching Early U.S. History with GIS. Presented as a Poster at the conference of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), Philadelphia, PA.
- Publishing
- Bull, G., & Hammond, T. (2011, August). A personal micro database in the cloud. Learning and Leading with Technology, 38-39.
Spring 2011
- Teaching
- TLT 412: Social Studies in Elementary Education...course page.
- TLT 444: Intern Teaching Seminar...course page.
- Presenting
- Hammond, T.C., & Langran, L. (2011, March). Geospatial Tools and Social Studies Teacher Education: Case Studies. Presented as a Brief Paper at the conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Nashville, TN. (Google slideshow)
- Hammond, T.C., & Lee, J.K. (2011, March). Film in Social Studies Teacher Education: Practices, Purposes, and Paradigms. Presented as a Brief Paper at the conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Nashville, TN. (ppt)
- Publishing
- Hammond, T.C., & Seachrist, L. (2011). Book review: Playing games in school: Video games and simulations for primary and secondary education. Educational Technology, 51(2), 64.
Fall 2010
- Teaching
- TLT 431: Social Studies in Middle Level and High School Education...course page.
- TLT 444: Intern Teaching Seminar...course page.
- Presenting
- Hammond, T.C., Alexander, C., & Scott, D. (2010, November). Doing Local History with Web 2.0. Presented as a Lecture at the conference for the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS), Denver, CO. (ppt, links)
- Kearns, M., & Hammond, T.C. (2010, November). Teaching Latitude and Longitude with GPS. Presented as a Roundtable at the conference for the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS), Denver, CO. (ppt)
- Calario, S., & Hammond, T.C. (2010, November). Geospatial Tools and Community Inquiry in Middle School. Presented as a Roundtable at the conference for the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS), Denver, CO. (ppt)
Summer 2010
- Teaching
- TLT 406: Tools for Teaching and Learning...course page .
- ES / TLT 394: Teaching and Learning with Geospatial Tools...course page .
- Publishing
- Hammond, T.C., & Lee, J.K. (2010). Digital video in social studies education. In L. Bell & G.L. Bull (Eds.), Teaching with digital video: Watch, analyze, create (pp. 15-38). Washington, DC: International Society for Technology in Education.
- Manfra, M.M., & Hammond, T.C. (2010). From personal pastime to curricular resource: The case of digital documentaries in the social studies. In R. Diem & M.J. Berson (Eds.), Technology in retrospect: Social studies in the Information Age, 1984-2009 (pp. 91-107). Charlotte, NC: Information Age.
Spring 2010
- Teaching
- TLT 492: Classroom Research Methods...course page .
- TLT 412: Social Studies in Elementary Education...course page .
- Presenting
- American Educational Research Association (AERA), Denver, CO April 30-May 7
- Publishing
- Hammond, T. (2010). "So what?" Students' articulation of civic themes in middle-school historical account projects. The Social Studies, 101(2), 54-59.
- Hammond, T.C., & Lee, J.K. (2010). Digital video and social studies. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 10(1). Retrieved from
- Columba, L., Hammond, T., & Waddell, L. (2010). Math by the month: The math in names. Teaching Children Mathematics, 16(7), 400-401.
Fall 2009
- Teaching
- TLT 412: Social Studies in Elementary Education...course page.
- TLT 431: Social Studies in Middle and Secondary Education...course page.
- Presenting
- Hammond, T. (2009, October). Digital Primary Sources. Presented as a Breakout at the conference of the Indiana Council for the Social Studies, Lafayette, IN. (ppt, handout)
- Hammond, T. (2009, October). Teaching Without a Textbook...With Technology. Presented as a Keynote at the conference of the Indiana Council for the Social Studies, Lafayette, IN. (ppt, links)
- Hammond, T.C., Lee, J.K., Manfra, M.M., Friedman, A.M., & Keeler, C.G. (2009, November). Historical Thinking as Applied Epistemology. Presented as a Paper at the conference of the College and University Faculty Association of the National Council for the Social Studies (CUFA/NCSS), Atlanta, GA. (ppt)
- Hammond, T.C., & Manfra, M.M. (2009, November). Teaching History with Digital Documentaries: Understanding Student Perceptions. Presented as a Paper at the conference of the College and University Faculty Association of the National Council for the Social Studies (CUFA/NCSS), Atlanta, GA. (ppt)
- Ferster, B., & Hammond, T.C. (2009, November). Building History in the College Classroom: Thomas Jefferson's Travels. Presented as a Clinic at the conference of the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS), Atlanta, GA. (ppt)
- Hammond, T.C., Manfra, M.M., & Stanlick, S.E. (2009, November). Thirteen Ways of Looking at Wikipedia: Beyond (Mis)Information. Presented as a Poster at the conference of the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS), Atlanta, GA. (poster file; graphic design by Doug Scott, ppt)
- Publishing
- Hammond, T.C., & Manfra, M.M. (2009). Digital history with student-created multimedia: Understanding student perceptions. Social Studies Research & Practice, 4(3), 139-150. (pdf)
- Hammond, T.C., & Ferster, B. (2009). Student-created digital documentaries in the history classroom: Outcomes, assessment, and research design. In J. Lee & A. Friedman (Eds.), Research on technology in social studies education (pp. 39-66). Charlotte, NC: Information Age.
- Waddell, L.R., Hammond, T.C., & Columba, L. (2009). Math by the month: Let's take a trip. Teaching Children Mathematics, 16(3), 148-149.
- Hammond, T.C., Waddell, L.R., & Columba, L. (2009). Math by the month: Fabulous, fascinating frog fun. Teaching Children Mathematics, 16(2), 88-89.
Summer 2009
- Teaching
- TLT 406: Tools for Teaching & Learning...course page.
- TLT 394: Teaching & Learning with Geospatial Tools...course page.
