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Session 1 - Wednesday, 22 Jan


  • Re-visiting assessment...and I want to discuss that Reich, 2009 article a bit...
  • Talking about the instructional unit...which necessitates talking about writing objectives
  • Getting into geography education. Here are a few links that will be handy
    • I'll be referencing my "What's in a (State) Name?" activity – see it halfway down this page on computational thinking.  
    • Time permitting, I'll also be referencing a ppt that's in CourseSite, 'families and food.ppt'. Since it involves copyrighted images, I'm not putting it out here on the wiki. I'm taking materials from this book
    • If you like, download and install Google Earth:  --note that it can also run via a browser, but I think the client-side version gives you more options
    • Lehigh's ArcGIS Online server: --we'll be doing an activity in here.


  • More geography activities!
    • Sketchmaps: Pick TWO of the following and make a sketchmap – no more than 5 minutes each
      • Map of Mountaintop campus
      • Map of Southside Bethlehem
      • Map of the Lehigh Valley
      • Map of the United States
      • Map of the world
    • Types of maps – I posted a page of links; please explore each and identify what type of map you're seeing in each set. We will discuss at our next class meeting
    • Map projections – read this page that I created for TLT 368
  • Reading
    • Chapin, Ch. 8
    • Materials about writing objectives (see CourseSite for today's session)
    • optional: Alibrandi & Sarnoff, 2006 – I found this very influential in my thinking about what could/should be done with geospatial tools in a social studies class
  • Assignment: Complete and turn in unit overview

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  • Re-visiting assessment...and I want to discuss that Reich, 2009 article a bit...
  • Talking about the instructional unit...which necessitates talking about writing objectives
  • Getting into geography education. Here are a few links that will be handy
    • I'll be referencing my "What's in a (State) Name?" activity – see it halfway down this page on computational thinking.  
    • Time permitting, I'll also be referencing a ppt that's in CourseSite, 'families and food.ppt'. Since it involves copyrighted images, I'm not putting it out here on the wiki. I'm taking materials from this book
    • If you like, download and install Google Earth:  --note that it can also run via a browser, but I think the client-side version gives you more options
    • Lehigh's ArcGIS Online server: --we'll be doing an activity in here.


  • More geography activities!
    • Make something in Lehigh's ArcGIS Online account.
    • Sketchmaps: Pick TWO of the following and make a sketchmap – no more than 5 minutes each
      • Map of Mountaintop campus
      • Map of Southside Bethlehem
      • Map of the Lehigh Valley
      • Map of the United States
      • Map of the world
    • Types of maps – I posted a page of links; please explore each and identify what type of map you're seeing in each set. We will discuss at our next class meeting
    • Map projections – read this page that I created for TLT 368
  • Reading
    • Chapin, Ch. 8
    • Materials about writing objectives (see CourseSite for today's session)
    • optional: Alibrandi & Sarnoff, 2006 – I found this very influential in my thinking about what could/should be done with geospatial tools in a social studies class
  • Assignment: Complete and turn in unit overview


  • Read Chapin Ch. 9 – I'm going to have to do a more textbook-centered treatment of econ...
  • Read Econ standards in CourseSite folder
  • Work on instructional unit

Session 12 - Wednesday, April 15

Before class

  • Complete reading
  • Work on final assignments

During class (ppt)

  • Microteaching demo – You'll need these links
  • Discussion of economics
    • Economics & the curriculum & you
    • Economics as integration: Classic lesson topic = Great Depression. Here's a sample lesson from Social Ed, but there are lots of other ways to get at this. 
    • Economics as a representation / simplification / model. Examples: micro S & D, macro AS & AD. Competing policy implications of different models of AS & AD. I'm using ThinkEconomics here -- it's worth playing with & exploring. Bookmark it for later. 
    • Demo lessons
      • Play-Doh Economics, from Indiana's Council for Economic Ed. You can get the first edition online for free; the second edition you have to buy (Amazon).
        • Activity de-brief -- what was learned: concepts? Skills? Attitudes?
      • A market in wheat. This is a CLASSIC lesson. I first encountered it in the 'Morton' books for teaching AP Econ--it's also available in a CEE publication via Google Books: lessonentire book
        • Activity de-brief -- what was learned: concepts? Skills? Attitudes? Any citizenship development going on here? – can't do activity; not enough students
    • A critical stance on economics education (in the US, at least): where's the non-capitalism? Example of Islamic banking, etc. Related links
    • Opportunities to think critically & address citizenship/global citizenship:
  • Closure: Bringing together geography, economics, civics, and history:

After class

  • Read Econ PDFs in CourseSite (note authorship!)
  • Work on final assignments
  • Prep microteaching

Session 13 - Wednesday, April 22

Before class

  • Prep microteaching
  • Complete reading
  • Work on final assignments

During class

After class

  • Review accommodation / differentiation materials that we didn't get to
  • Finish final assignments!

Session 14 - Wednesday, April 29

Before class

  • Work on final assignments

During class

  • We will review / discuss differentiation-accommodation-inclusion materials from last week
  • Time permitting: Discussing your units

After class

  • Finish and turn in final assignments!