Searching for layers in

First, in one browser window, log into and Create a new Map. 

Next, in a different browser tab or window, bring up the map for the MegaCities GeoInquiry

Now, what if you want to use the layer 'Megacities' in your own map?

  • In your map, click on Add > Search for layers
  • In the top drop down, you see 'My Content'. Shift to 'ArcGIS Online'
  • In the search box below the drop down, search for 'MegaCities'
  •'ll see several options; which one matches the one used in the GeoInquiry?

Lesson: If you see something, you can usually get it.

Try to get a different layer: Let's say that you want the 'World Urban Sprawl' layer.

  • Again, click on Add > Search for layers
  • ...if it isn't there already, shift the drop down to 'ArcGIS Online'
  • ... ...nothing shows up! Why? (answer: The file actually has a different name)
  • To find the correct file name, go back to the MegaCities GeoInquiry and bring up the Description for the 'World Urban Sprawl' layer
  • will see that the file name is 'World_Urban_Areas'
  • ... ... try searching for 'world urban areas' – did you find what you wanted? 

Lesson: If you see something, you can usually get it...but you have to know what it's called

You can also get historical info! Try this:

  • Add > Search for Layers > ArcGIS Online for 'africa 1787'. 
  • Add the layer to your map. 
  • Look at the Description for this layer. Note the user who generated it – hopefully this name is familiar to you!
  • Now try to find more items from the same user...what did you find? Why did it show up?
  • Can you find other maps by username? Try to find something by Scott (rutzmosh) or me (tch207_LU)

Lesson: Knowing who made something is great...but you can't search by username (at the moment). You have to know the name of the file or one of its tags