Instructional Design Recommendations
Eliminate high stakes exams -- consider using multiple, short assessments
Implement more project-based deliverables to replace high stakes exams
Replace multiple choice questions with short answer or essay
Randomize the order of the questions and the order of the answers within a question, and if appropriate, generate different values for variables
Use multiple types of assessments, e.g. short quizzes, forums, polling, papers, group activities
Utilize the services of plagiarism checker software like Turnitin for short answer or essay questions, or perhaps even forum postings
Utilize the services of either an online, like ProctorU, or face-to-face proctoring service
Have a clear Code of Conduct or academic integrity statement in the syllabus
Consider a brief evaluation of student knowledge to be used as a baseline prior to introducing a specific topic
Course Management Recommendations
- Create a large pool of questions
- Randomize questions and distractors
- Implement a time limit on each exam or quiz
- Include open-ended or essay questions
- Require students to submit quiz answers immediately and overnight any supporting work done on paper
- Consider grading student contributions to course forums (discussion boards)
- Call attention to the “Academic Integrity” block that is located on every course site at the beginning of the semester
- Be explicit about what behaviors are allowed and not allowed during an online activity, especially if they vary
Most of the recommendations above will benefit F2F classes and could be implemented for various modes of course delivery.