Geo-computational thinking in the K-12 curriculum

Tuesday, 14 January 2020

  • Slides available 
    • Note that some of these are recycled from an earlier presentation (Hammond, T.C., Oltman, J.L., & Manfra, M.M. (2019, November). Geo-Computational Thinking in the Third Grade: Making Computational Thinking Truly “For Everyone, Everywhere”. Paper presented at 27th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems Workshop on Geo-Computational Thinking in Education (GeoEd 2019), Chicago, IL. -slides, paper)
  • Links used in the presentation
    • Lehigh Valley settlement pattern – I'm having permissions issues, so I can make all of the data visible without a Lehigh log-in. Sorry!
    • Parks and waterways
    • Civil War, eastern theater battles – data layers available via ArcGIS Online. Don't forget to try the 'Cluster' tool
    • Computer science challenges

For exploration after the presentation: See a wiki page that lists a running record of instructional materials and suggestions for integrating social studies and computational thinking.