In an online environment, instructors have multiple ways of sharing course materials with students, but the simplest approach is to upload documents, create links to web resources in Course Site, or create a Perusall assignment.
Upload course materials, content, or add links, or create a Perusall assignment.
Create direct links to Lehigh library resources(journals, databases, E-books, etc) or point students to https://library.lehigh.edu
If you cannot find digital materials, you can scan using a smart phone using Adobe Scan or JotNote.
When campus is open, scanners are available at the Fairchild-Martindale Library behind the Help Desk.
When you have finished, post your syllabus online, under the Announcements link at the top of your Course Site main page.
CITL Resources:
Syllabus Template - a Google Document (downloadable as a Word document) that provides guidance to instructors who are developing syllabi
Syllabus Planning: 10 Questions - questions to consider when planning or revising a syllabus