Safe Exam Browser

Safe Exam Browser


There currently is not an LTS-supported lockdown browser. However, you may have recently noticed a safe-exam browser setting in the course site quiz settings. This safe-exam browser is an open-source application that is unaffiliated with Moodle (Course Site) and we found it to be problematic in our testing. We recommend against using it, though so far we have not found a way to disable it from showing up in Quiz activity settings. In our experience, we’ve found that lockdown browsers generally can pose technical challenges, can be expensive, and also aren’t foolproof.

Students would need to install the Safe Exam Browser, and complete two-factor authentication each time they use the tool which would require them to have a mobile device while taking the exam, and there are a couple of easy workarounds that students could utilize to obfuscate.

As an alternative, we can offer the following resources related to promoting academic integrity in assessments, including ideas for assessment creation and recommended quiz settings:

Another option could be discussing proctored exam options with the Testing Center. More information on proctored exams is available here: How to Request a Proctored Exam | Student Affairs

The Instructional Technology Team is currently researching some new tools to serve this purpose, but we have not found a solution.


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