
Banner is the integrated information system (ERP) used by Lehigh to support business processes. The Banner system manages student information, accounts receivable, financial aid, alumni/advancement, finance, and human resources. Banner may be accessed using Banner Admin (also known as Application Navigator or AppNav) or Self-Service Banner (SSB).

  • Application Navigator is used for day-to-day business processing and data entry through web-based forms. Individuals whose job requires access to view or edit Banner data will receive access to the forms necessary to perform their job functions (primarily administrative staff and faculty). Training is required prior to being given access to the forms.
  • Self-Service Banner (SSB) is accessible via Connect Lehigh to students, faculty, advisors, and staff to access personalized and online university services.

Development, maintenance and administration of the Banner information system is the responsibility of Enterprise Systems within Library and Technology Services (LTS). 


Banner Navigation - Quick Reference Guide.pdf

Banner Admin Keyboard Shortcuts - Quick Reference Guide.pdf

Banner Page Name Conventions - Quick Reference Guide.pdf

Requesting Access to Banner

Who to Contact

LTS Enterprise Systems

Submit a Request

You can submit a Jira request for the Information Specialists team by selecting Enterprise Software Help > choose the product area that makes the most sense for your request.