Display Computing Account Information: The Display Computing Account page contains information regarding your LU computing account.This Display Computing Account Information is the page is where you can find your “LIN”. Your LIN will be asked of you for several different reasons while here at Lehigh. One example is when calling the Help Desk.
Connect.lehigh.edu (prev. Campus Portal) - LTS Knowledge Base - Lehigh Confluence
Keeper Password Manager Self-Enrollment - Keeper Password Manager is a cybersecurity tool for storing, managing, and sharing passwords and other sensitive information using a single master password. It uses encryption to prevent data breaches and other cyberattacks.
PLEASE START HERE BEFORE ENROLLING Keeper Security - Keeper Password Manager - LTS Knowledge Base - Lehigh Confluence
Go Links: The "Go Links" service offers shortened, custom, Lehigh URLs that are easy to remember and forward clients to any page you'd like. You can set up a Go link at go.lehigh.edu.