SPED - TLT 404, Summer 2012 - Course record

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 Session 1 - Tuesday, 22 May

Before class

  • If you can, get into CourseSite and poke around

During class (ppt)

  • Brief introductions
  • Going through the first part of the syllabus
  • Online resources for you to use
  • Frameworks / metaphors for the course 
    • Hands up demo
    • Metaphors to work by: Teacher as collaborator, communicator, student
  • Going through second half of syllabus: Assignments we'll be doing
  • Matching game
  • Discuss Self-in-Context assignment
  • Closure

After class

  • Reading
  • Assignments
    • Start your WTL thread (and update your profile with a current pic)
    • Bring in an artifact for your personal sharing. (For example, I’m posting a URL to my flickr feed)
    • Start working on Self-in-Context assignment

 Session 2 Thursday, 24 May

Before class

  • Work on Self-in-Context assignment
  • Do reading, etc.
  • Bring in artifact to share about yourself

During class (ppt)

  • Sharing personal artifacts
  • Identity
    • Monopolar or multipolar
    • Multiple dimensions of identity
    • Challenges to the model: Current experiences and culture? 
      • (Exploring culture: How typical are WEIRD people? What are the implications for us?)
    • Culture
    • Culture & Identity in context
      • "SooLing" discussion
      • Cultural identity development model(s) 
    • Privilege & oppression
      • "Knapsack" lit
  • Closure
    • Self-in-Context
    • Field placement for experience & paper

After class

  • Reading
  • Assignments 
    • WTL
    • Complete and turn in Self-in-Context assignment
    • Start working on field experience
    • Explore options for Family & School Interview project

 Session 3 Tuesday, 29 May

Before class

  • Complete reading
  • Complete and turn in Self-in-Context assignment
  • Work on field experience, Family & School Interview options

During class (ppt)

  • Housekeeping
  • Conceptual work
    • Families – models, history
    • Family - school paradigms, collaborative practices
  • Closure

After class

  • Reading
    • CHANGE: New reading assignment = Amatea Ch. 4, then Amatea, Ch. 3. Intentionally out of order!
  • Assignments 
    • WTL
    • Get to work on field experience and/or family & school interview project


 CANCELED, see revised course map for new sequence of topics, assignments, etc. Session 4 Thursday, 31 May

Before class

  • Complete reading

During class (ppt)

  • Housekeeping
  • Conceptual work
  • Closure

After class

  • Reading
  • Assignments 

 Session 5 Tuesday, 5 June

Before class

  • Complete the reading.
  • Work on either fieldwork or family & school interview project

During class (ppt)

  • Housekeeping – review course map revisions
  • Conceptual work: Families and communities
    • Opening activity: Selections from In My Room: Teenagers in Their Bedrooms.
    • Families: Life cycle theory, crisis/coping, resiliency
    • Community
      • Again, as with individuals and families, challenge of creating acceptable models, definitions. Typology, yes; functional clarity...not so much.
      • To ground this conversation in a reality: Southside Bethlehem. Let's do a modified KWL activity
        • Establishing the frame: What geographic area are we talking about?
        • K: Write down 5 facts that you know about SSB. For each: How do you know this? Personal experience? Hearsay? Something you read or saw on TV?
        • W: Write down 3 things you want to know about SSB. For each, write down a possible source.
        • Investigation phase
          • Share your Ks and Ws at your table. Can you help one another out in filling in gaps of knowledge? Thinking about resources? Do you have any conflicting knowledge?
          • Turning to (social) media: Without overtly focusing on your 3 "want to know" items, use the following tools to learn more about SSB. Feel free to divide up the labor at your table, or just do a free-for-all. We'll start with a demo with this YouTube clip from April, 2012.
        • Discussion at your table: What did you learn about SSB? What sorts of information did different media channels tend to offer? Try to focus your discussion on funds of knowledge – what funds of knowledge were presented in the organized media? Social media? What funds of knowledge do you think exist within SSB that the organized media might not report? That the university might not know about? 
      • L: Class-wide discussion of what we learned, what we would need to do to investigate further. 
    • Putting the exploration of the Southside into a larger context
      • Research perspectives vs. parent perspectives
      • Schools' community action efforts to support schools and/or support families
      • Support families: Deficit-based approach and/or asset-based approach
      • Real-world examples
        • Broughal as a community school
        • Asset map of Easton
        • Harlem Children's Zone
  • Closure
    • Plug for two sources that certainly push my thinking about community, families, and education
      • The documentary Born Into Brothels– VERY uncomfortable to watch, lots of ambiguity to deal with, definitely worth thinking about. The FML Media Center has a copy.
      • The writing of Ta-Nehisi Coates. I read his blog; you could also consult his memoir (The Beautiful Struggle). Here's an interview he did on NPR about his memoir.
    • Building up your own employability: See the questions on p. 193 – GREAT material for interviews during the "Do you have any questions for us?" stage.