- Presenting
- Ackerman Colloquium at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN June 18-20
- Hammond, T.C. (2009, June). GIS and Google Earth in Light-Weight, Scaffolded Approaches to Geospatial Tools & Inquiry. Presented at the James F. Ackerman Center for Democratic Citizenship Colloquium on Technology and Citizenship, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. (ppt )
- Hammond, T.C. (2009, June). Primary Access: Overview of Research and Directions for Future Study. Presented at the James F. Ackerman Center for Democratic Citizenship Colloquium on Technology and Citizenship, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. (ppt )
- National Educational Computing Conference (NECC), June 28-July 1
- Hammond, T., & Lee, J. (2009, June). Teaching With Digital Video in the Social Studies Classroom. Accepted as a Lecture at the National Educational Computing Conference (NECC), Washington, DC. (ppt )
- Hammond, T., Ferster, B., & Manfra, M. (2009, June). Showing, Inquiring, and Doing History: Thinking Deeply With Web-Based Tools. Accepted as a Lecture at the National Educational Computing Conference (NECC), Washington, DC. (ppt )
- Ackerman Colloquium at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN June 18-20
- Publishing
- Hammond, T.C., & Manfra, M.M. (2009). Giving, prompting, making: Aligning technology and pedagogy within TPACK for social studies instruction. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 9(2), 160-185. (pdf)
- Hammond, T.C., & Lee, J. (2009, June/July). From watching newsreels to making videos. Learning and Leading with Technology, 32-33.
- Bodzin, A.M., Hammond, T.C., Carr, J., & Calario, S. (2009, August). Finding their way with GIS. Learning and Leading with Technology, 34-35.
Spring 2009
- Teaching - on leave
- Presenting
- Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), March 2-6
- Lee, J., & Hammond, T. (2009, March). Watching, Analyzing, and Creating: Teachers using Digital Video in Social Studies. Presented as a Panel at the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) annual conference, Charleston, SC.
- Manfra, M., Friedman, A., Hammond, T., Lee, J. (2009, March). Peering Behind the Curtain: Digital History, Historiography, and Secondary Social Studies Methods. Presented as a Brief Paper at the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) annual conference, Charleston, SC. (ppt )
- American Educational Research Association (AERA), April 13-17
- Hammond, T., Keeler, C., Manfra, M., Lee, J., & Friedman, A. (2009, April). Epistemology Is Elementary: Historical Thinking in Social Studies Methods Courses via Critical Inquiries of Wikipedia Entries. Presented as a Paper Discussion at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual meeting, San Diego, CA. (ppt )
- Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), March 2-6
- Publishing
- Hammond. T., & Bodzin, A. (2009). Teaching with rather than about Geographic Information Systems. Social Education, 73(3), 119-123.
- Hammond, T. (2009, March/April). Wikipedia: Friend or foe? (Point/Counterpoint). Learning and Leading with Technology, 8-9.
Fall 2008
- Teaching
- TLT 412: Social Studies in Elementary Education...course page
- TLT 450: Technology in School Settings...course page.
- Presenting
- K12Online Conference, October 21
- Student Creation of Digital Documentaries in History Classrooms: Research Findings (page with embedded media file and downloadable versions)
- Union School, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, September 25-26
- Wiki site (contains all further links, files).
- Centennial School, September 17
- K12Online Conference, October 21
- Publishing
- Bull, G., Hammond, T., & Ferster, B. (2008). Developing Web 2.0 tools for support of historical inquiry in Social Studies. Computers in the Schools, 25(3/4), 275-287.
- Manfra, M., & Hammond, T. (2008). Teachers' instructional choices with student-created digital documentaries: Case studies. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 41(2), 223-245.
Summer 2008
- Teaching
- TLT 412: Social Studies in Elementary Education...course page
- TLT 470: Integrating Technology in the Classroom...course page
- Presenting
- National Educational Computing Conference (NECC), San Antonio, TX, June 30
- Lehigh Valley Computer Science Teachers Association, May 15
- Hammond, T. (2008). Google Earth, GPS, and KML via geospatial inquiry. (handout)
- Workshop
- Ackerman Center for Democratic Citizenship, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. Center page.
- Topic: Integrating Digital Primary Sources in the Classroom.
- Participants: 5th- and 8th-grade teachers
- Resources addressed: wikis, PrimaryAccess, and
- Ackerman Center for Democratic Citizenship, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. Center page.
- Publishing
- Bull, G., & Hammond, T. (2008). The Future of eLearning in K-12 schools. In H.H. Adelsberger, Kinshuk, J.M. Pawlowski, & D.G. Sampson (Eds.), Handbook on information technologies for education and training (2nd ed., pp. 345-361). New York, NY: Springer.
Spring 2008
- Teaching
- TLT 412: Social Studies in Elementary Education...course page.
- TLT 431: Social Studies in Middle Level and High School Education...course page.
- Presenting: Society for Instructional Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) conference, Las Vegas, NV, March 3-7
- Hammond, T. (2008). "So what?" Students' articulation of civic themes in middle-school digital documentary projects. Brief paper.
- Hammond, T. (2008). Scaffolded vs. unscaffolded digital history projects: A quasi-experiment in a middle school history classroom. Brief paper.
- Hammond, T., Manfra, M., Friedman, A., Keeler, C., & Metan, D. (2008). Epistemology is elementary: Historical thinking as applied epistemology in an elementary social studies methods class. Brief paper.
- Park, J., & Hammond, T. (2008). An Updated Approach to Using Digital Video in Content Area Education, Part 1. Symposium.
- Park, J., & Hammond, T. (2008). An Updated Approach to Using Digital Video in Content Area Education, Part 2. Symposium.
- Publishing
- Bull, G., Bell, L., & Hammond, T. (2008). Advancing TPCK through collaborations across educational associations. In P. Mishra & M. Koehler (Eds.), The handbook of technological pedagogical content knowledge for teaching and teacher educators (pp. 273-287). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.
Fall 2007
- Teaching TBTE 415 / TLT 450: Technology in School settings...course page
- This course is being taught in parallel with a course at the University of Virginia, EDLF 545: Applied Teaching with Technology.
