New Moodle features 2025: Gradebook improvements

There are several key enhancements to the course gradebook aimed at making interacting with, managing, and digesting the course gradebook much easier and more intuitively.

Sticky footer and sticky student name column

One of the hardest views to navigate is the main “grader report” view of the course gradebook, especially in courses with many grade items/categories and/or a large student roster. This view now features:

  • a sticky footer so the overall average, edit options, and “save changes” button remain consistently visible and “stuck” to the bottom of the page.

  • a sticky student name column so that no matter how far an instructor scrolls horizontally, the students will always be visible.

moodle grade book sticky column and footer.png

Collapsible columns

With Edit Mode enabled, individuals with gradebook editing permission can now collapse columns to focus on only those items they care most about at a given moment.

moodle grade book collapse column.png

If a column is collapsed, it will still appear as a condensed column with a + that, when clicked, will expand the column normally again.

Bulk actions in gradebook

With Edit Mode enabled, individuals with gradebook level permissions can perform bulk actions from the “gradebook setup” view. This feature affords the ability to select multiple grade items or categories and move them at one time. Bulk actions appear in the same footer as bulk actions from the course home page.


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