Requesting Access to Banner
Supervisors within the University should follow the steps below to initiate the creation of a Banner account and/or addition of security classes (“classes”) or database roles (“roles”) for faculty, staff, student employees, and vendors.
Those with access to Banner are considered Data Users as part of Lehigh’s Data Management Roles. All data users must understand that data security is every user’s responsibility. Please refer to the Acceptable Use Policy for more information.
- The supervisor must initiate the request on behalf of the user to the Security Coordinator through or a Jira Enterprise Software Help Request.
- The request for Banner access must include:
- User ID
- Name
- Department
- Title
- Campus Address
- Rationale for access request (explain why access is needed)
- List of Security Classes to be assigned
- List of Database Roles to be assigned, if applicable
- Banner instance names (ex. ECPROD, ECPPRD, ECTEST, or ECTRNG)
- SIDE NOTE: ECRPTP is a snapshot of ECPROD from the day before - any changes made to ECPROD will be reflected in ECRPTP the next day
- Argos Dashboards - if an employee needs access to any Argos Dashboards, include the folders the user needs access to. The Security Coordinator will request the appropriate approvals and assign the Active Directory groups for access.
- Banner Finance - if an employee needs access to the Banner Finance module, Desktop Finance, or Argos Dashboards for Finance, the supervisor must fill out the Finance access request form and email it to the Controller’s Office.
- A copy of the request form with a request to create an Oracle account for the user will be forwarded to the Security Coordinator, who will then set up the Oracle account and fund/org security in Banner.
- The request for Banner access must include:
- The Security Coordinator will work with the appropriate Data Steward or Data Manager to obtain the appropriate approvals for the classes and roles.
- Supervisors must request initial Banner training with Enterprise Systems by creating a Jira request for Banner Access/Training. Banner training will cover logging in and basic navigation. More in-depth, job-specific training is typically provided within the employee’s department.
- If applicable, the person will also receive an Oracle account and password, sent via email from the account, using a secure link.
- The new employee will need to successfully complete the appropriate training and sign the security statement (FERPA) within 1 month of beginning their employment at the University.
Subsequent requests for additional Banner access for current Banner users will require the same process of the supervisor submitting the request, the Security Coordinator seeking approvals from the appropriate Data Steward/Data Manager, and then the access being granted.
To arrange for Banner accounts for temporary data entry employees, the supervisor must first request an email address through the special computing account request form here: and select Temporary Visitor", then steps 1 through 3 must be followed. All temporary data entry personnel must have their own unique Banner ID and password. Supervisors must notify the Security office when each temporary employee’s assignment is finished so the account can be deactivated.
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