- Presenting
- National Technology Leadership Summit, Washington, DC, October 4-5
- College and University Faculty Association of the National Council for the Social Studies in San Diego, CA Nov 28-29
Summer 2007
- Teaching
- TBTE 412-10: Curriculum and Instruction in Social Studies (Elem) ... course page
- Presenting
- Ackerman Colloquium at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN July 23-26
- Presentation: Reflective, competent, and concerned citizens in the history classroom: Seventh-grade students' inclusion of citizenship themes in digital history projects (ppt)
- National Educational Computing Conference (NECC) in Atlanta, GA June 24-27
- Panel: Defining a Technology-supportive Environment: Preparing a Foundation for Research
- Workshop: PrimaryAccess: Creating Digital Documentaries in the Social Studies Classroom (materials)
- Ackerman Colloquium at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN July 23-26
- Publishing
- Hammond, T. (2007). A task-oriented framework for stand-alone technology integration classes. Journal of Computing in Teacher Education, 23(4), 153-158.
Spring 2007
- Defended dissertation (.pdf format) at the University of Virginia. Title: Media, scaffolds, canvases: A quantitative and qualitative investigation of student content knowledge outcomes in technology-mediated seventh-grade history instruction. Co-chairs: Stephanie Van Hover & Glen Bull.
Associate Professor
Teaching, Learning, and Technology program
Associate Dean
College of Education
- Personal info
- most current cv available via faculty page
- current and former doctoral students
- Office = Iacocca Hall, room A-223
- Best way to contact me: Email me via hammond \at\ lehigh \dot\ edu
- Instructional resources
- Computational thinking and social studies
- Geospatial social studies
- Interactive conceptual models for social studies
- Augmented reality for social studies – see games and activities posted at (graduated!!) doc student's website,
Spring 2020
- Teaching
- TLT 403, Introduction to Instructional Design - online course, so most of the material is behind a login in CourseSite.
- TLT 431, Social Studies in Middle Level and High School Education...course page.
- TLT 444 & SpEd/TLT 442 (intern teaching seminar)
- CINQ 388
- Publishing
- Bodzin, A., Hammond, T., Fu, Q., & Farina, W. (2020). Development of instruments to assess students’ Spatial Learning Attitudes (SLA) and interest in Science, Technology and Geospatial Technology (STEM-GEO). International Journal of Educational Methodology, 6(1), 67-81. (PDF)
Fall 2019
- Teaching
- TLT 402, Critical Reading and Writing (doctoral seminar).
- Presenting
- Hammond, T.C., Bodzin, A.M., & Salter S. (2019, November). Geography and Civic Inquiry: Spatial Analysis of the Built Environment. Presented as a session at the annual conference of the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS), Austin, TX. (slides)
- Hammond, T.C., & Manfra, M.M. (2019, November). Computational Thinking and Inquiry-Based Education in the Social Studies. Research Into Practice session presented at the annual conference of the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS), Austin, TX. (slides)
- Hammond, T.C., Bodzin, A.M., & Salter, S. (2019, November). Tools for Geographic Inquiry: Data to Map to Story. Workshop presented at the annual conference of the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS), Austin, TX. (webpage, slides)
- Hammond, T.C., Salter, S., & Bodzin, A. (2019, November). From STEM Education to Civic Engagement: Localized Geographic Inquiry Taking Students Beyond the Classroom. Presented as a paper at the annual meeting of the College and University Faculty of the National Council for the Social Studies (CUFA-NCSS), Austin, TX. (slides)
- Hammond, T.C., Oltman, J.L., & Manfra, M.M. (2019, November). Geo-Computational Thinking in the Third Grade: Making Computational Thinking Truly “For Everyone, Everywhere”. Paper presented at 27th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems Workshop on Geo-Computational Thinking in Education (GeoEd 2019), Chicago, IL. (slides, paper. proceeding)
- Hammond, T.C., Davis, T.D., Bonilla, H., Little, K., & Salter, S. (October, 2019). Put to the Test: Act 35 and the Future of Civic Education in Pennsylvania. Presentation at the annual conference of the Pennsylvania Council for the Social Studies (PCSS), Harrisburg, PA. (slides)
- Publishing
Hammond, T.C., Oltman, J., & Manfra, M.M. (2019). Computational thinking and social studies teacher education: What, why, and how. In S. Keengwe (Ed.), Handbook of research on integrating computer science and computational thinking in K-12 education (pp. 1-16). Hershey, PA: IGI.
Hammond, T.C., & Oltman, J. (2019). Bridging STEM and the civic mission of social studies: Integrating spatial reasoning & computational thinking into decision-focused secondary social studies instruction. In D. Gibson & M. Ochoa (Eds.), Research highlights in technology and teacher education 2019 (pp. 127-132). Waynesville, NC: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.
Summer 2019
- Presenting
- Hammond, T.C., & Oltman, J. (2019, June). Better Together: Teaching Social Studies with Computational Thinking and Spatial Reasoning. Presented as a Poster at the annual meeting of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), Philadelphia, PA.
- Hammond, T., Bodzin, A., Salter, S., Hanson, I. Popejoy, K., Farina, W., & Junior, R. (2019, June). Using Mobile Technology and Web GIS for Community-based Socio-Environmental Investigations. Presented as a Poster at the local forum of the annual meeting of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), Philadelphia, PA.
