TLT 412, Social Studies in Elementary Education (Fall 2011)
- Course meets Tuesdays, 7-10 pm
- Iacocca Hall, room E-104
- First class = Tues, Aug 30; Last class = Tues, Dec 6; final work due Tues, Dec 13.
- syllabus: Google doc copy (dynamic; updated throughout course); pdf copy (static, suitable for printing).
- course map (intended curriculum), list of assignments .
- course record (an ongoing list of class sessions, resources, etc.--the enacted curriculum)
- Lehigh's content management system:
- course bookmarks (a list of potentially useful resources)
- List of social studies journals
- Available online
- Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education: Social studies section
- Social Studies Research and Practice
- Journal of Social Studies Research
- Canadian Social Studies
- Theory and Research in Social Education (courtesy of the University of South Florida-thanks!-and covers years 1973-2002)
- Available through the Lehigh Library
- The Social Studies (fulltext available online)
- The History Teacher (fulltext available online)
- The Elementary School Journal (fulltext up to 2004; note that they periodically have special issues on topics like social studies)
- Available online
- Useful tech links
- Lehigh wireless
- Lehigh printers
- Lehigh VPN
- SSH 3.2 (Lehigh's licensed secure FTP client)
- Lehigh's E-Portfolio community
- Lehigh's Google Docs server.
, multiple selections available,