TLT 444, Spring 2011 - Course record

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Session 1 - Monday, 17 Jan

Before class

  • Get ready for your internship to start! Binders! Pencils! Professional attire!

During class (ppt )

  • Housekeeping
    • Introductions
  • Conceptual work
    • Going over syllabus, assignments
    • Entering the teacher workforce: certified / certifiable Exhibit A, Exhibit B.
    • What do we do in seminar? Photo elicitation activity.
    • Setting the agenda: Topics to be discussed in the following weeks.
  • Closure

After class

  • Reading
    • (Parsons & Brown, on your own)
  • Assignments
    • WTL
      • One or more topics that you'd like to address over the course of the semester.
      • One or more goals for your first week of field placement work.
    • (Complete Parsons & Brown quizzes)
    • Review your digital portfolio --what needs doing?

Session 2 - Monday, 24 Jan

Before class

  • Complete reading
  • WTL

During class (ppt )  -- ELEMENTARY TEACHERS AT 4:00; MIDDLE/SECONDARY AT 5:30

  • Housekeeping
    • Parsons & Brown progress, quizzes
    • Schedule & topics for next two weeks
    • Intern photos
  • Conceptual work
    • Portfolio -- find & edit!
    • Action research -- getting started!
      • Purpose --> Questions
      • Definitions
      • Lit Review -- I'll use to model this. 
  • Closure

After class

  • Reading: (Parsons & Brown, on your own)
  • Assignments
    • WTL (in CourseSite)
    • (Complete Parsons & Brown reading quizzes as you go)
    • Make sure you can find & edit your portfolio
    • Brainstorm one or more topics for your AR project. Post to your WTL thread.

Session 3 - Monday, 31 Jan    EVERYONE at 4:00; middle/secondary stays for the full session while elementary is dismissed.

Before class

  • Complete reading, quizzes
  • WTL -- be sure to work on your action research topic!
  • Dig up your portfolio, make sure you can log in. 

During class (ppt )

  • Housekeeping: Let's get those intern photos up! Here's the template. 
  • Conceptual work
      • Certification
        • What paperwork is required? Here you go. NOTE: DO NOT DO ANYTHING WITH THIS UNTIL THE END OF THE SEMESTER. This is just for your informational purposes at the moment. Donna T. and/or the Office of Field Placement and Teacher Certification will contact you when you need to get this done. 
        • How long is this going to take? No idea, but you can track the progress of your certificate as it goes through. 
        • What's it good for? Where can I get reciprocity?
          • The official group that has all the legal info is NASDTEC, but I think to get into their "Knowledge Base" you need to be a member ($$). I find this frustrating and even unethical, but there you go. 
          • Lots of places give info derived from the official legal sources. For example,, thanks to the increasingly omnivorous USC. Keep in mind that this info comes with disclaimers (or it should).
          • You can also go straight to the state depts of ed for info. For example: Vermont! (Why Vermont? Why not!)
      • Job searching
        • First, know what resources exist to help you. Lehigh has a Career Services office, with a section specifically for grad students.  One of the staffers focuses on education jobs: Lynn D'Angelo (lmd204). They have workshops and events -- again, look for the ones that are specific to the teaching field. Talk to these folks for more detailed info than what I can give you.
        • Second, know the territory. For example, in Pennsylvania, consult the following handy map of districts and IUs. There's a lot! Keep in mind that private and independent schools are NOT listed here. 
        • Third, know your opportunities
          • Job fairs. 
            • This is a hodgepodge, but search around. For example, the Delaware Valley Education Consortium offers a "Greater Philadelphia Teacher Job Fair" every spring. 
            • In our neck of the woods, Kutztown University does the largest job fair--their own students get first shot at the recruiters, then the rest of us get in. So: Find the regions you're interested in and find out which job fair(s) cover that region.
            • Keep in mind that you get better results when you prepare: AHEAD OF TIME, know what schools will be there, what openings they have; have applications filled out (if you can get your hands on them); have extra copies of your resume; bring something to write with and write on, etc. For more tips, see Kutztown's page o' advice. 
          • Districts may also post openings--look for the Human Resources department. (Example: Allentown; Bethlehem) If there are no openings, PHONE THEM. Don't assume that what you're looking at is current/correct. 
          • Below the district level it gets very hit-or-miss, but go ahead and work your network: Make sure principles / counselors / etc. know who you are and what you're good at, pass along contacts and opportunities among your peers. 
      • Resumes!
        • Lots of not-always-consistent advice here. 
        • For starters, consider the Lehigh Career Services Office's handbook on resumes and cover letters.
        • In general, though
          • Keep it short -- front (and back, if needed) of one piece of paper
          • Prioritize the info -- what does someone hiring you want to know about first? For example: DON'T include non-teaching job experiences (unless you think they help 'sell' you). The best predictor of whether or not someone is going to be good at a teaching position is whether or not they've successfully help other teaching positions (including substitute teaching). Telling them that you had a paper route or worked at a restaurant doesn't help. 
          • Keep the presentation clean -- powerful / concise writing, lots of white space, simple fonts, judicious use of boldface. Italicize as needed, don't underline.
          • Make sure your contact info is easy to find and looks professional. No '', please. (And update your outgoing message on your cellphone!)
          • Spellcheck! There's no quicker way to get into the reject pile than to blow some detail like this.
          • For next week: Draft/revise your resume -- be ready to share with peers!
    • Middle/secondary only
      • Action research 
        • Components of the assignment; writing (& submitting?) first checksheet
        • Any questions on lit reviews?
      • Portfolio
        • Questions / problems with access? Editing?
        • Purpose, rubric, what sources of artifacts should be available to you.
        • Presentation / format (e.g., pdf! Explanatory text! Pictures!)
        • Exemplars? 
        • Moving forward: self-eval, peer eval, instructor eval
      • (Stick around for individual help as needed)
  • Closure