- Hammond, T.C., Popejoy, K., Salter, S., Hanson, I., Bodzin, A., Anastasio, D., Holland, B., Sahagian, D., Rutzmoser, S., Carrigan, J., & Farina, W. (2019, July). Promoting Geospatial Analysis in High School: Urban Heat Island Investigation. Presented as a Paper at the Esri Education Summit, San Diego, CA. (slides)
- Hammond, T.C., Farina, W., Bodzin, A., Holland, B., Lopez, E., Carrigan, J., Popejoy, K., Rutzmoser, S., & Salter, S. (2019, July). Geography and Civics in Action: Studying Zoning and Built Environment with WebGIS. Presented as a Paper at the Esri Education Summit, San Diego, CA. (slides)
- Salter, S., Bodzin, A., Hammond, T.C., Hanson, I., Farina, W., Junior, R., Fu, Q., Popejoy, K., Anastasio, D., Holland, B., Sahagian, D., & Rutzmoser, S. (2019, July). Promoting Geospatial Technologies with Socio-Environmental Science Investigations. Presented as a Paper at the Esri Education Summit, San Diego, CA. (slides)
- Publishing
- Hammond, T.C., Bodzin, A., Anastasio, D., Holland, B., Popejoy, K., & Sahagian, D. (2019). Shoulder-to-shoulder: Teacher professional development and curriculum design and development for geospatial technology integration with science and social studies teachers. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 19(2), 279-301. (link)
Spring 2019
- (No teaching)
- Presenting
- March - SITE conference, Las Vegas, NV
- Hammond, T.C., & Bodzin, A.M. (2019, March). So What Happens When the Funding Runs Out? Professional Development for Sustainable Geospatial Technology Integration Initiatives. Presented as a Full Paper at the conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Las Vegas, NV. (slides, abstract – paper available for conference registrants)
- Hammond, T.C., & Oltman, J.L. (2019, March). Bridging STEM and the Civic Mission of Social Studies: Integrating Spatial Reasoning & Computational Thinking Into Decision-Focused Secondary Social Studies Instruction. Presented as a Full Paper at the conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Las Vegas, NV. (slides, abstract – paper available for conference registrants)
- March - SITE conference, Las Vegas, NV
- Publishing
Hammond, T.C., Oltman, J., & Salter, S. (2019). Using computational thinking to explore the past, present, and future. Social Education, 83(2), 118-122.
- Carrigan, J., Bodzin, A., Hammond, T., Rutzmoser, S., & Farina, W. (2019, April/May). Investigating urban trees. The Science Teacher, 27-35.
Fall 2018
- Teaching: TLT 412: Social Studies in PreK Through 4th Grade...course page.
- Publishing
Kangas, S., Hammond, T.C., & Bodzin, A. (2018). Using geospatial technology to teach language and content to English learners. TESOL Journal. DOI: 10.1002/tesj.422
Summer 2018
- (No teaching)
- Grant: Immersive Virtual Reality (VR) Development of the Lehigh River Watershed. Working with undergraduate and graduate students, built virtual reality model of the Lehigh River Watershed and Lehigh Gap Nature Center to be used in local K-12 and higher education classrooms. (Co-PI with Anastasio, Bodzin, Vallera, and Rutzmoser, $14,550)
- Wrote and submitted proposal: Institute of Education Sciences. Hammond, T.C., & Bodzin, A.M. History Education Enhanced: Integrating Computational Thinking & Spatial Reasoning Into Decision-Focused Secondary Social Studies Instruction. (not funded). $1,153,143.
Spring 2018
- Teaching: TLT 476: Assessment of Instructional Technology
- Presenting
- Bodzin, A., Hammond, T.C., Popejoy, K., Farina, W., Anastasio, D., Holland, B., Carrigan, J., Rutzmoser, S., & Sahagian, D. (2018, March). A Curriculum-linked Professional Development Approach to Support Teachers' Adoption of Socio-Environmental Science Investigation. Invited paper receiving the National Technology Leadership Initiative Award at the conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Alexandria, VA. (slides, paper)
- Hammond, T.C., & Bodzin, A. (2018, March). Articulating a Novice-Expert Paradigm For GIS Use in Secondary Science and Social Studies Classrooms. Presented as a Full Paper at the conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Alexandria, VA. (slides, paper)
- Hammond, T.C., Oltman, J., & Alexander, R.C. (2018, March). Enhancing Early Elementary Civics Education Through Augmented Reality Games. Presented as a Brief Paper at the conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Alexandria, VA. (slides, paper)
Fall, 2017
- Teaching: TLT 412: Social Studies in PreK Through 4th Grade...course page.
- Publishing
Hammond, T.C., Bodzin, A., Anastasio, D., Holland, B., Popejoy, K., Sahagian, D., Rutzmoser, S., Carrigan, J., & Farina, W. (2018). “You know you can do this, right?”: Developing geospatial technological pedagogical content knowledge (GS-TPACK) and enhancing teachers’ cartographic behaviors with Socio-Environmental Science Investigations (SESI). Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 45(4), 305-318.
Summer, 2017
- (grant work and administrative work; no teaching or presenting)
- Publishing
Sawyer, B.E., Manz, P.H., Martin, K.A., Hammond, T.C., & Garrigan, S. (2017). Teachers and parents as partners: Developing a community of practice to support latino preschool dual language learners. In J.A. Sutterby (Ed.), Family Involvement in Early Education and Child Care (pp. 159-186). Bingley, UK: Emerald.
Spring, 2017
- Teaching: TLT 403: Instructional taught entirely online, so there are no publicly available pages. Sorry!
- Presenting
- Publishing
Cates, W.M., & Hammond, T.C. (2017). Position statement: For the foreseeable future, instructional technology devices and products will not eliminate the need for human teachers. In A.A. Carr-Chellman & G. Rowland (Eds.), Classic Dialogues: Exploring the Field of Educational Technology (pp. 158-165). New York: Routledge.
Fall, 2016
- Teaching: TLT 412: Social Studies in PreK Through 4th Grade...course page.
- Presentation on Academic Integrity for Graduate Student Orientation: slides.
- Publishing
- Stanlick, S.E., & Hammond, T.C. (2016). Service-learning and undergraduates: Exploring connections between ambiguity tolerance, empathy, and motivation in an overseas service trip. International Journal of Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement, 4(1), 1-17.
Summer, 2016
- Teaching
- SpEd / TLT 404: Diversity, Families, and School Collaborations in K-12...course page.
- ES / TLT 368: Teaching and Learning With Geospatial Tools...course page.
- Presenting
- Oltman, J., & Hammond, T.C. (2016, June). Moravian History Mystery: Elementary Game-Based Learning About Colonial America. Presented as a Research Paper at the annual conference of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), Denver, CO.
Hammond, T.C., Jansen, D.K., & Oltman, J.N. (2016, June). Teaching Humanities With Interactive Conceptual Models In Scratch. Presented as a Poster at the annual conference of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), Denver, CO.
