TLT 412, Fall 2022 - Course record

weeks: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15

Week 1 - Monday, 22 Aug

Before class 

  • Buy a copy of the textbook (Maxim, 2017, Dynamic Social Studies for Constructivist Classrooms; currently in 11th edition, but earlier editions are fine). Amazon has it 
  • Cruise this wiki and the CourseSite.
  • Preview the syllabus. We will discuss it during class.

During class (ppt)

  • Housekeeping
    • Introductions
    • Looking at our toolbox: CourseSite, wiki, bookmarks, etc.
    • Reviewing syllabus
      • Assignments and grading
      • First step: Completing your first WTL entries
    • Questions thus far?
  • Conceptual work
  • Closure
    • Review of what's where (wiki, CourseSite)
    • Any questions?
    • Stick around for portfolio work, if you wish

After class

  • Reading
    • (Borrow something from me! Read or skim it! Talk about it next week!)
    • Maxim, Ch. 1 (What is?)
  • Assignments
    • WTL for this week: What is the purpose of curriculum??
    • Update your profile in CourseSite to include your picture
    • Starting planning out your upcoming assignments: Original Instructional Materials product #1, who you'll interview for HTCE, etc. 
    • Bookmark class websites on your computer (e.g., CourseSite, relevant wiki pages) 

Week 2 - Monday, 29 Aug

Before class 

  • Complete reading
  • Don't forget to do the WTL in CourseSite!
  • Return what you borrowed from my cartload of materials
  • Do the CoureSite updating (it helps me remember names/faces!)
  • Think ahead on your assignments

During class (ppt)

  • First thing! No time to waste! Going outside to do the scaffolded geocache activity with the last of our daylight!
  • Back inside: Debriefing the activity
  • Looking at some geography standards, plus unpacking the idea of location (absolute vs. relative), place
  • Framework for teacher decision-making: TPACK
    • Something I'll reference: A set of maps about European settlements in the Lehigh Watershed:
  • (Of course, we'll dip into our handy JamBoard of methods!
  • Playing with the duality of 'What is social studies?' and 'What is the purpose of social studies?'
  • Closure – note the utility of the textbook, particularly as a source of inspiration for methods

After class

  • Reading
  • Assignments
    • WTL in CourseSite. It's a double-barreled week:
      • What is your earliest memory of social studies?
      • What are you thinking of doing for your first Original Instructional Materials assignment?
    • As a prep for one of next week's demos, please provide some info for our "Weaving the Globe" lesson
    • More prep for next week: In your phone, please download and install the Field Maps app from Esri. You already have an account to use this, thanks to Lehigh. We'll get into it next week:
    • Complete your OIM #1 and bring it to class next week. We will share what you created.

Week 3 - Monday, 5 Sep

Before class 

During class (ppt)

After class

  • Reading:
    • Barton & Lestik 1996. (This prepares you to do the HTCE, plus it provides a model for your image set)
    • Optional: Gaudelli & Laverty, 2017. (This unpacks the idea of different stances / approaches to teaching social studies)
  • Assignments
    • Complete and bring in your HTCE prep assignment
    • Complete WTL on 'Whose Land?' activity
    • If you can: Tell us what observances you see in schools centered around the events of September 11th, 2001

Week 4 - Monday, 12 Sep

Before class 

  • Complete reading (be sure to read Barton & Levstik before doing your HTCE prep assignment!)
  • Complete and bring in your HTCE prep (see syllabus for detail)s)
  • Make sure you have Esri's Field Maps downloaded to your phone (
  • Keep an eye out for Sept 11 discussions or observances in schools!

During class (slides)

After class

  • OIP #2 – I'm looking for two things here
    • Stretch yourself in some way! (But don't drive yourself too crazy – try something new but don't bite off more than you can chew)
    • There's a reflection that goes with it – see syllabus for detail
  • Complete WTL in CourseSite on geography resources & geography curriculum
  • Reading
    • Maxim, Ch. 4-5-6 – just get started on these, start digging into what Maxim has to say about pedagogy
    • BASD curriculum documents. Note that these connect to the WTL, plus it sets up a discussion I want to have next week about curriculum & planning

Week 5 - Monday, 19 Sep

Before class 

  • Complete reading
  • Complete OIP #2 – don't forget the reflection! We won't be doing a full sharing session in class, but do feel free to post yours in the CourseSite forum for this week
  • Complete WTL