After class

  • Reading: Parsons & Brown, on your own
  • Assignments
    • WTL
    • (Complete Parsons & Brown reading quizzes as you go)
    • Work on portfolio. For middle/secondary: Complete a SELF-EVALUATION and turn in (as a post in your WTL thread) by Feb 14. 
    • Work on action research. For middle/secondary: If you haven't already, please submit checksheet #1 no later than Feb 7.

Session 4 - Monday, 7 Feb  EVERYONE at 4:00; elementary stays for the full session while middle/secondary is dismissed.

Before class

  • Complete reading
  • WTL
  • Middle/secondary: Reminder: Please turn in Action Research checksheet #1 by Monday, 7 Feb. 

During class (ppt )

  • Housekeeping
    • Posting your intern teacher sheet
  • Conceptual work: Job searching!
    • Resume workshop
    • Job search update
      • New links from me
      • Any report from you?
    • Interviewing
      • Best / worst experiences?
      • What to wear, what to bring
      • Types of questions
      • Interview practice: Form trios, rotate
    • Job searching strategies: In the next week, I will...
  • Closure : What we're doing on Feb 21st, what you need to have done. 
  • Elementary only
    • Action research 
      • Components of the assignment; writing (& submitting?) first checksheet
      • Any questions on lit reviews?
    • Portfolio
      • Questions / problems with access? Editing?
      • Purpose, rubric, what sources of artifacts should be available to you.
      • Presentation / format (e.g., pdf! Explanatory text! Pictures!)
      • Exemplars? 
      • Moving forward: self-eval, peer eval, instructor eval
    • (Stick around for individual help as needed)

After class

  • Reading: Parsons & Brown, on your own
  • Assignments
    • WTL: What topics from your classroom would you like to discuss during seminar? Examples: Differentiating instruction, classroom management, assessment, communicating with students / parents / administrators / colleagues, accommodating students with special needs. 
    • Reading quizzes, on your own.
    • By Feb 14: Complete portfolio self-evaluation. Just do this as a WTL post: What do you need to do to get an 'A' on this element of the class? 
    • Action research: Have checksheet #1 completed and submitted on/before Feb 14.

Session 5 - Monday, 14 Feb

Before class

  • Complete reading
  • WTL
  • ...

During class (ppt )

  • Housekeeping
    • ...
  • Conceptual work
    • ...
  • Closure

After class

  • Reading
  • Assignments
    • WTL
    • ...

Session 6 - Monday, 21 Feb

Before class

  • Complete reading
  • WTL
  • ...

During class (ppt )

  • Housekeeping
    • ...
  • Conceptual work
    • ...
  • Closure

After class

  • Reading
  • Assignments
    • WTL
    • ...

Session 7 - Monday, 28 Feb

Before class

  • Complete reading
  • WTL
  • ...

During class (ppt )

  • Housekeeping
    • ...
  • Conceptual work
    • ...
  • Closure

After class

  • Reading
  • Assignments
    • WTL
    • ...