Spring, 2016
- Teaching
- ES/TLT 368 ** Winter Term ** Teaching and Learning with Geospatial Tools...course page.
- TLT 403: Instructional taught entirely online, so there are no publicly available pages. Sorry!
- TLT 431: Social Studies in Middle Level and High School Education...course page.
- Presenting
- CITL presentation: Teaching (& researching) geospatially Using Lehigh's ArcGIS Online account to teach about equity in education...slides, web map
- Hammond, T.C. (2016, March). A Geospatial Approach to Teachers' Diversity Education. Presented as a Best Practice at the conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Savannah, GA. ( slides, web map )
- Hammond, T.C., & Oltman, J. (2016, March). The Sleeping Giant Awakens? Two Cases in Geospatial Tools Re-Shaping Curricular Content in Elementary Social Studies. Presented as a Paper at the conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Savannah, GA. (slides)
Fall 2015
- Teaching
- SPED/TLT 404: Diversity, Families, and School Collaborations in K-12...course page.
- TLT 412: Social Studies in PreK Through 4th Grade...course page.
- Presenting
- TLT Summit, 24 October 2015
- Hammond, T.C., & Oltman, J.L. (2015, October). Community Needs, Community Resources: A 21st Century Approach to the Elementary Social Studies Classic. Presented at the Teaching, Learning, and Technology Summit, Bethlehem, PA. (slides, additional materials)
- Hammond, T.C., & Oltman, J.N. (2015, October). Games, Narratives, & Interactive Conceptual Models in Scratch. Presented at the Teaching, Learning, and Technology Summit, Bethlehem, PA. (slides, additional materials)
- TLT Summit, 24 October 2015
- Publishing
- Hammond, T. (2015). "You are here": Developing elementary students' geography skills by integrating geospatial information technologies. In L. Liu & D.C. Gibson (Eds.), Research Highlights in Technology and Teacher Education 2015, pp. 129-136. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education.
Summer 2015
- Teaching
- SPED/TLT 404: Diversity, Families, and School Collaborations in K-12...course page.
- ES / TLT 368: Teaching and Learning With Geospatial Tools...everything got run through CourseSite, so no public course pages. Sorry!
- Presenting
- Hammond, T.C., Oltman, J., & Mendez Martinez, D. (2015, June). Inside, Outside, Between: Recipes for Augmented Reality in Social Studies. Presented as a Poster at the conference of the International Society for Technology in Education, Philadelphia, PA. (ppt)
- Rosenblum, R., & Hammond, T.C. (2015, June). Conceptual Interactivity: A Content-Specific Model for Teacher Development on Interactive Whiteboards. Presented as a Research Paper at the conference of the International Society for Technology in Education, Philadelphia, PA. (ppt)
Spring 2015
- Teaching
- TLT 368: Teaching and Learning with Geospatial Tools...taught in hybrid format, so unfortunately no public page!
- TLT 403: Instructional Design...taught entirely online, so no public pages!
- Presenting
- SITE conference: March 2-6
- Hammond, T.C., & Baker, T.R. (March, 2015). K-12 Geospatial Tools and ArcGIS Online in the Age of the White House ConnectED Initiative. Presented as a Workshop at the conference of the Society of the Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Las Vegas, NV. (workshop page, including slides and handout)
- Hammond, T.C. (March, 2015). “You are Here”: Developing Elementary Students’ Geography Skills by Integrating Geospatial Information Technologies. Presented as a Full Paper at the conference of the Society of the Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Las Vegas, NV. (ppt)
- Oltman, J., & Hammond, T.C. (March, 2015). Exploring the Use of a Location-Based iPad Augmented Reality Game for Elementary History Education. Presented as a Brief Paper at the conference of the Society of the Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Las Vegas, NV.
- Rosenblum, R., & Hammond, T.C. (March, 2015). Middle Level Special Education Teachers' Adoption of Interactive Whiteboards in Social Studies Instruction. Presented as a Brief Paper at the conference of the Society of the Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Las Vegas, NV. (slides via Google Present)
- SITE conference: March 2-6
Fall 2014
- Teaching
- TLT 412: Social Studies in PreK Through 4th Grade...course page.
- TLT 431: Social Studies in Middle Level and High School Education...course page.
- Publishing
- Hammond, T. (2014). Transforming the history curriculum with geospatial tools.Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 14(3). Retrieved from
Summer 2014
- Teaching
- SPED/TLT 404: Diversity, Families, and School Collaborations in K-12...course page.
- ES/TLT 368: Teaching and Learning with Geospatial Tools...course page t/k.
- Publishing
- Hammond, T.C., Bodzin, A.M., & Stanlick, S.E. (2014). Redefining the longitude/latitude experience with a scaffolded geocache. Social Studies, 105, 237-244.
Spring 2014
- Teaching
- EDUC 496: Doctoral Research Seminar: Multi-Disciplinary Research Design in Learning...course page.
- Presenting
- March: SITE conference
Fall 2013
- (On academic leave)
Summer 2013
- Teaching
- ES / TLT 368: Teaching and Learning with Geospatial Tools...course page.
Spring 2013
- Teaching
- SPED / TLT 404: Diversity, Families, and School Collaborations in K-12...course page.
- TLT 431: Social Studies in Middle Level and High School Education...course page.
- Presenting
- March: SITE conference: Hammond, T.C., & Rosenblum, R.B. (2013). Teacher Adoption of Geospatial Tools in Special Needs Secondary History Classrooms: Case Studies. Presented as a Brief Paper at the conference of the Society of the Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), New Orleans, LA. (ppt)
Fall 2012
- Teaching
- SPED / TLT 404: Diversity, Families, and School Collaborations in K-12...course page.
- TLT 412: Social Studies in PreK Through 4th Grade...course page.
- Presenting
- 21-22 Aug, 2012: In-service at Nazareth Area School District on geospatial tools in social studies...pages.
- 24 Aug, 2012: First year student seminar: Seeing the World Differently.
