There are a variety of roles available for use within Course Site. The roles most commonly assigned to individuals by instructors in courses include TA (teaching assistant), Grader, and Visitor. For a quick overview and easy-to-understand chart showing the available roles and their permissions, please see Course Site Roles and Permissions Explained.
Please note: All academic Course Site courses are fed faculty and student enrollment information from Banner as soon as the registration/assignment has been entered into Banner.
To add a user and assign them a role (e.g. TA, Grader, Visitor) in your course, first log into Course Site and navigate to the course in which you want to enroll them.
Click the Enroll users button.
This page will also display other potentially useful information about enrolled users. The Last access to course column will show the last time accessed the course. |
The Enroll users pop-up window will appear (pictured below). Use the Assign roles drop-down menu to choose the correct role.
You will only see roles for which you have permission to grant. If you do not select a role, the person will simply be enrolled in the course and show up in the list of users but unable to interact with the course in any capacity due to the lack of an assigned role. |