Yes. The majority of mobile devices can be configured to access either Lehigh's secure wireless network or one of our others.
When I try to connect to Lehigh's wireless network, I am prompted for a username, password, or key. What do I enter?
Lehigh's secure wireless network (SSID = 'lehigh') requires you to enter your Lehigh username and password.
Are on-campus students permitted to run their own wireless routers or access points in their rooms?
Sometimes. Depending on the type of console, it may be able be joined to the LUNA network for such devices.
What is the difference between the 'lehigh' and 'lehigh-guest' wireless networks?
My wireless connection on campus is very slow.
Check the network speed troubleshooting guide. If this does not resolve your problem, report your location, the date and time of your issue, and your finding from troubleshooting at lehigh.edu/help
We are inviting a vendor or guest to campus and we need them to have fast wireless. Who should we contact?
Read about our wireless access for guests. If the vendor or guest is an eduroam user, they can use eduroam at Lehigh. Otherwise, complete a special account request at least a day before their arrival.