There are a number of things that happen when you leave Lehigh. You return your keys to the Ideal office, your parking permit expires, cash out your dining dollars, return any library books. After all that happens, Lehigh will start closing down your online access and purging your accounts.
If you have files or email messages that you need or would like to retain, you must copy or download them to disk or to another account prior to the closing date. If you have shared files within Google Drive, please transfer ownership of the files to one of the accounts with which the files are shared.
Once your account is closed, you will not be able to access services that require Lehigh University credentials, such as Lehigh Google email and apps, Lehigh Office 365 subscription, Lehigh OneDrive, Campus Portal, Course Site, library resources, LAN space, secure wireless, VPN, public site computers, and web space.