FAQ: Classroom and Learning Spaces

Basic Instructions


Instructor's station display

How do I log into a Lehigh PC?

Once any LTS computing site computer has been started and is ready for use, you will see the instruction to press Ctrl-Alt-Del to Login. Pressing the Ctrl, Alt, and Del keys will invoke a login dialog box. To log into the computer, enter your user name and password in the appropriate fields; press the Tab key to move between fields. Make sure "Log on to: AD" below the password field is visible. If it says something like "Log on to: PS-xxxxx" then you'll need to enter your username as "ad\username" in the username field. If it says "Log on to: FSxxxxxx" then it's a faculty/staff machine (you may still be able to login using ad\username if you have permission). When you are finished using a computer at an LTS Computing Site, REMEMBER TO LOG OUT. If you fail to log out, someone could access your email, coursework, or academic records. To log out, click on Start and choose Log Off from the Start Menu. Make sure you are completely logged out before you leave the PC. Often the logout process with require user confirmation or the process could hang. You are not logged out until the PC returns to the main Logon screen.

How do I handle a locked workstation?

If another user has been logged into the workstation and left without logging out, the computer will display the message "Press ctrl + alt + delete to unlock this computer" and below that in small type it says who's logged on. If you are not the user who is logged in you will need to turn the PC off and then on again. Hold the On/Off button down for at least 5 seconds or until you see the light behind the button disappear. Then, turn the PC back on, and log in as usual.

What happens when I start up (or restart) a classroom PC?

On boot up the computer will display some messages as it loads it's operating system into memory.  The computer will continue to start up Windows and then present you with the login screen.

What will I find on the Desktop?

The Windows desktop contains several items. In the Start Menu are:

  • Chrome
  • MS Office apps (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Project, Visio)
  • Software
  • Course Site
  • Lehigh G Suite (Mail, Calendar, Drive, etc)
  • Portal
  • LU Apps (Citrix app streaming launcher)
  • LTS Help Desk
  • SmarTTY (a gui ssh client)

On the desktop you'll see a reminder to logout, a logout icon (double click to logout), and the Papercut printing widget with your current balance.

At the bottom of your screen is the taskbar which includes the Start button at one end and the system clock at the other.

All software can be started from the Start button's 'All Programs' menu.

How do I install software on a classroom computer?

Each classroom or lab computer comes with a base set of programs, which include the following titles: Adobe Reader,  Microsoft Windows Security (antivirus software), Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access), Notepad ++, Internet Explorer, Firefox, along with VLC. (Other utility programs are under Accessories.) LTS refers to this base set of programs as the base image. Performing a complete software reload provides a new copy of this base image to the computer's hard drive. Click the Software link on the Desktop to install software that is not included in the base image. There may be restrictions on where some titles can be installed.

How long does it take for the screen saver to kick in?

In order to protect users' confidential data, a password-protected screen saver has been implemented at the computing sites and computer classrooms. The timeout for classroom instructors stations is 2 hours, for all other computing site machines it is 10 minutes. The screen saver can be activated at any time by pressing the "Windows + L" keys on the keyboard. The original user can log back into the computer with the Lehigh password. If the original user has left the PC without logging off, the next user will need to shut the PC down and restart it.

How do I Log Off of a Classroom PC?

When you are finished using a computer at an LTS computing site, REMEMBER TO LOG OUT. If you fail to log out, someone could access your email, coursework, or academic records. To log out, click on Start, then on the "user" icon in the Start Menu, and select "Sign Out". Make sure you are completely logged out before you leave the PC. Often, the logout process will require user confirmation (to save an open file, etc.) or the process could hang. You are not logged out until the PC returns to the main Logon screen.

Can I get immediate help if I have a problem during class?

Yes.  You can reach the help desk by calling 610-758-HELP (4357).  Dedicated classroom techs are available, and can respond to tickets quickly.

The desktop image is not being displayed – the screen is blue but no icons appear.

The instructor previous to your class may have change a setting to extended display. Try this:

  1. Right click on the desktop.
  2. From the dropdown menu, select Display Settings.
  3. From the next menu, under multiple display, select "Duplicate Screen."

The monitor is black or not turned on.

  1. Make sure the instructor's station is turned on. The previous instructor may have powered the PC down.
  2. Make sure the monitor is powered on. 
  3. If you can access the cable to the monitor, make sure it is secure.

Touch panels 

The touch panel is not responding.

  1. There can sometimes be a several second delay in the touchpanel response. Try changing the input source, waiting 10-20 seconds, then change back to the desired source. Wait for a response.
  2. If you get no response, contact the LTS Help Desk at 610-758-4357 (HELP)

Audio issues

The audio in the room does not work or is not playing at a loud enough volume. 

  1. Make sure audio is not muted – the sound icon in the task bar should not have an x through it. 
  2. Make sure the volume on the computer, touch panel, AND media player  is all the way up. 
  3. Check playback devices (right-click on speaker in taskbar). The default selection should be speaker/headphones EXCEPT in Neville 2 where the correct option is HDMI or INTEL. See troubleshooting steps at Troubleshoot Audio Output in an LTS Classroom
  4. Make sure volume on the computer, touch panel, AND media player  is all the way up. 

Projector issues

I'm getting a "clean filter" message.

This message normally flashes only for a few moments and then disappears. You can submit a classroom technology request at www.lehigh.edu/help or contact the LTS Help Desk to have the filters cleaned. On the projector, you can select Remote>Menu>Reset>Enter 

I'm seeing a red light on the projector.

  • Blinking red light. This may indicate a bulb is burned out or other diagnostics are required. Contact the LTS Help Desk.
  • Steady red light. The projector is off. Check the touchpanel and make sure the system is powered up.

The projector screen is blue with no desktop icons.

  1. Right click on the desktop.
  2. From the dropdown menu, select Display Settings.
  3. From the next menu, under multiple display, select "Duplicate Screen."

Powerpoint presentations

I'm in Packard 101 and having difficulty with a PowerPoint presentation.

If you are a) using the PC housed in the podium and b) have the touchpanel set to PC1, switch the touch panel to PC2 and launch presenter mode again. In this room, PC2 is acting as a shadow extended desktop in this single PC monitor room. 

I'm in a video wall (videowall) room in Packard 101, Whitaker 303, or Sinclair 106. How do I display multiple screens at once?

Follow these instructions:

  1. From the Touch panel, go to the  Gear icon > Dual > Second Image 
  2. From the next screen, select source and location on wall.

PowerPoint presentations should go to PC2 for display 

VCR/DVD Player

The VCR or DVD player is not working. 

  • There is a cover over the infrared receiver--this needs to stay in place. If the cover is removed it will not work

My DVD is stuck in the drive. 

Contact the LTS Help Desk.

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For immediate help, contact the LTS Help Desk (Hours)
EWFM Library | Call: 610-758-4357 (8-HELP) | Text: 610-616-5910 | Chat | helpdesk@lehigh.edu
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