R-Drive FAQ

R-Drive FAQ

The questions below detail the use of the R-Drive.

What is the R-Drive?

The R-Drive is a file storage service offered by LTS's Research Computing Team to provide Lehigh users with significant additional storage for larger files or collections of data than are handled by other systems.

What is Ceph?

Ceph is the Research Computing system in which the R-Drive is hosted. It allows LTS to share massive amounts of high-speed, high-availability (redundant) storage space over the Lehigh network.

How is it different from the H-Drive?

Files on the H-Drive are backed up nightly by LTS onto tape, and sent to an off-site storage location. Files on the R-Drive will be stored redundantly, so that a single hardware failure will not result in loss. Supplemental backup is recommended.

How is it different from Cloud Services like Dropbox or Google Drive?

LAN storage is locally stored on Lehigh equipment, and is accessed directly in real-time rather than downloaded and synced.  

Like all data created for work at Lehigh, files on the R-drive are subject to Lehigh’s Data Classification Policy, and Records Retention Policy.

Nevertheless, since the R-Drive’s systems are on campus, owned by Lehigh, and under the university’s direct control, files can be stored on the R-Drive without concern for compliance with the Cloud Computing Policy.

Who is eligible for access to the R-Drive?

Full-time faculty get 1 terabyte of space at no cost, and need only to log in (see instructions below). Additional storage will be charged via a Lehigh account. Staff, students, and others may also request access, but must also be charged via a Lehigh account.

What does it cost?

Full-time faculty get 1TB of space at no cost, and need only to log in (see instructions below). Everyone else, including faculty who need additional storage, can purchase a Ceph Project space. R-Drive and Ceph Project space cannot be combined.

Can I share my R-drive?

R-Drive space cannot be increased or shared with other R-Drive users. It also cannot be combined with a Ceph project space. If Lehigh Faculty need additional space, they will need to purchase a separate Ceph project. More information about Ceph is available on the Ceph FAQ.

How do I connect to it?

Connection instructions have been prepared for:

Can I share files and collaborate with others on the R-Drive?

While your individual R-Drive space cannot be shared, the Ceph system allows for creation of customized project spaces in addition to the R-Drive. See the Ceph FAQ for more info.

Can I use the R-drive with backup systems like CrashPlan?

Using the R-Drive as a _destination_ for CrashPlan is not currently supported, but may be in the future. See your Computing Consultant for more information.

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