- Oct: eLearn
- Nov: Social studies conference
- Friedman, A., Hammond, T., VanFossen, P., & List, J. (2012). Embracing the Inevitable? iPad Apps to Enhance Social Studies Curricula. Presented as a Lecture at the conference of the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS), Seattle, WA. (ppt)
- Hammond, T.C. (2012). Curriculum & Technology in Dialog Transforming the History Curriculum with Geospatial Tools. Presented within a Symposium at the conference of the College and University Faculty Association of the National Council for the Social Studies (CUFA/NCSS), Seattle, WA. (ppt)
- Publishing
- Ferster, B., Hammond, T.C., Alexander, R.C., & Lyman, H. (2012). Automated formative assessment as a tool to scaffold student documentary writing. Journal of Interactive Learning Research, 23(1), 81-99.
Summer 2012
- Teaching
- ES / TLT 368: Teaching & Learning with Geospatial Tools...course page.
- SPED / TLT 404: Diversity, Families, and School Collaborations in K-12...course page.
- Publishing
- Snyder, J.W., & Hammond, T.C. (2012). "So That's What the Whiskey Rebellion Was!" Teaching Early U.S. History With GIS. The History Teacher, 45(3), 447-455.
Spring 2012
- Teaching
- TLT 431: Social Studies in Middle Level and High School Education...course page.
- TLT 444: Intern Teaching Seminar...course page.
- Presenting
- March 5-9: SITE (Austin, TX)
- Shameem, A., & Hammond, T.C. (March, 2012). Technology in Context: The Case of Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Technology in the Maldives. Presented as a Paper at the conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Austin, TX. (ppt)
- Zalles, D., Langran, E., Alibrandi, M., Nagel, P., Hammond, T.C., & Baker, T. (March, 2012). Developing a Curricular Sequence for K-16 Geospatial Integration. Presented as a panel at the conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Austin, TX. (ppt)
- April 13-17: AERA (Vancouver, BC)
- March 5-9: SITE (Austin, TX)
- Publishing
- Alexander, C. & Hammond, T. C. (2012). Five-picture charades: A flexible model for technology training in digital media tools and teaching strategies. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 12(1), 55-70. (pdf)
- Hammond, T.C., Alexander, R.C., & Bodzin, A.M. (2012). Assessment in authentic environments: Designing instruments and reporting results from classroom-based TPACK research. In R.N. Ronau, C.R. Rakes, & M.L. Neiss (Eds.), Educational technology, teacher knowledge, and classroom impact: A research handbook on frameworks and approaches (pp. 32-57). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.
- Bell, L., Juersivich, N., Hammond, T.C., & Bell, R. (2012). The TPACK of dynamic representations. In R.N. Ronau, C.R. Rakes, & M.L. Neiss (Eds.), Educational technology, teacher knowledge, and classroom impact: A research handbook on frameworks and approaches (pp. 103-135). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.
Fall 2011
- Teaching
- TLT 412: Social Studies in Elementary Education...course page.
- TLT 444: Intern Teaching Seminar...course page.
- Presenting
- Nov 30 - Dec 1: College and University Faculty Association of the National Council of the Social Studies, Washington, DC.
Stanlick, S., & Hammond, T.C. (November, 2011). Service Learning and Undergraduates: Exploring Connections between Ambiguity Tolerance, Empathy, and Motivation in the Context of Service Trips. Presented in the Graduate Student Roundtables at the conference of the College and University Faculty Association of the National Council for the Social Studies (CUFA/NCSS), Washington, DC.
- Swan, K., Hofer, H., Fehn, B., Manfra, M., Hammond, T.C., & Schul, J. (November, 2011). The Implications of Current Research on Desktop Documentary Making in History Classrooms. Presented as a Symposium at the conference of the College and University Faculty Association of the National Council for the Social Studies (CUFA/NCSS), Washington, DC.
Sheffield, C., Dinkelman, T., Hammond, T.C., Grimes, P., Marri, A., Berson, M., Merryfield, M. (November, 2011). Holocaust Education: Instructional Implications and Opportunities. Presented as a Panel at the conference of the College and University Faculty Association of the National Council for the Social Studies (CUFA/NCSS), Washington, DC.
- Manfra, M., & Hammond, T.C. (November, 2011). Teacher Research in the Social Studies Classroom: In-service and Pre-service Outcomes. Presented as a Paper at the conference of the College and University Faculty Association of the National Council for the Social Studies (CUFA/NCSS), Washington, DC.
- Manfra, M.M., & Hammond, T.C. (2011, September). “Something That Matters” Action Research as Professional Development for Teachers. Presented at the Friday Institute, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.
- Hammond, T. (2011, August). SmartBoards and Document Cameras to Enhance Instruction. Presented at the IPDS Summer Institute, Broughal Middle School, Bethlehem, PA.
- Nov 30 - Dec 1: College and University Faculty Association of the National Council of the Social Studies, Washington, DC.
Summer 2011
- Teaching
- TLT / ES 394: Teaching and Learning with Geospatial Tools...course page.
- Presenting
- Hammond, T.C., & Snyder, J.W. (2011, June). Now I See It! Teaching Early U.S. History with GIS. Presented as a Poster at the conference of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), Philadelphia, PA.
- Publishing
- Bull, G., & Hammond, T. (2011, August). A personal micro database in the cloud. Learning and Leading with Technology, 38-39.
Spring 2011
- Teaching
- TLT 412: Social Studies in Elementary Education...course page.
- TLT 444: Intern Teaching Seminar...course page.
- Presenting
- Hammond, T.C., & Langran, L. (2011, March). Geospatial Tools and Social Studies Teacher Education: Case Studies. Presented as a Brief Paper at the conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Nashville, TN. (Google slideshow)
- Hammond, T.C., & Lee, J.K. (2011, March). Film in Social Studies Teacher Education: Practices, Purposes, and Paradigms. Presented as a Brief Paper at the conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Nashville, TN. (ppt)
- Publishing
- Hammond, T.C., & Seachrist, L. (2011). Book review: Playing games in school: Video games and simulations for primary and secondary education. Educational Technology, 51(2), 64.
Fall 2010
- Teaching
- TLT 431: Social Studies in Middle Level and High School Education...course page.
