New Moodle features 2025: Course edit mode, bulk actions
The new Bulk Actions feature is available when course Edit Mode is enabled, and allows individuals with course editing permissions to accomplish several common tasks in bulk. To enable Bulk Actions mode, course Edit Mode must first be enabled (as shown in the screenshot below). Once Edit Mode is enabled, the Bulk Actions mode link will appear to the right of the course title. Click the Bulk Actions link to enable this mode.
The first thing to notice is the sticky footer that appears at the bottom of the screen regardless of scrolling up/down the course page. To exit Bulk Actions mode at any time, click the X along the right side of the footer. The available bulk actions will turn active/inactive depending on what sections/items are selected.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Bulk actions can only be performed on course sections OR course activities and resources at the same time. Mixing course sections and activities/resources is not supported. This is an safety to prevent accidental mass deletion or duplication of content.
Performing bulk actions
Selecting either course sections or course activities/resources
In the screenshot below, note the two different regions where checkboxes will appear when Bulk Actions mode is enabled.
A. This highlighted region of checkboxes indicates course sections (topics). To perform bulk actions with sections, simply check one or more of these checkboxes, and continue.
B. This highlighted region of checkboxes indicates course activities and/or resources. To perform bulk actions with course activities and/or resources, simply check one or more of these checkboxes, and continue. Activities and resources can be selected across course sections.
Performing bulk actions on course activities and/or resources
To perform bulk actions on course activities and/or resources, simply check the checkboxes corresponding to each activity/resource desired for bulk actions. The following bulk actions are available in this scenario:
Availability - change the availability/visibility of selected activities/resources (a panel will appear with options to choose from before action is taken)
Duplicate - duplicate the selected activities/resources (action will execute immediately after clicking Duplicate, so use with care)
Move - move the selected activities/resources to another course section (a panel will appear with a list of links for course sections before items are moved)
Delete - delete the selected activities/resources (a confirmation prompt will appear before action is taken and items are moved to the course recycle bin ahead of deletion)
Performing bulk actions on course sections
To perform bulk actions on course sections, simply check the checkboxes corresponding to each section desired for bulk actions. The following bulk actions are available in this scenario:
Availability - change the availability/visibility of selected sections (a panel will appear with options to choose from before action is taken)
Move - move the selected sections to another spot following chosen section (a panel will appear with a list of links for course sections before sections are moved). Select the section that the selected sections should appear after.
Delete - delete the selected sections (a confirmation prompt will appear before action is taken and sections are deleted)
NOTE: This will permanently delete the section and all course activities/resources within the deleted section will also be moved to the course recycle bin marked for permanent deletion. Use with care.
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