During class (ppt)

  • OIP #2 – anything interesting to discuss?
  • Re-capping big ideas thus far, pivoting to new stuff
  • Civics ed: Warm up activity = image study & annotation – I'm not linking it here (since these are copyrighted images) but will happily send you a copy of the ppt if you wish
  • Unpacking civics
    • Standards: PDE, C3, Center for Civic Education
    • Instructional planning
    • The real question, one that standards don't deeply engage: What kind of citizen are we talking about?
    • Further messiness: Example of BASD curriculum, other curricular frames
  • Discussion of curriculum map assignment
  • Closure

After class

  • Reading
    • Maxim, Ch. 9 (civics)
    • Civics standards: PDE & C3 (in CourseSite – see folder of standards)
    • optional: Brophy & Alleman, 2002 (this is a quick intro to their idea of cultural universals; FML has some of the supporting materials for this curriculum approach)
  • Assignments
    • WTL on civic ed – play an iCivics game and report back!
    • Think ahead on your curriculum map assignment

Week 6 - Monday, 26 Sep

Before class

  • Complete reading
  • Complete WTL on iCivics games
  • Work on curriculum map! It's a big assignment, and it's due the following week!

During class (ppt)

After class

  • Reading: Finish off anything you have left from Maxim, Ch. 4-5-6
  • Assignments
    • Complete WTL on civics standards
    • Prepare and bring in your curriculum map assignment (+reflection!)
    • (Work ahead on your other instructional planning assignments!)
    • Get started on field work!!
    • Let me know if you're interested in playing my government game for Southside Bethlehem – meet up at Campus Square at 4:30 on Monday, 3 Oct; download and install the app ActionBound (

Week 7 - Monday, 3 Oct

Before class

  • Complete and turn in your curriculum map assignment – don't forget the reflection!
  • Complete WTL
  • Let me know if you want to play the government game!

During class (ppt)

After class

  • Reading
    • optional: Westheimer & Kahne, 2004
    • optional: Hammond & Manfra, 2009
    • Instructional planning materials in CourseSite – read as needed. For example: If you need a brush-up on writing instructional objectives, there are a couple of resources for that. 
  • Assignments
    • Work ahead / think ahead on second-half-of-semester assignments (ex: instructional unit)
    • Turn in fieldwork update
    • Turn in "one good, one bad" instructional objective activity + brief explanation of what you like about the good one & what you don't like about the bad one

Week 8 - Monday, 10 Oct - NO CLASS (Day 1 of pacing break); see CourseSite for activities & materials

Week 9 - Monday, 17 Oct

Before class

  • Complete WTLs – there's one to update me on your fieldwork and another to try your hand at writing objectives
  • Work ahead / think ahead on upcoming assignments

During class (ppt)

After class

  • Reading
    • History standards (see folder in CourseSite)
    • Maxim, Ch. 9 (history ed)
    • Read 1 additional history ed piece (see options in CourseSite)
  • Assignments
    • Sign up for microteaching timeslot
    • Complete and turn in your unit overview
    • Complete WTL on Wikipedia…I have a thing for Wikipedia.

Week 10 - Monday, 24 Oct

Before class

  • Complete and turn in unit overview document
  • Complete reading
  • Complete WTL on Wikipedia
  • Fill out form for requesting a microteaching slot

During class (ppt)

After class

  • Skim the 1619 Project and the 1776 Project documents in CourseSite
  • Optional reading: Schweber, 2008
  • Work on end-of-semester assignments! (Fieldwork paper, HTCE interview & report, instructional unit), but nothing is due next week unless...
  • If you're microteaching, prep your lesson!!

Week 11 - Monday, 31 Oct

Before class

  • Complete reading
  • Work on end-of-semester assignments
  • Prep microteaching (if you're due up – see CourseSite)

During class (ppt)

  • Microteaching – see CourseSite for who is going tonight
    • Please feel free to use the forum provided in CourseSite to share materials to the class
    • For all non-microteachers, there's a form in CourseSite to provide info/questions to tonight's presenters
  • Housekeeping: Instructional unit overview; final unit – questions / discussion
  • Finishing up history ed
    • Deepening our examination of teacher stances / approaches to history education. Note that some of these claim to be super into history & minimize the distinction I'm drawing with history education....
    • Finishing up Wikipedia discussion / activities
    • Closing off the idea of "history education that is pro-democracy" with a non-example (timelines about George Washington) and some examples

After class

  • Work on end-of-semester assignments! (Fieldwork paper, HTCE interview & report, instructional unit), but nothing is due next week unless...
  • If you're microteaching, prep your lesson!!
  • If you just finished microteaching, write up a reflection and email it to me! Not a rush, just do it in the next week or two
  • Reading: Read the Schurr piece linked in CourseSite ("Assessment That Emphasizes Learning"); it will get us warmed up for next week.