- TLT 444: Intern Teaching Seminar...course page.
- Presenting
- Hammond, T.C., Alexander, C., & Scott, D. (2010, November). Doing Local History with Web 2.0. Presented as a Lecture at the conference for the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS), Denver, CO. (ppt, links)
- Kearns, M., & Hammond, T.C. (2010, November). Teaching Latitude and Longitude with GPS. Presented as a Roundtable at the conference for the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS), Denver, CO. (ppt)
- Calario, S., & Hammond, T.C. (2010, November). Geospatial Tools and Community Inquiry in Middle School. Presented as a Roundtable at the conference for the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS), Denver, CO. (ppt)
Summer 2010
- Teaching
- TLT 406: Tools for Teaching and Learning...course page .
- ES / TLT 394: Teaching and Learning with Geospatial Tools...course page .
- Publishing
- Hammond, T.C., & Lee, J.K. (2010). Digital video in social studies education. In L. Bell & G.L. Bull (Eds.), Teaching with digital video: Watch, analyze, create (pp. 15-38). Washington, DC: International Society for Technology in Education.
- Manfra, M.M., & Hammond, T.C. (2010). From personal pastime to curricular resource: The case of digital documentaries in the social studies. In R. Diem & M.J. Berson (Eds.), Technology in retrospect: Social studies in the Information Age, 1984-2009 (pp. 91-107). Charlotte, NC: Information Age.
Spring 2010
- Teaching
- TLT 492: Classroom Research Methods...course page .
- TLT 412: Social Studies in Elementary Education...course page .
- Presenting
- American Educational Research Association (AERA), Denver, CO April 30-May 7
- Publishing
- Hammond, T. (2010). "So what?" Students' articulation of civic themes in middle-school historical account projects. The Social Studies, 101(2), 54-59.
- Hammond, T.C., & Lee, J.K. (2010). Digital video and social studies. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 10(1). Retrieved from
- Columba, L., Hammond, T., & Waddell, L. (2010). Math by the month: The math in names. Teaching Children Mathematics, 16(7), 400-401.
Fall 2009
- Teaching
- TLT 412: Social Studies in Elementary Education...course page.
- TLT 431: Social Studies in Middle and Secondary Education...course page.
- Presenting
- Hammond, T. (2009, October). Digital Primary Sources. Presented as a Breakout at the conference of the Indiana Council for the Social Studies, Lafayette, IN. (ppt, handout)
- Hammond, T. (2009, October). Teaching Without a Textbook...With Technology. Presented as a Keynote at the conference of the Indiana Council for the Social Studies, Lafayette, IN. (ppt, links)
- Hammond, T.C., Lee, J.K., Manfra, M.M., Friedman, A.M., & Keeler, C.G. (2009, November). Historical Thinking as Applied Epistemology. Presented as a Paper at the conference of the College and University Faculty Association of the National Council for the Social Studies (CUFA/NCSS), Atlanta, GA. (ppt)
- Hammond, T.C., & Manfra, M.M. (2009, November). Teaching History with Digital Documentaries: Understanding Student Perceptions. Presented as a Paper at the conference of the College and University Faculty Association of the National Council for the Social Studies (CUFA/NCSS), Atlanta, GA. (ppt)
- Ferster, B., & Hammond, T.C. (2009, November). Building History in the College Classroom: Thomas Jefferson's Travels. Presented as a Clinic at the conference of the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS), Atlanta, GA. (ppt)
- Hammond, T.C., Manfra, M.M., & Stanlick, S.E. (2009, November). Thirteen Ways of Looking at Wikipedia: Beyond (Mis)Information. Presented as a Poster at the conference of the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS), Atlanta, GA. (poster file; graphic design by Doug Scott, ppt)
- Publishing
- Hammond, T.C., & Manfra, M.M. (2009). Digital history with student-created multimedia: Understanding student perceptions. Social Studies Research & Practice, 4(3), 139-150. (pdf)
- Hammond, T.C., & Ferster, B. (2009). Student-created digital documentaries in the history classroom: Outcomes, assessment, and research design. In J. Lee & A. Friedman (Eds.), Research on technology in social studies education (pp. 39-66). Charlotte, NC: Information Age.
- Waddell, L.R., Hammond, T.C., & Columba, L. (2009). Math by the month: Let's take a trip. Teaching Children Mathematics, 16(3), 148-149.
- Hammond, T.C., Waddell, L.R., & Columba, L. (2009). Math by the month: Fabulous, fascinating frog fun. Teaching Children Mathematics, 16(2), 88-89.
Summer 2009
- Teaching
- TLT 406: Tools for Teaching & Learning...course page.
- TLT 394: Teaching & Learning with Geospatial Tools...course page.
- Presenting
- Ackerman Colloquium at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN June 18-20
- Hammond, T.C. (2009, June). GIS and Google Earth in Light-Weight, Scaffolded Approaches to Geospatial Tools & Inquiry. Presented at the James F. Ackerman Center for Democratic Citizenship Colloquium on Technology and Citizenship, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. (ppt )
- Hammond, T.C. (2009, June). Primary Access: Overview of Research and Directions for Future Study. Presented at the James F. Ackerman Center for Democratic Citizenship Colloquium on Technology and Citizenship, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. (ppt )
- National Educational Computing Conference (NECC), June 28-July 1
- Hammond, T., & Lee, J. (2009, June). Teaching With Digital Video in the Social Studies Classroom. Accepted as a Lecture at the National Educational Computing Conference (NECC), Washington, DC. (ppt )
- Hammond, T., Ferster, B., & Manfra, M. (2009, June). Showing, Inquiring, and Doing History: Thinking Deeply With Web-Based Tools. Accepted as a Lecture at the National Educational Computing Conference (NECC), Washington, DC. (ppt )
- Ackerman Colloquium at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN June 18-20
- Publishing
- Hammond, T.C., & Manfra, M.M. (2009). Giving, prompting, making: Aligning technology and pedagogy within TPACK for social studies instruction. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 9(2), 160-185. (pdf)
- Hammond, T.C., & Lee, J. (2009, June/July). From watching newsreels to making videos. Learning and Leading with Technology, 32-33.
