Minitab is available for Faculty/Staff at Lehigh to be installed on Lehigh Owned computers. The installers and License Files are located at
Download the Minitab installer
- Go to and login, locate the installer.
- You will select Download and (agree to the terms and conditions) and select Windows 10 installer (.exe file). Place it at a location you can easily access (for example - your Desktop)
- Repeat Step 2 and download the Minitab license file (.lic file) as well and place in the same location (your Desktop)
Install Minitab
- Locate the location of the Installer to start the installation process by clicking the installer.
- Click next until you get to the "How do you activate the software?" box.
- Click on the "Activate with a license" option
- Select the "File" option and locate the l.lic file you downloaded to your desktop
- Click 'Next" for the destination folder - and then the 'Install" button