Week 12 - Monday, 7 Nov

Before class

  • If you're microteaching, prep it! If you just got done microteaching, write a reflection (see syllabus for details)
  • For everyone else: Work ahead on long-term assignments
  • Complete WTL. I'm pretty into this one, so take a little time. Give it some thought, maybe read others' posts
  • Complete reading

During class (ppt)

  • Microteaching – see CourseSite for who is going tonight
    • Please feel free to use the forum provided in CourseSite to share materials to the class
    • For all non-microteachers, there's a form in CourseSite to provide info/questions to tonight's presenters. We weren't great about this last week...let's do better this week!
  •  Housekeeping – any questions about long term assignments?
    • Instructional unit
    • HTCE report
    • Fieldwork paper
  • Discussing assessments in social studies
    • Assessment basics
    • What's important to keep in mind about assessment in social studies?
  • Closure

After class

  • Work on end-of-semester assignments! (Fieldwork paper, HTCE interview & report, instructional unit), but nothing is due next week unless...
  • If you're microteaching, prep your lesson!!
  • If you just finished microteaching, write up a reflection and email it to me! Not a rush, just do it in the next week or two
  • Re-read Schurr on assessment for learning – lots of great, outside-of-the-box ideas!
  • Optional reading: If you want to explore the complexities of assessment in social studies, read Fournier & Wineburg, 1997 (see folder at top of CourseSite). This is also useful for writing up your HTCE paper!

Week 13 - Monday, 14 Nov

Before class

  • If you're microteaching, prep it! If you just got done microteaching, write a reflection (see syllabus for details)
  • For everyone else: Work ahead on long-term assignments
  • Complete WTL.
  • Complete reading

During class (ppt)

After class

  • Reading
    • Pick one of the two multilingual learner pieces (Cruz & Thornton, 2009 or Zehler, 1994)
    • Look through folder of inclusion materials
  • Assignments
    • Work on end-of-semester assignments! (Fieldwork paper, HTCE interview & report, instructional unit), but nothing is due next week unless...
    • If you're microteaching, prep your lesson!!
    • If you just finished microteaching, write up a reflection and email it to me! Not a rush, just do it in the next week or two
    • Complete WTL on accommodating your diverse learners

Week 14 - Monday, 21 Nov

Before class

  • Work on end-of-semester assignments! 
  • If you're microteaching, prep your lesson!! If you finished, write up your reflection and email it to me!
  • Complete WTL 

During class (ppt)

  • Microteaching! Just one person up tonight; don't forget to look in CourseSite for the feedback form
  • Conceptual work: Economics education
  • Closure

After class

  • Reading
    • Skim through Econ standards in CourseSite
    • Read Maxim, Ch. 11 (econ ed)
    • DOWNLOAD the econ ed resources and save them – you’ll need them at some point in your career!
    • READ at least one of the econ ed resources
  • Assignments
    • Work on end-of-semester assignments! (Fieldwork paper, HTCE interview & report, instructional unit), but nothing is due next week unless...
    • If you're microteaching, prep your lesson!!
    • If you just finished microteaching, write up a reflection and email it to me! Not a rush, just do it in the next week or two

Week 15 - Monday, 28 Nov

Before class

  • Work on end-of-semester assignments! 
  • If you're microteaching, prep your lesson!! If you finished, write up your reflection and email it to me!
  • Don't forget to bring in something from your unit to show-and-tell 

During class (ppt – this is the same one from the previous week! New material is added below)

  • Microteaching – our final presentation!
  • Show-and-tell from your instructional units
  • Catching up / closing out our econ conversation from last week
  • A final suggestion: Social studies and science should be friends
  • Closure

After class

  • Do Econ reading from last week
  • Finish final assignments! Last day to turn things in = Tues, Dec 13
  • Optional help session on Friday, Dec 9 at 1:00-3:00 via Zoom (see CourseSite)
  • Go forth and be an awesome teacher!