Feedback - We Hear You

Thank you for your responses in the Connect Lehigh Feedback card.  Here we will keep you apprised of what we are doing in response to your feedback as well as share with you feedback from others.  We understand that this system is new and very different and may cause some frustration.  We respectively ask for your patience and for your feedback to be professional, considerate and constructive.  

CategoryWhat you saidOur Response
General CommentsMake the cards adjustable in size and space that they take up.We agree!  Unfortunately, the platform Connect Lehigh is built on does not currently offer this feature.  We have reached out to the vendor and requested they add this feature.  If they provide it, we will make it available to you as soon as we can!
General CommentsThere are too many cards and I don't have any use for most of them. Some general cards that are useful to many people are added to your page by default.  You can remove any card that is not locked by unselecting the bookmark flag in the upper right of the card.  
General CommentsWhy are the cards locked on the top of the page? They take up important real estate and I don't want them.  Certain cards are locked at the top of the page because they are deemed important and relevant to most users, specifically cards related to Banner Self-Service where you can see/edit your own personal records.  We are transitioning from Banner 8 (SSB8) to Banner 9 (SSB9) and it is important that users know where to go and how to navigate in the SSB9 system, as it is unlike the SSB8 old system which will be retired by the end of 2023.  
General CommentsSome of the cards are ugly and not functional.  They are just links to other things or reformatted HTML to the same web pages.  Agreed.  At present there are some technical limitations that we hope to have resolved in future releases.  We plan to have future releases where some of these cards will be replaced by new cards that are more functional in nature.  So at the present time for version 1.0, we tried to compromise with the need to have certain content and info available/accessible.  
General CommentsNeed training!We are working to make additional training available to users.
Connect SpecificWhere is Time Clock Plus?Time Clock Plus is located in the Employee Links card under the Employee Links section. 
Connect SpecificThe old Connect links were so much more concise and easy to locate.  I want that type of easy access.This version of Connect Lehigh is intended to do much more than just provide a list of links of a few popular sites.  All of the links that were found under the old Connect can be found under the specific card for you role (i.e Employee Links, Student Links, Faculty Links).  If your preference is just a simple list then use the Web Links card where you can add any links that you want for easy, quick access. 

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