Please refer to this document: Academic Integrity for Course Site Quizzes
Think beyond the exam. There are many ways to assess student learning: | ||
case write ups computer case simulations online interactive testing faculty feedback during task performance | formal presentations of cases formalized faculty observations journaling laboratory report | multiple choice examinations observation of skills oral exams one-minute essay |
presentations procedure logs reading quiz self-reflection | short essays or reports simulations video projects/digital storytelling written exams | papers peer feedback and evaluation performance checklists portfolio |
Eliminate high stakes exams -- consider using multiple, short assessments
Implement more project-based deliverables to replace high stakes exams
Replace multiple choice questions with short answer or essay
Randomize the order of the questions and the order of the answers within a question, and if appropriate, generate different values for variables
Use multiple types of assessments, e.g. short quizzes, forums, polling, papers, group activities
Utilize the services of plagiarism checker software like Turnitin for short answer or essay questions, or perhaps even forum postings
Consider a brief evaluation of student knowledge to be used as a baseline prior to introducing a specific topic
Questions should be directly related to learning objectives | Focus questions on what you most want people to know at the end of course. Avoid testing trivial topics. |
Questions should assess knowledge or skill | Focus on content. Write questions clearly with correct grammar and spelling. Consider the reading level. |
Incorrect choices must be plausible | Good multiple choice questions have realistic incorrect answer choices. Avoid giveaway choices |
Use Question Words | Begin question stems or phrases with a question word. Examples: Correct: How often does a student need to attend to get a good grade? Correct: If a student has a concern, what is the first step in addressing his/ her concern? Incorrect: Select two (2) features of… |
Objectives Drive Questions | A question should reflect the objective. If an objective involves problem-solving, then test question should involve problem-solving. For example, a problem-solving question might provide a scenario. |
Avoid Negatives in Stem | Phrase the question stem in the positive. Examples: Correct: A student has not been given correct information. What could you do to address the problem? Incorrect: When writing good questions, which of the following is NOT important? |
Use Scenarios to assess higher-order thinking | Ex- Correct: Given the scenario shown, which solution represents the best method for preventing patient falls? |
Limit number of answer choices | Use consistent number of answer choices. Limit to 3 or 4. Do not create questions in which all answers are correct |
Use plausible distracters | Distracters should not include give away answer Distracters should be plausible Identify common misconceptions or errors |
Design Evaluation | |
Create test questions that align with your stated objectives and test the level of comprehension desired. | Multiple choice questions: test knowledge, comprehension, application, and analysis. They are limited because they can be less valid due to guessing and poor distracters True/False questions: are easy to score and quick to complete for the learner. Because there is a 50% chance of selecting the correct answer, they are not as valid as other forms of assessment. Short answer and matching questions: Save space and test information similar to multiple-choice, but may take longer to score. Essays: Test higher level skills and give insight into learner’s understanding. Essays test only focus on a few concepts, and take longer to complete and score. |
Please write questions that correspond with each of your learning objectives. At least 10 questions will be pulled from a “test bank” to ensure each learner has a unique test. The more questions you write for the “test bank”, the greater the variety will be between tests and the more difficult it will be for users to cheat.
Consider writing your test questions in the form of a scenario. Placing the content into a real world context will test your students on how they will be able to apply the information.
You may write your test questions in the following formats:
Most of the recommendations above will benefit F2F classes and could be implemented for various modes of course delivery.