1. Create Groups

To view/edit/create groups, go to your Course Site course.  Select Participants from Course navigation and from the dropdown select Groups.

Click the Create group button.

Provide group information. Group name is required but the remaining fields are optional.
You might want to make note of the Group messaging option which, when enabled, allows members of the group to send messages to other members of the group via the Moodle messaging feature.

To edit group settings in the future, simply return to the same groups page in your Moodle course, select the group you wish to edit from the list of available groups, and click Edit group settings.

Add/Remove group members

From the main groups page, select the group you wish to add/remove users to/from, then click the Add/Remove Users button.

Adding members to a group

The left Group members panel lists current members of the group while the right Potential members panel shows individuals enrolled in the course that are not currently members of the group.

When you select a potential member to add, any existing group memberships for that person will be displayed to the right under the Selected user's membership so you can verify before actually adding them to the current group.

To add the individual, click < Add and the selected individuals will be moved over immediately.

Removing members from a group

To remove a member from the group, simply select the group member you wish to remove from the left Group members panel, then click Remove > and the selected members will be moved over immediately.

For larger sets of group members or potential members, you can use the search filter at the bottom of each respective panel.

Once you are finished editing the group membership, click Back to groups or simply navigate away to another page.

Back on the groups page, when you select your group, you will see its members listed in the right panel, reflecting any changes you have just made.

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