Welcome to Lehigh!
Gmail is Lehigh's official email system, and part of the entire G Suite package. Below are the instructions with sample screenshots to help you activate your LU Gmail account.
Step 1. Navigate to Google Workspace https://g.lehigh.edu and Click on the 'Mail' option.
Step 2. Enter your Lehigh University email address
Step 3. Log in with your Lehigh University credentials.
Step 4. Answer the Duo 2-Factor Authentication prompt on your mobile device. (Below is a sample prompt)
Step 5. Click on “I Understand” to the terms and conditions page.
Step 6. Click on “Get Started” to go through a few small tips to help you navigate Gmail.
Step 7. See how to start a chat from the toolbar
Step 8. See how to start and join video calls from the toolbar
Final Step 9. See your Gmail window and get started (This is a sample mailbox, your mailbox will have different information)
Tip |
Your Gmail Account setup is now complete! |
Below are a few confluence articles to walk you through setting your Gmail account up on your phone.
Alias setup - If you want to setup a human readable alias email, please see requirements and steps Email Aliases - LTS Knowledge Base - Lehigh Confluence
We're here to help! Should you have any questions or trouble setting your Gmail account up, please do not hesitate to contact our Library and Technology Services Help Desk at (610)758-4357 for assistance.
Remaining steps after the deposit is paid and you receive confirmation from admissions that your email account has been provisionedactivating your Gmail account:
Hawkwatch Alerts Enrollment - Lehigh University’s official personal safety mobile app for important alerts and more.
General Computing Account Usage - How to get your LIN, use Banner self-service, sign up for LU password manager Keeper and more.