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Product Offered

“Creative Cloud All Apps - 100GB”


Library and Technology Services (LTS) provides, supports and administers subscription licenses for the “Creative Cloud All Apps 50GB” product. These licenses above-listed product offerings. These Named User Licenses (NUL) are assigned to a Lehigh user accounts and can move with users to different computers, as well as be reassigned to others after staffing changes (no more serial numbers). Users can account, and are usable by the user on any device where the software is installed. For groups of users, such as a department, their licenses can be reassigned to other users to reflect need or staffing changes, licenses are not permanent to a specific user. Users may activate their assigned license on up to two computers at any one time, and subsequent activations do provide an easy prompt to deactivate previous computers there is no need to go back and deactivate (no more lost licenses). All subscriptions through LTS are synchronized with its annual purchasing agreement, which runs from August of the current year through August of the following year. Renewals and new subscriptions in August are for the entire year (12 month) period. License availability after August are subject to availability as LTS must purchase its stock in multiples of fifty licenses. In most cases there will be licenses available, but it difficult to guarantee availability.