- Bodzin, A.M., Hammond, T.C., Carr, J., & Calario, S. (2009, August). Finding their way with GIS. Learning and Leading with Technology, 34-35.
Spring 2009
- Teaching - on leave
- Presenting
- Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), March 2-6
- Lee, J., & Hammond, T. (2009, March). Watching, Analyzing, and Creating: Teachers using Digital Video in Social Studies. Presented as a Panel at the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) annual conference, Charleston, SC.
- Manfra, M., Friedman, A., Hammond, T., Lee, J. (2009, March). Peering Behind the Curtain: Digital History, Historiography, and Secondary Social Studies Methods. Presented as a Brief Paper at the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) annual conference, Charleston, SC. (ppt )
- American Educational Research Association (AERA), April 13-17
- Hammond, T., Keeler, C., Manfra, M., Lee, J., & Friedman, A. (2009, April). Epistemology Is Elementary: Historical Thinking in Social Studies Methods Courses via Critical Inquiries of Wikipedia Entries. Presented as a Paper Discussion at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual meeting, San Diego, CA. (ppt )
- Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), March 2-6
- Publishing
- Hammond. T., & Bodzin, A. (2009). Teaching with rather than about Geographic Information Systems. Social Education, 73(3), 119-123.
- Hammond, T. (2009, March/April). Wikipedia: Friend or foe? (Point/Counterpoint). Learning and Leading with Technology, 8-9.
Fall 2008
- Teaching
- TLT 412: Social Studies in Elementary Education...course page
- TLT 450: Technology in School Settings...course page.
- Presenting
- K12Online Conference, October 21
- Student Creation of Digital Documentaries in History Classrooms: Research Findings (page with embedded media file and downloadable versions)
- Union School, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, September 25-26
- Wiki site (contains all further links, files).
- Centennial School, September 17
- K12Online Conference, October 21
- Publishing
- Bull, G., Hammond, T., & Ferster, B. (2008). Developing Web 2.0 tools for support of historical inquiry in Social Studies. Computers in the Schools, 25(3/4), 275-287.
- Manfra, M., & Hammond, T. (2008). Teachers' instructional choices with student-created digital documentaries: Case studies. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 41(2), 223-245.
Summer 2008
- Teaching
- TLT 412: Social Studies in Elementary Education...course page
- TLT 470: Integrating Technology in the Classroom...course page
- Presenting
- National Educational Computing Conference (NECC), San Antonio, TX, June 30
- Lehigh Valley Computer Science Teachers Association, May 15
- Hammond, T. (2008). Google Earth, GPS, and KML via geospatial inquiry. (handout)
- Workshop
- Ackerman Center for Democratic Citizenship, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. Center page.
- Topic: Integrating Digital Primary Sources in the Classroom.
- Participants: 5th- and 8th-grade teachers
- Resources addressed: wikis, PrimaryAccess, and
- Ackerman Center for Democratic Citizenship, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. Center page.
- Publishing
- Bull, G., & Hammond, T. (2008). The Future of eLearning in K-12 schools. In H.H. Adelsberger, Kinshuk, J.M. Pawlowski, & D.G. Sampson (Eds.), Handbook on information technologies for education and training (2nd ed., pp. 345-361). New York, NY: Springer.
Spring 2008
- Teaching
- TLT 412: Social Studies in Elementary Education...course page.
- TLT 431: Social Studies in Middle Level and High School Education...course page.
- Presenting: Society for Instructional Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) conference, Las Vegas, NV, March 3-7
- Hammond, T. (2008). "So what?" Students' articulation of civic themes in middle-school digital documentary projects. Brief paper.
- Hammond, T. (2008). Scaffolded vs. unscaffolded digital history projects: A quasi-experiment in a middle school history classroom. Brief paper.
- Hammond, T., Manfra, M., Friedman, A., Keeler, C., & Metan, D. (2008). Epistemology is elementary: Historical thinking as applied epistemology in an elementary social studies methods class. Brief paper.
- Park, J., & Hammond, T. (2008). An Updated Approach to Using Digital Video in Content Area Education, Part 1. Symposium.
- Park, J., & Hammond, T. (2008). An Updated Approach to Using Digital Video in Content Area Education, Part 2. Symposium.
- Publishing
- Bull, G., Bell, L., & Hammond, T. (2008). Advancing TPCK through collaborations across educational associations. In P. Mishra & M. Koehler (Eds.), The handbook of technological pedagogical content knowledge for teaching and teacher educators (pp. 273-287). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.
Fall 2007
- Teaching TBTE 415 / TLT 450: Technology in School settings...course page
- This course is being taught in parallel with a course at the University of Virginia, EDLF 545: Applied Teaching with Technology.
- Presenting
- National Technology Leadership Summit, Washington, DC, October 4-5
- College and University Faculty Association of the National Council for the Social Studies in San Diego, CA Nov 28-29
Summer 2007
- Teaching
- TBTE 412-10: Curriculum and Instruction in Social Studies (Elem) ... course page
- Presenting
- Ackerman Colloquium at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN July 23-26
- Presentation: Reflective, competent, and concerned citizens in the history classroom: Seventh-grade students' inclusion of citizenship themes in digital history projects (ppt)
- National Educational Computing Conference (NECC) in Atlanta, GA June 24-27
- Panel: Defining a Technology-supportive Environment: Preparing a Foundation for Research
- Workshop: PrimaryAccess: Creating Digital Documentaries in the Social Studies Classroom (materials)
- Ackerman Colloquium at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN July 23-26
- Publishing
- Hammond, T. (2007). A task-oriented framework for stand-alone technology integration classes. Journal of Computing in Teacher Education, 23(4), 153-158.
Spring 2007
- Defended dissertation (.pdf format) at the University of Virginia. Title: Media, scaffolds, canvases: A quantitative and qualitative investigation of student content knowledge outcomes in technology-mediated seventh-grade history instruction. Co-chairs: Stephanie Van Hover & Glen Bull.