Ubuntu: Mount LAN Storage Spaces with 'Files'

Ubuntu’s GUI’s file manager application, “Files", provides an easy to use interface for the gio command, and quick access to network file storage spaces.

The procedure below describes how to use that app to connect to Lehigh’s LAN file storage spaces.

1.  From the Ubuntu desktop, click on the 'Files' icon in the favorites bar on the left side of the screen.

2.  In the Files app, click on 'Other Locations'

3.  In the text box next to "Connect to Server" type the name of the location by specifying the protocol, ("smb"), server name, ("homefs.cc.lehigh.edu"), and the share name ("home/<username>") in the following format, replacing "<username>" with your Lehigh username, and then click "Connect":


For example, if your Lehigh username is dab406, you'd type:


4.  You will be prompted for authentication information.  In the dialog box,

  • Click 'Registered User'
  • Type your Lehigh username,
  • Enter 'ad' for the domain, and
  • Enter your Lehigh password in the appropriate boxes.
  • Click "Connect" again.

5.  The Files window will display the contents of your personal LAN storage space (H-drive). 

It's recommended to right-click on the location listing, and then select 'Add Bookmark' to create a bookmark to save re-typing the server/share location.

6.  Other Lehigh LAN storage spaces can be mounted by simply specifying different locations as follows:

  • Departmental LAN storage (I-drive):  smb://common.cc.lehigh.edu/common
  • Faculty storage (R-drive):  smb://rdrive.cc.lehigh.edu/<username>

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