Banner is the integrated information system (ERP) used by Lehigh to support business processes. The Banner system manages student information, accounts receivable, financial aid, alumni/advancement, finance, and human resources. Banner may be accessed using Banner Admin (also known as Application Navigator or AppNav) or Self-Service Banner (SSB).
Development, maintenance and administration of the Banner information system is the responsibility of Enterprise Systems within Library and Technology Services (LTS).
Banner Navigation - Quick Reference Guide.pdf |
Banner Admin | |
Self-Service Banner 8 | |
Self-Service Banner 9 | |
Self-Service Banner 9 | |
Self-Service Banner 9 | |
Self-Service Banner 9 | |
LTS Enterprise Systems
You can submit a Jira request for the Information Specialists team by selecting Enterprise Software Help > choose the product area that makes the most sense for your request.