Monday, 7 March: No class – Lehigh University spring break

Session 8 - Monday, 14 Mar

Before class

  • Complete reading
  • WTL
  • ...

During class (ppt )

  • One-on-one meetings to discuss action research
    • 4:00-4:20 - Josh H
    • 4:20-4:40 - Corey T
    • 4:40-5:00 - Julie E
    • 5:00-5:20 - Jeff S.
    • 5:20-5:40 - Jonathan Y.
    • 5:40-6:00 -Edann B.
    • 6:00-6:20 - Carrie G.
    • 6:20-6:40 - Brianne M.
    • 6:40-7:00 - J. Saliby

After class

  • Reading
  • Assignments
    • WTL
    • ...

Session 9 - Monday, 21 Mar

Before class

  • Complete reading
  • WTL
  • ...

During class (ppt )

  • One-on-one meetings to discuss action research
    • 3:40-4:00 - Leo M.
    • 4:00-4:20 - Nikki G.
    • 4:20-4:40 - Jenn B.
    • 4:40-5:00 - Lisa C.
    • 5:00-5:20 - Jen I.
    • 5:20-5:40 - Christine S.
    • 5:40-6:00 - Faith R.
    • 6:00-6:20 - Quadir C.
    • 6:20-6:40 - Jonathan Z.
    • 6:40-7:00 - J. Schneider

After class

  • Reading
  • Assignments
    • WTL
    • ...

Session 10 - Monday, 28 Mar

Before class

  • Complete reading
  • WTL
  • ...

During class (ppt )

  • One-on-one meetings: 4:00-5:20
    • 4:00-4:20 = Kelly O'K
    • 4:20-4:40 = Josh H.
    • 4:40-5:00 = Jeff S.
    • 5:00-5:20 
  • Help with spreadsheets, graphs, and quantitative things: 5:20-6:00
  • Help with interviews, student writing, and qualitative things: 6:00-6:40
  • Help with ePortfolio: 6:40-7:00

After class

  • Reading
  • Assignments
    • WTL
    • ...

Session 11 - Monday, 4 Apr

Before class

  • Complete reading
  • WTL
  • ...

During class (ppt )

  • Help with interviews, student writing, and qualitative things: 4:00-4:40
  • One-on-one meetings: 4:40-6:00
    • 4:40-5:00 = J. Saliby
    • 5:00-5:20 = Trish W.
    • 5:20-5:40 = Jenn B.
    • 5:40-6:00 = Jonathan Z.
  • Help with spreadsheets, graphs, and quantitative things: 6:00-6:40
  • Help with ePortfolio: 6:40-7:00

After class

  • Reading
  • Assignments
    • WTL
    • ...

Session 12 - Monday, 11 Apr

Before class

  • Complete reading
  • WTL
  • ...

During class (ppt )

  • Housekeeping
    • ...
  • Action research presentations
    • Middle/Secondary: 4:00 - 6:00
      • Jenn B.
      • Carrie G.
      • Faith R.
      • Jenn I.
      • Jeff S.
      • Josh H.
    • Elementary: 6:00 - 7:00
      • Lisa C.
      • Jonathan Y.
      • Jen K.
  • Closure

After class

  • Reading
  • Assignments
    • WTL
    • ...

Session 13 - Monday, 18 Apr

Before class

  • Complete reading
  • WTL
  • ...

During class (ppt )

  • Housekeeping
    • ...
  • Action research presentations
    • Middle/Secondary - 4:00-6:00
      • Leo M.
      • Melissa M.
      • Nikki G.
      • Jonathan Z.
      • Trish W.
      • Julie E.
    • Elementary: 6:00 - 7:00
      • Lorenna P.
      • Hannah T.
  • Closure

After class

  • Reading
  • Assignments
    • WTL
    • ...

Session 14 - Monday, 25 Apr

Before class

  • Complete reading
  • WTL
  • ...

During class (ppt )

  • Housekeeping
    • ...
  • Action research presentations
    • Elementary 4:00 - 5:40
      • Christine S.
      • Quadir C.
      • Kelly O.
      • Brianne M.
      • Edann B.
    • Middle/Secondary 5:40 - 7:00
      • J. Schneider
      • J. Saliby
      • Corey T.
      • Alex W.
  • Closure

After class

  • Reading
  • Assignments
    • WTL
    • ...

...go back to top?
