Game-based Learning & Gamification

Game-based Learning & Gamification

If you are looking for a way to increase the engagement in your course consider Game-based Learning (GBL)! Research shows that integrating relevant games in your classroom increases interest and motivation towards your course work. Using the built in motivators like story-lines, gameplay and challenge/reward feedback loops students engage without necessarily feeling like they’re learning. GBL can help foster problem-solving skills and critical thinking while also helping develop communication and collaboration among your students.

At Lehigh we have used GBL in various ways from students creating their own games, playtesting virtual experiences, or using a video based choose your own adventure game for review.

“Through playing “Through playing and creating games, students develop problem-solving skills, promote critical thinking, and create meaningful relationships with their peers. Virtual worlds help students learn about the real world. They learn through play”and creating games, students develop problem-solving skills, promote critical thinking, and create meaningful relationships with their peers. Virtual worlds help students learn about the real world. They learn through play”

  • Andrew Phelps, President, Higher Education Video Game Alliance

  • Stanley Pierre-Louis, President & Chief Executive Officer, Entertainment Software Association

What’s the difference between GBL and Gamification?

GBL involves using games in your class to help define and support your learning outcomes, where Gamification uses gaming elements in non-gaming settings. Badging and leaderboards are common gamification elements in education.

What to Consider Before Trying GBL?

  • First, is GBL even right for your class? While GBL is a great way to engage students in your class, not might not be a great fit for your cohort, subject or setting.

  • Do you want your students to play a game or create a game? Students can showcase their knowledge by creating a game about the subject or as a review of the coursework.

  • Select a game that matches your learning objectives. GBL is most effective when the gameplay, setting and storyline match the learning objectives of your course.

  • What type of gaming experience would you like your students to play? At Lehigh we have had students learn through video games, XR experiences and physical gaming. Roleplaying and board games can be just as effective as video games for learning experiences.

  • How are your students going to access the game? There are time, cost and skill gap considerations while implementing GBL. Do the students have to buy the game? Or is the game on a platform they don’t have access to? A lot of board games might take longer to play than your class period. Also some games might take awhile to become proficient in, make sure the students have enough time to get the full experience.

  • How are you going to assess the learning? If playing in class you can observe engagement and performance, but consider offering students a chance to reflect on their experience. You can also have your students make short review videos to talk about their experience and how the game ties back to the coursework.

CITL Resources for GBL

Looking for Suggested Readings on GBL?

CITL staff are currently working with Lehigh’s Outreach Librarians and the Lending Services team on a Libguide with suggested books for Teaching and Learning. One of the areas of focus of this guide will be classroom engagement such as GBL. The focus of this guide will also be community-driven, and open to suggestions from Lehigh Faculty & Staff. In the meantime, if you have suggestions for materials please email the Instructional Technology team @ initt@lehigh.edu

If you’re looking for a resource to read right now we suggest ”Play to Learn: Everything You Need to Know About Designing Effective Learning Games” available through the Lehigh library digitally.


Additional Resources from External Entities and Institutions




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