Classrooms, Libraries, and Technology Spaces
- The Classroom Technology and Computing Sites pages describe all of the LTS-maintained libraries, computing sites, classrooms, conference rooms, study spaces, and workshops on campus, and allow searching for particular equipment.
- Need to find a free public site or lab computer? Check out this LTS app – it helps you locate or find where there are open computers on campus.
- The LTS RoomFinder provides interactive web-access to maps of all three campuses, and includes layouts for many rooms within buildings. Type in a building name, and room number, and locate it.
- Submit your campus photo(s) to be displayed on the desktop backgrounds of the computer sites and labs - to learn more.
LTS's main buildings are:
- Linderman Library at 30 Library Drive, Bethlehem, PA
- EW Fairchild-Martindale (EWFM) Library at 8A E. Packer Avenue, Bethlehem, PA
- EW Fairchild-Martindale Computing Center at 8B E. Packer Avenue, Bethlehem, PA
Additional service areas include:
- Special Collections in the Bayer Galleria on the 3rd floor of Linderman Library
- The Scheler Humanities Forum in Linderman Library room 200
- The Digital Media Studio and Classroom at the south end of the EWFM Library
- Library and Computing Center
- Digital Media Studio
- Special Collections public hours are Monday through Friday, 1:00-5:00 p.m. Morning visits may be arranged by appointment.
Lost and Found:
- Each library has a Lost and Found. Contact the Circulation Desk at EWFM Library (610-758-3070) or Linderman Library (610-758-3030) if you left or lost personal items at a library. Note that the University Center also has a lost and found.
- FAQ: Classroom and Learning Spaces
- Classroom scheduling times
- Building C Video Conference Spaces
- Creator Spaces
- Editing the Classroom Technology and Computing Sites Pages
- Using Classroom Technology
- Departmental Computer Lab Support
- Charging Stations for Mobile Devices
- Hours for LTS Computing Sites and Classrooms
- LTS Service and Facilities Hours
- Visitor's guide to Library and Technology Services
- Classroom Documentation Team
- LTS Help Desk Hours (EWFM Library)
- Building access during COVID
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For immediate help, contact the LTS Help Desk (Hours)
EWFM Library | Call: 610-758-4357 (8-HELP) | Text: 610-616-5910 | Chat |
Submit a help request (login required)