Google Assignments doesn’t currently have a peer review tool. However, you can create a peer review workflow by:
- Ask your students to start their assignments in Google Docs.
- Tell students to share their files with their peer reviewers.
- The peer reviewer leaves margin comments and suggestions in the Doc.
- Students then turn in their Google assignments, leaving their peers' comments and suggestions visible.
- Grade the assignments. Optionally, you can record a separate peer reviewer grade in a parallel gradebook column in your learning management system.
Additional Tools:
Course Site has a tool called Workshop (4.1 Moodle Documentation). Workshop allows for anonymity and a workflow with specific rubrics. A grade must be associated with student feedback. This means that you must evaluate the quality and assign a grade to how well the students evaluated their peers. If you want a less formal process, Google Assignments is recommended.
Turnitin has a tool called PeerMark (Vendor Documentation).