After class

  • Reading
    • Amatea, Ch. 5 (more on families), Ch. 7 (communities)
    • Follow up on one or more community investigations – perhaps something from our activity about the Southside, or some articles about the Harlem Children's Zone, or anything else mentioned in class. (I also posted a reading in CourseSite mentioned in the book: Berg, Melaville, & Blank, 2006: Community & Family Eengagement: Principals Share What Works)
  • Assignments 
    • WTL
    • Work on field experience and/or family & school interview project

 Session 6 Thursday, 7 June

Before class

  • Complete readings
  • WTL
  • Work on field experience and/or family & school interview

During class (ppt)

After class

  • Reading
    • Amatea, Ch. 6
    • Harry & Klingner, 2006, Ch. 5 (in CourseSite)
    • Follow up on at least one additional resource mentioned in class tonight: e.g., Blanchette, 2006 (or just watch more KPop and marvel at the plasticity of culture!)
  • Assignments
    • WTL
    • Work on field experience and/or family & school interview

 Session 7 Tuesday, 12 June

Before class

  • Complete reading
  • WTL
  • Work on field experience and/or family & school interview project

During class (ppt)

  • Housekeeping
  • Conceptual work
    • Opening anecdote: Classism and a car alarm
    • Class in America
      • Class inventory activity
      • Sharing experiences of class, class-conciousness
        • Self-disclosure: My middle name is (was) a car
      • Playing mother-may-I with American household income
        • 1979-2003, then we'll go back and do
        • 1947-1979
      • Example of class as the Forbidden Subject: American History as...
        • A vision of progress
        • A history of competing social classes
      • Considering that most of us are (or grew up in) middle class / affluence, and that many students come from less economically advantaged backgrounds, how do we prepare to teach them? Well, here's a handy Framework for Understanding Poverty
    • I have an agenda to sell you
      • Ruby Payne and Understanding Poverty
      • E.D. Hirsch and cultural literacy.
      • Ron Clark and...whatever label you want to apply to it. Sub-components
      • And to be fair: James A. Banks and multicultural education.
  • Closure

After class

  • Reading
  • Assignments 
    • WTL
    • Work on field experience and/or family & school interview
    • Fiddle around with the portfolio system – we'll do a little exploring next Thursday, and you'll get more out of it if you've already seen the inside of it.

 Session 8 Thursday, 14 June

Before class

  • Complete reading

During class (ppt)

  • Housekeeping
  • Conceptual work
    • Guest speaker: Maryann Kearns, 28-year teacher & counselor
    • Initial look at the portfolio system
  • Closure

After class

  • Reading: Amatea, Ch. 14
  • Assignments 
    • WTL
    • COMPLETE either field exp or family / school interview proj

 Session 9 Tuesday, 19 June

Before class

  • Complete reading, do assigns

During class (ppt)

  • Housekeeping: Plan B for Family & School Interview project = Neighborhood Walk assignment (to be discussed at end of class)
  • Conceptual work: Culture & acculturation
  • Closure: Nexus of race, culture, and education currently colliding
  • Discussion of Plan B: Community walk. Here's the draft of the assignment.

After class

  • Reading
    • Amatea, Ch. 9 & 10
    • Follow up on at least one linked resource from tonight's session
  • Assignments 
    • WTL
    • Complete either family / school interview project or field experience.

 Session 10 Thursday, 21 June

Before class

  • Complete reading

During class (ppt)

  • Housekeeping: Next Tuesday = lab time, but I do want you to fill out an online eval / feedback form. Next Thursday = presenting your teacher resource assignments. 
  • Guest speakers: Carole Schachter & co.
  • Closure

After class

  • Reading
    • Gonzalez, 1995
    • Amatea, Ch. 11 & 13 (for background)
  • Assignments
    • WTL
    • Work on final assignments! 

 Session 11 

Before class

  • Complete reading
  • WTL
  • Work on outstanding assignments (e.g., fieldwork paper, family & school interview, teacher resource, self-in-context, revisited)

During class (ppt)

  • Come in if you need help on any assignments (e.g., teacher resource) or need help with your portfolio. If you'd prefer to Skype in for something, feel free to ring me.
  • Please complete the following survey. In total, don't spend more than an hour on this (unless you want to); I just want to get your feedback about the class and also tap into your knowledge about how a diversity class can run. Many of you (all of you?) have had other experiences that my course design could benefit from, you've all had important experiences and insights; please share so I can build upon what we've done together this summer when I prepare the fall version of the course. Thanks!
  • Portfolio work
    • Remember that initial certification students MUST post two assignments to their portfolios by the end of the summer session (i.e., July 5th or whatever): Family & school interview and teacher resource.
    • If you need to make any edits/improvements to your work (whether to correct typos, add more detail/clarification, fully blind your writing, whatever), please do so before posting. Obviously, you want your posted work to show you at your best; don't leave in any mistakes or sloppiness that I managed to catch for you.
    • Please also share your portfolio URL with the class – go to the portfolio list (available in CourseSite or here) and provide the URL where we can view your stuff. Don't forget to share your URL ending in view.php?id=1234 (or whatever number), not the one that just ends in view.php. The latter everyone can see; the former only you can see. If this makes no sense to you...please consider coming in to class this evening. It's a quick fix, but makes much more sense in person.

After class

  • Reading = none
  • Assignments: Keep working on any outstanding assignments! Ex: Fieldwork paper, family & school interview, teacher resource, self-in-context revisited

 Session 12 Thursday, 28 June

Before class

  • Complete reading

During class (ppt)

  • Housekeeping
  • Conceptual work
  • Closure

After class

  • Reading
  • Assignments 


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