EDUC 496, Doctoral Research Seminar (Spring 2014) - Course record

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1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14  ... end

 Session 1 - Monday, 13 Jan

Before class

  • Log into CourseSite, poke around. I will have copies of the syllabus printed and available for you.

During class (ppt)

  • Introductions
  • Syllabus, assignments
  • Getting started on course concepts
    • Reading and discussing Zimbardo et al., 1981
    • Research paradigms
    • Exposing the essence of a piece of research: UTOS (and all its permutations)

After class

  • Reading
    • Schweiber, 2008
    • Pick one (or read both) Boster et al. article
  • Assignments
    • Complete and turn in your Mission Statement. Don't forget to include a copy of your 'best' (to date) piece of scholarly writing.

 Session 2 - Monday, 20 Jan

Before class

  • Complete reading
  • Turn in Mission Statement (in CourseSite). Include your 'best' piece of academic writing.

During class (ppt)

  • Intros / re-intros for new folks / old folks
  • Housekeeping – probs with turning in work? 
  • Conceptual work
    • Let's watch a video! Or maybe two!
    • Discussing the reading. Let's get into the
      • Research methods and paradigm
      • UTOS
    • How to read a research study
  • Closure

After class

  • Reading: Read at least TWO of the following
    • MacQuarrie et al., 2002
    • Klopfer & Squire, 2008
    • Reich, 2009
    • Kingsley & Boone, 2008
  • Assignments 
    • Work on your final project!
    • Get started on your research article analyses and/or your instrument analyses

 Session 3 - Monday, 27 Jan

Before class

  • Complete reading
  • Check to make sure you got your returned Mission Statement

During class (ppt)

  • Housekeeping – did you get your Mission Statement back? Why a PDF? Why green?
  • Conceptual work: Four flavors of experiment
    • A moment to consider the cultural loadings of some of our terms: experiment, science
    • Building upon an experience from my own doc program: What's the difference between an experiment and a quasi-experiment?
      • Pair, discuss, categorize
      • Re-group, defend / probe decisions
  • Closure

After class

  • Reading – read TWO of the following
    • Pianta et al., 2002
    • Schmidt et al., 2009
    • Barton, 2009
  • Assignments
    • Work on your final project!
    • Work on your research article analyses and/or your instrument analyses. Which are you planning to turn in first?


 ( Class canceled due to weather on Monday, Feb 3 ) 


 Session 4 - Monday, 10 Feb

Before class

  • Complete reading

During class (ppt)

  • Housekeeping
    • Revised calendar (but not yet course record! Sorry!)
    • Upcoming assignments
    • Signing up for presentation slots
  • Conceptual work
    • Discussing reading
      • How to categorize?
      • Critique: Which one is the 'weaker' study? Why?
    • Discussing your own research
  • Closure
    • Prepping for next week's reading

After class

  • Reading
  • Assignments
    • Complete and turn in at least one of your two intermediate assignments (either the article analyses or the instrument analyses)
    • Keep working on your final project!
    • Tell me about your presentation preference and topic via this Google form. 

 Session 5 - Monday, 17 Feb

Before class

  • Complete the reading.

During class (ppt)

After class

  • Reading
    • Barab, 2006 – does this link work?

    • DBR Collective, 2003

    • Wang & Hannafin, 2005

  • Assignments – just work on your final project!

 Session 6 - Monday, 24 Feb

Before class

  • Complete readings

During class (ppt)

  • Housekeeping
  • Conceptual work
  • Closure

After class

  • Reading
    • Skim Friedman & Heafner, 2007; read Heafner & Friedman, 2008 with a little more attention.
    • Read Wouters, van Nimwegen, van Oostendorp, van der Spek, 2013 – both as a discussion of the same issue (retention), and as an example of a meta-analysis
    • ...and bring to class your own favorite research piece that addresses time / retention.
  • Assignments
    • Complete mission statement #2 (i.e., update #1)
    • Work on next interstitial assignment
    • Work on final project!


Monday, Mar 3 - Lehigh University Spring Break - NO CLASS


 Session 7 - Monday, 10 Mar

Before class

  • Complete reading

During class (ppt)

  • Housekeeping
  • Conceptual work
  • Closure

After class

  • Reading
    • Wineburg, 2004
    • Hammond, Bodzin, & Alexander, 2012
    • Take a look through the methods links in the course bookmarks
  • Assignments


 Session 8 - Monday, 17 Mar  – SITE Conference; no class session



 Session 9 - Monday, 24 Mar

Before class

  • Complete reading

During class (ppt)

After class

  • Reading
    • Schwartz, Bransford, & Sears, 2004
    • Optional: Schwartz & Bransford, 1999
  • Assignments


 Session 10 - Monday, 31 Mar

Before class

  • Complete reading

During class (ppt)

  • Housekeeping
  • Conceptual work: Transfer
  • Presentation: Cara
  • Closure

After class

  • Reading: none!
  • Assignments
    • (Prep for presentation, as needed)
    • Work on final paper!


 Session 11 - Monday, 7 Apr

Before class

  • Work on assignments
  • If you have to, prep your presentation

During class (ppt)

After class

  • Assignments – work on final projects

 Session 12 - Monday, 14 Apr 


Before class

  • Complete reading

During class (ppt)

  • Housekeeping
  • Presentations
    • Raj (qual project)
    • Daria (instrumentation)
  • Closure

After class

  • Reading
  • Assignments

 Session 13 - Monday, 21 Apr 

Before class

  • Complete reading

During class (ppt)

  • Housekeeping
  • Presentations
    • Rob (diss pilot)
    • Whitney
  • Closure

After class

  • Reading
  • Assignments


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