

Argos is an application (owned by Evisions) used to create operational reports or dashboards that connect to the Banner database and other data sources. Report Viewers have the ability to export out data into Excel, PDF, CSV, RTF, and other TXT formats or receive scheduled reports in your inbox. Some departments across campus have designated report writers/developers that are granted the Report Writer or DataBlock Designer roles to create their own reports/dashboards for departmental use.


 Getting Started Guide

*The training video and Report Viewer Guide PDF were created by Evisions.

Argos Features

Argos Interactive Charts

 How to Get Access

Please submit a Jira request for the Information Specialists team by selecting Enterprise Software Request > choose Argos as the product area. Be sure to include details on the type of access you are looking for.

Once you have access, make sure you log in with your Lehigh network login (username only), eg. abc123. DO NOT include your full Lehigh email address, as it will cause issues with any dashboards that have additional security built-in on the backend.

 Advanced Training and Guides

Additional Training Videos for Report Writers and DataBlock Designers:

  1. Report Writer Training
  2. DataBlock Designer Training
  3. Advanced Training

*The training videos and PDF guides were created by Evisions.

Argos In-Product Help Link - Evisions help website where there is help on the web viewer, release documentation, links to the training videos, knowledge base, and Argos community.

Web URLs

Production (version 6.9.1)https://maps-prod.ec.lehigh.edu/
Development (version 6.9.1)https://maps-dev2.ec.lehigh.edu/
Test (version 6.9.1)https://maps-dev.ec.lehigh.edu/
DAR - Production (version 6.0)https://maps-prod2.ec.lehigh.edu/
You need to be on the Lehigh's network (or VPN) to connect to these instances.

Who to Contact

Ana Quiroz - acq217@lehigh.edu 

Lisa Werley - law523@lehigh.edu 

Jeff Nass - jmn320@lehigh.edu

Erica Gluszynski - ead215@lehigh.edu

Submit a Request

You can submit a Jira request for the Information Specialists team by selecting Enterprise Software Request > choose Argos as the product area. 

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