Common Matching in Banner

Common Matching in Banner


Banner’s common matching can be used during person data entry (*PAIDEN forms) to detect and avoid duplication of individuals in the system (i.e. duplicate LINs).  Automated common matching will be used for the implementation of EPAFs. With the associated process (“Online Matching Process Enabled”) turned on, manual data entry will be redirected to a form called GOAMTCH to enforce this check for users attempting to add new people records. This document covers the steps required to create a new (“GENERATED”) identity with GOAMTCH incorporated into the process.

Scope and Pre-requisites

The following steps (Section Data Entry Steps) apply to person data entry from any of the *PAIDEN forms (ex. PPAIDEN or SPAIDEN).  Users must have the appropriate access in their Banner Security Class(es) to allow GOAMTCH access. 

Banner Security Classes with maintenance access to *PAIDEN form(s) should already have access to GOAMTCH for common matching.

Without proper access, the following error will be reported:

If you encounter this error, please contact LTS Enterprise Systems by e-mail or Jira ticket.

Data Entry Steps

  1. From the *PAIDEN form in Banner (SPAIDEN used here only as an example), begin entry of GENERATED ID:

  2. Press the + button to force GENERATED:

  3. Observe automatic redirection to the GOAMTCH common matching form:
  4. In the Matching Source field, select PERSON_MATCH (using ):

    Results should be:

  5. Click on Go.
  6. On the full GOAMTCH form, enter as much unique information as you can (Last Name, First Name, SSN, etc.), and as many additional values as you wish to. 


    The data entered here will eventually be used to potentially update or create a person in Banner, so you shouldn’t need to RE-enter down the line.

    Then click Duplicate Check:

  7. Match(es) will be reported at the bottom of the form:

    If no exact or partial match is found by common matching:

    Clicking Yes will save all the entered information from GOAMTCH as a new person, and generate a LIN.  User will be redirected to the original *PAIDEN form.
  8. If match(es) are found, GOAMTCH offers 3 main options:

    Select ID
    This option will acknowledge the person being entered is a duplicate of an existing ID in Banner, and will redirect to the *PAIDEN form with the associated LIN:

    No new person/identity is created.

    Update ID
    This option will attempt to directly update the selected match row with the information entered above on GOAMTCH.  I.e. Update an existing ID in Banner.

    Create New
    This option ignores the common matching results, and forces a new ID creation, potentially creating a duplicate LIN.  All the information entered will be saved along with a newly generated LIN.

  9. Once the above steps are completed, common matching integration is complete, and process flow should return to expected/normal steps.

Table of Contents

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