HPC Symposium 2021

The Research Computing Steering Committee invites you to a half-day symposium on Jan 28th to celebrate the launch of Hawk, Lehigh's newest supercomputer funded by the National Science Foundation, for research, education, and outreach.

The symposium will provide an overview of Hawk, with details about how to access the new cluster, upcoming events organized by Research computing and LTS, and future plans. We will also have a panel discussion on the vision for HPC at Lehigh with Provost Nathan Urban, and Deans Bob Flowers, and Steve DeWeerth. Finally, we will have three invited talks spanning the different colleges to showcase a sampling of crosscutting computational research on campus that requires large scale computing that Hawk will now further enable.

Please register here to receive a zoom link. 

1:00 - 1:15Welcome
1:15- 1:30Overview of Sol and Hawk
1:30 - 2:00Huaiqian You, An Asymptotically Compatible Treatment for Traction Loading in Peridynamic Fracture, Yu Lab, Department of Mathematics
2:00 - 2:30Yeol Kyo Choi, CHARMM-GUI Polymer Builder for Modeling and Simulation of Synthetic Polymers, Im Lab, Department of Biological Sciences
2:30 - 3:00Account & Allocations
3:00 - 4:00Lehigh Leadership's vision for HPC
4:00 - 4:30Christopher Rzepa, Towards Data-Driven Structure-Property Relations for Predicting Adsorption Entropy in Siliceous Zeolites, Rangarajan Lab, Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
4:30 - 5:00New Features on Sol & Hawk, Upcoming Events, Future Plans
5:00 - 5:30Open Session, Q & A

Research Computing Steering Committee



Wonpil Im (co-chair)College of Arts & Sciences
Ed Webb (co-chair)Rossin College of Engineering & Applied Sciences
Ganesh BalasubramanianRossin College of Engineering & Applied Sciences
Brian ChenRossin College of Engineering & Applied Sciences
Ben FelzerCollege of Arts & Sciences
Lisa FredinCollege of Arts & Sciences
Srinivas RangarajanRossin College of Engineering & Applied Sciences
Rosi ReedCollege of Arts & Sciences
Seth Richards-ShubikCollege of Business
Yue YuCollege of Arts & Sciences
Alex PachecoLibrary & Technology Services

College of Health

College of Education

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