Full year (12 mo) pricing at the beginning of the period in August 2019 was $170/user which included an additional 10% discount from Adobe for joining their new volume purchase program. Until the next renewal period begins July 10, 2020 we will be unable to give pricing for next year, however it is a fairly safe bet that it will not be less than the original, before-discount $190/user from 2019. For comparison, paying directly to Adobe for the same subscription will cost your department $29.99 user/mo x 12 mo = $359.88 user/year + PA Sales Tax.
As of Sunday, March 22, 2020 there are approximately 20 licenses remaining at a prorated cost of $80/user and valid until renewal in August 2020.
Departmental acquisitions of any quantity will need to provide the following information before licenses are assigned to your staff, faculty (and/or students):
Creative Cloud License Provider Change from Adobe (Personal (w/Adobe) to LTS (Enterprise (w/LTS)